What does a TRUMP presidency look like?

Started by FunkMonk, November 08, 2016, 11:02:57 PM

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Quote from: Syt on Today at 02:36:03 AMNext G7 summit is set to be held in Canada in June. Trump said he'd like Putin to return and restore G8. I have a hard time believing the other countries would go along with it. Will Trump choose to not attend (or worse, send Vance)? Or will he show up and be a petulant child all the time? (My knee jerk reaction is to exclude Trump, but I also think the fallout would be even worse :P )

I mean, if Putin showed up, they'd have to arrest him for the ICC. :P


I don't recall foaming at the mouth.  I am pointing out that we have adopted a stance that is unpopular with the American people which Trump has skillfully exploited.  We maintain that stance through fear of ostracism, "canceling".  Because many people are afraid to speak up, we have the illusion of consensus.  I have expressed my view of "You can do what you want so long as you don't hurt anyone", but that is insufficient.  Anything less than a full throated endorsement is "foaming at the mouth".  
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


damn, remember the days when the US were part of the good guys? Seems like ages ago, and it's barely more than a month


Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on Today at 08:35:52 AMdamn, remember the days when the US were part of the good guys? Seems like ages ago, and it's barely more than a month

They were never necessarily the good guys, just the guys on your (our) side. Toppling governments, funding terrorists, and all that jazz. Now they're just doing it against your (our) side.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: Sophie Scholl on Today at 03:43:19 AM
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on Today at 01:08:14 AMTHE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE EVER

Whether somewhere, sometime in America, some women's volleyball team got a raw deal because Michelle on the other team was originally named Michael at birth.

Oh, how I wish myself and people like me were not a topic of debate or discussion at all. I would so, so, so happily fade into the shadows. :ph34r:

Yes. This is the problem really.
How many people have absolutely anything to do with trans people in their lives? How does it affect a random straight white working man that some people decided to transition?
Oh sure. It's not something I have absolutely anything to do with. The thought of even just wearing a dress for a joke... Nope. That's a no go for me. The rest of it? I can really see how it just seems completely weird and wrong to many who haven't took the time to understand people who are different to themselves.
And it's not like there's many trans people about. They're a tiny minority. Most people can count on their hands the amount of times they (knowingly) meet one.

So certain groups have quite wisely (but obviously evilly) decided this is a great issue to press. A true victimless crime as far as their target audience is concerned.
Lets take shots at trans people and go on about how they're all a bunch of evil paedophiles.
Such an easy con.

And whilst people are distracted with this witch hunt then the way is clear to destroy democracy, workers protections, heathcare, and all that other stuff that your typical white cis straight working man might find issue with if it had been the headline.

I've said before I believe Waltz was onto a great thing with his approach to this. Just group trans people into the broad category of to each their own, it doesn't affect me, and brand those absolutely obsessed with attacking trans people as simply weird. Don't we have actual issues to talk about?


Quote from: Razgovory on Today at 07:24:08 AMI don't recall foaming at the mouth.  I am pointing out that we have adopted a stance that is unpopular with the American people which Trump has skillfully exploited.  We maintain that stance through fear of ostracism, "canceling".  Because many people are afraid to speak up, we have the illusion of consensus.  I have expressed my view of "You can do what you want so long as you don't hurt anyone", but that is insufficient.  Anything less than a full throated endorsement is "foaming at the mouth". 

And I am pointing out that the stance on transgenderism is not "unpopular with the American people" because of something inherent in the American people, but because it is a Big Lie created by Trump and company, not just exploited by them. We allow the Big Lie to succeed through fear of ostracism, "canceling." Because many people are afraid to speak up, we have the illusion of the consensus that transgenderism is a problem... that little boys go to school one day and come home as little girls, to the astonishment of their parents.

I can understand why the concept of transgenderism is, for some folks, like the concept of menstruation is for others. They are not comfortable even thinking about it, let alone talking about it. But it is as natural as menstruation is, and we should work on helping others understand that fact.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


I disagree.  Transgenderism was not mainstream well prior to Trump, and he did not create gender affirming care for minors.  What he has done is use it, and other maximalist demands by the left, as a wedge issue.  Liberals are afraid of backing away from these stances because they are so heavily policed. To say Transgenderism is natural is both a logical fallacy,Argumentum ad Naturam, and false.  The idea behind Transgenderism is that gender is a social construct and not natural, so it can be changed.  So Transgenderism can't be natural, since it rejects a natural basis for gender altogether. It is a social movement.  It may be a good social movement, but it is not some law of biology.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: The Minsky Moment on Today at 01:08:14 AMThis is what a Trump presidency looks like.

The President and VP betray our allies, side with a brutal murderous dictatorship and in a matter of minutes irrevocably smash the entire alliance system meticulously built over decades and that successfully kept America secure since WW2.  A fearful and increasingly hostile world looks with suspicion on a chaotic American junta, whose policy to the extent it is coherent is driven by malign foreign influence.

A crazed billionaire whose dream is to leave planet earth and found a new dynasty on Mars is "reforming" Washington DC along the lines that the Vandals and Visigoths "reformed" the city of Rome.

The Congress is supine, its leadership falling over each other to breathlessly assert their abject loyalty to the Leader.  The Court is poised to aid and abet the dismantling of the Constitution it swore to defend. Once eradicated diseases sweep the land with epidemic force, while others even more dangerous evolve overseas. Planes fall from the sky and smash into each other. Violent criminals are freed with plans to deputize them to terrorize suspected migrants and put them into concentration camps.  Once independent US attorneys and federal law enforcement have been taken over by rapid far right talk show hosts.  Ever worsening hurricane seasons approach with monitoring and response agencies gutted.  Trump, Musk and family are busy stealing everything not nailed down.

But Trump has dangled his shiny object and so even the Languishites are busy chasing around discussing


Whether somewhere, sometime in America, some women's volleyball team got a raw deal because Michelle on the other team was originally named Michael at birth.
As I said previously, maybe none of these issues you listed above would've been relevant had we discussed the wedge issues openly, and thus had a more clear understanding of the political price we were paying for getting invested in them.  Or maybe we wouldn't have even gotten invested in them had we been able to discuss them openly, and realized how untenable they are.  Better learning the lessons late than never.


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


I guess what's going to be decided the next few years is whether Europe will remain/become and independent global player or becomes an (influence) battleground between the US, Russia and China.

Richard Hakluyt

Don't you ever criticise brave President Bonespurs  :lol:

Richard Hakluyt

Quote from: Tamas on Today at 02:22:33 PMI guess what's going to be decided the next few years is whether Europe will remain/become and independent global player or becomes an (influence) battleground between the US, Russia and China.

Depends whether we want to commit cultural suicide or not. Russia has roughly the same gdp as Italy, nothing prevents us from becoming an equivalent power to the US or China apart from a lack of will.


Quote from: Richard Hakluyt on Today at 02:27:06 PM
Quote from: Tamas on Today at 02:22:33 PMI guess what's going to be decided the next few years is whether Europe will remain/become and independent global player or becomes an (influence) battleground between the US, Russia and China.

Depends whether we want to commit cultural suicide or not. Russia has roughly the same gdp as Italy, nothing prevents us from becoming an equivalent power to the US or China apart from a lack of will.

And mutual antongonism between european countries.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.