General Category => Off the Record => Topic started by: merithyn on March 03, 2010, 09:14:53 AM

Title: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 03, 2010, 09:14:53 AM
I've registered to run the Champaign-Urbana Half Marathon on May 1, 2010.

Help! How do I get in shape to run 13.1 miles in eight weeks????  :hide:

Alci, you want a running buddy you can beat into shape quickly?? I need your boot-camp expertise.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Berkut on March 03, 2010, 09:22:59 AM
I am going to run the corporate challenge in Rochester this year. It is only a 5k though.

13 miles? Yeah, I don't think so.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 03, 2010, 09:25:35 AM
I fully expect to fall flat on my face, but damnit I'm going to give it a shot.

Max reminded me of the 5k I walked shortly after he moved to the States. At the time, I'd been walking on a cane for nearly a year due to severe problems with my hips. I managed the 5k fairly well and haven't used a cane since around that time.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: lustindarkness on March 03, 2010, 09:37:22 AM
My 2 cents:
First, you don't have to "run" it, you can always walk it.
Second, if you decide to "run" it a run/walk would be the best option.
Third, you have only 8 weeks? Get off languish and go for a walk!
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 03, 2010, 09:41:17 AM
Waiting for the store to open so that I can go get a pair of good running shoes. My old New Balances are three years old, so not the best on my poor hips and knees for this kind of attempt.

I'm trying to come up with a decent training schedule. Help?
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: lustindarkness on March 03, 2010, 10:18:32 AM
Best first step you can take, need some good shoes.

Training plans? There are many out there, I had good luck with, they have a good beginners section and plenty of good info. Berry is doing a run/walk I think, usually the best way to do it. Lets see what she responds.
You start with a longer walk to run ratio, and work your way up. I think I started with like 1:1 minutes walk:run and built up to the marathon with 11 minute mile run: 1 minute walk. So I walked for a minute every mile marker (except mile 25-26, I missed the marker and felt good so kept on going).

Now, if I could motivate myself to get back into it.  :blush:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 03, 2010, 11:53:04 AM
Just went for my first "run". I did six minutes 1:1, then six minutes walking, then six minutes 1:1. I'll do the same thing this evening before dinner. I know it's piddly, but it's a step in the right direction.

I am amazed at just how much more I weighed in the second 1:1 than I did in the first. I felt every freaking pound on my body for that.

For the first week, I'm planning to do the following:

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - 1:1 six minutes, walk six minutes, 1:1 six minutes x2 per day
Saturday - walk 60 minutes
Sunday - 1:1 10 minutes, walk five minutes, 1:1 10 minutes
Monday, Tuesday - 1:1 six minutes, walk three minutes, 1:1 six minutes, walk three minutes, 1:1 six minutes, walk three minutes x2 per day

After that we'll see. My goal is to be able to do 1:1 for 30 minutes at a time by two weeks from today.

The hardest part is trying to keep my throat from drying out. My nose gets stuffy when I run, so I can't breath through it, which leaves me panting and drying out my throat. I hate it.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Jaron on March 03, 2010, 12:46:57 PM
Brazen is a great woman.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: lustindarkness on March 03, 2010, 01:55:13 PM
Good Meri, I would recommend that even if you don't feel any soreness tomorrow, keep the run/jog interval shorter than the walk for a week or so until you get used to running.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 04, 2010, 09:44:37 PM
Haven't managed to find time to run in the evenings, but my morning runs are going well. I upped it to eight minutes of 1:1, six minutes walking, and eight minutes of 1:1 again. Went about three blocks further doing this, and it was quite a bit easier than yesterday.

Two of the kids want to run with me. I'm not sure how that will go, or for how long, but it's nice that they want to support my stupidity.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Caliga on March 04, 2010, 09:54:49 PM
I did an 8K run/walk for cystic fibrosis up in Boston. :cool:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Admiral Yi on March 04, 2010, 10:02:42 PM
I did an 8k walk for no cabs on the street.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: BuddhaRhubarb on March 04, 2010, 11:41:53 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 04, 2010, 10:02:42 PM
I did an 8k walk for no cabs on the street.

Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 07, 2010, 04:29:34 PM
From the Runner's Diaries:

1.) I dislike running in cold rain. Really really dislike it. Like.. a lot.

2.) To date, I have kept up my run/walk schedule. Today, I ran/walked 2.7 miles in ~45 minutes. I went 1:1 for five cycles, then walked five minutes, then 1:1 for another five cycles. Then, walked one mile at a fast pace but no running.

3.) Blisters on the backs of the feet suck... like, a lot. And there are NO bandages that seem to prevent/help them, either.

4.) I apparently have exercised-induced asthma. Primatine Mist is now my best friend.

5.) I really enjoy running. Like... a lot. :)

New Goals:

Monday-Friday: 1:1 run/walk six cycles, walk five minutes (repeat three times)
Saturday: Walk 3 miles
Sunday: Day of Rest
Monday-Friday: 1:1 run/walk five cycles, walk five minutes (repeat three times); walk an additional hour
Saturday: Walk 4.5 miles
Sunday: Day of Rest

Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 07, 2010, 07:19:40 PM
I did a 22 mile drive in the Cadillac today, and it felt great.  In fact, it felt so good, I turned around and went back the same 22 miles.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: lustindarkness on March 07, 2010, 07:37:33 PM
For blisters, try mole skin or use what ultramarathoners, duct tape.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 07, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Ooo.. duct tape I have.

It's sad, really, because I procrastinated running for several hours today because I couldn't stand the thought of the pain in my heels. I was looking forward to the run, but the blisters just really made me pause.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: The Minsky Moment on March 09, 2010, 10:32:13 AM
I used to run half marathons at least once a week for fun.  And total 40+ miles per week.

That was two knee surgeries ago; now my doctor has recommended that I avoid treadmills as too high impact (forget actual running).

Sadly, we are not getting any younger.  Consider sticking to 10K and under.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 12, 2010, 10:26:37 PM
Managed 3.1 miles in 44 minutes this morning. It was quite a bit easier than things had been. We did 14 minutes 1:1, five minute walk, then another 14 minutes 1:1, then walked the rest of the way. My shins were killing me but the blisters seem to have calcified or something.

Spent the day stretching my calves to alleviate the shin pain. It's worked well. And the best news: five days in I've lost three pounds. ^_^
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: katmai on March 12, 2010, 10:34:12 PM
Pffft I won't have to worry about meeting you in June as
you'll have keeled over in may.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on March 30, 2010, 10:40:23 PM
The last two weeks have been complete shit. I had to stop running the miles due to my asthma starting to go out of control. I was assured that it would get better, but it just kept getting worse each time I ran. So, I've tapered back to walking quickly. I do mean quickly, too; I still managed 3.1 miles in 50 minutes.

On top of that, I had a business trip to Lumberton, MS, for a week and did no actual training. There was a tremendous amount of walking involved, but only because the distance from Point A to Point B was so far apart, not because I was actively training.

Four weeks and three days until D-Day and the furthest I've managed to go in a single attempt is 3.1 miles. This could get ugly.  :ph34r:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Brazen on March 31, 2010, 02:03:37 AM
Ooh, good stuff Meri, sorry I didn't spot this sooner :)

I combined two plans that suited me, but at it's core is Jeff Galloway's method - he's the master of run/walk. Make one weekend day (or whatever day you get off) your long distance day and go the whole way at the run/walk ratio that suits you. (

Aaargh, just spotted you've got just two weeks to go now. Sooo sorry :(

This weekend, walk for two hours at a comfortable pace - no huffing and puffing - for two hours, then slowly drop back over the next two weeks. Don't do another long one just the week before.

Shin/calf/knee pain happens to EVERYONE when they start running. A lot of people give up there and then, but it's just your body getting used to it. Get your shoes sorted and don't forget to stretch. Don't deliberately try to land on your heel and push through because you heard it's the right thing to to do. Mid-foot landing's where it's at these days.

Good luck! :hug:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Brazen on March 31, 2010, 10:19:51 AM
Oh wait, you've actually got four weeks, my bad. Instead, cover the distance during your long runs, and again go at pace with no huffing and puffing so you don't bring on your asthma. If you still want to include some running without getting hurt of wheezy, try a breaking into a jog for one minute at each mile marker.

These dates are just the Saturday of the week - obviously do your long walk/run on whatever day suits bets.

3rd April: 8 miles
10th: 10 miles
17th: 7 miles
24th: 5 miles
May 1st: Half marathon!
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on April 01, 2010, 09:05:59 AM
Thanks, B! As I'm struggling to breath due to seasonal allergies (God, how I hate Spring), I've taken the last two days off walking, but tomorrow I get back to it. Sunday is my "long day", so I'll go by your schedule on those days.

It's just 13.1 miles. It can't be that bad..... right? :unsure:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Brazen on April 01, 2010, 09:25:40 AM
Quote from: merithyn on April 01, 2010, 09:05:59 AM
Thanks, B! As I'm struggling to breath due to seasonal allergies (God, how I hate Spring), I've taken the last two days off walking, but tomorrow I get back to it. Sunday is my "long day", so I'll go by your schedule on those days.

It's just 13.1 miles. It can't be that bad..... right? :unsure:
I did 13.7 miles last weekend and, though not what I'd call comfortable, it's definitely within the realms of possible. I gather it's like childbirth - unbearable agony at the time, but you soon forget and want another :P
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: starbright on April 01, 2010, 09:33:07 AM
My small piece of advice is to walk and then run.  It helps me run longer and faster. It's like a really long stretch before you run.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Strix on April 01, 2010, 11:31:24 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 07, 2010, 07:19:40 PM
I did a 22 mile drive in the Cadillac today, and it felt great.  In fact, it felt so good, I turned around and went back the same 22 miles.

Keep it up! Worse comes to worse and you break your back, you can always polish the fenders.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on April 30, 2010, 06:50:03 PM

What have I gotten myself into??????
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: garbon on April 30, 2010, 10:53:27 PM
What's the point of running when no one is chasing you? :huh:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Lucidor on May 01, 2010, 03:01:27 AM
My advice is not to be such a hard-head about it. 21 km is a long way for someone with no running experience to aim for the first year. I'd go for a 5 or a 10 km run/jog instead, if I didn't have the habit of running at least 12-16 km without stopping for a walk, without hurting too much after it.

If you get too sore from running it, don't be afraid to drop out during the race. Plantar fasciitis, runner's knee and a bad case of the shins get worst if you try to run through it.

Your idea of this may vary, but I don't want to spoil my seasons from going from 0 to 21 km too fast, three weeks ago I decided to drop the 21 km run and just go for the 10 km one today, because I didn't get in shape to go he distance without hurting too much.

Good idea to get in shape, though! :)
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: alfred russel on May 01, 2010, 10:25:00 AM
I've read that there aren't many cardiovascular fitness benefits to running over 5 miles, but it increases your chance of injury. I run on a track to keep the pressure off my knees, and keep race distances to 10k. Be careful adding so much distance so quickly--that is a good way to end up injured if you aren't careful.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Josquius on May 01, 2010, 01:20:57 PM
My problem with running 20km is it would take a damn lot of time that I could use doing other things instead. Thats my main problem with exercise. Seems a waste of time due to the no immediate benefit thing.
And of course costs. Gyms are damn dear. I might have to try jogging in summer though. I've no excuse not to be in shape with the stress of school and having to feed myself coming to an end.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on May 01, 2010, 04:52:15 PM
After three times of nearly dropping out of the race while I waited at the line, I managed to finish my first half-marathon. ^_^

It took me 3h30m-ish (official time won't be out for another few hours), but given my limited amount of training, I think I did okay. I ran some, but mostly I walked at a very quick pace. My asthma is acting up now, but I didn't notice it on the race. And my god was I famished after! I'm exhausted, my muscles ache like you wouldn't believe, and I nearly collapsed after I finished, but I did finish. And I have every intention of doing another one in November; this one with Max by my side.

Overall, a difficult experience and one worth doing.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Lucidor on May 02, 2010, 12:36:45 AM

That's an achievement to finish 21 km. Hopefully it wasn't too hard on your ligaments and muscles, so you can get back in shape quickly. You should listen to the body if you want to enjoy a long season of running and not be sick/inured all the time.

Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: sbr on May 02, 2010, 12:53:36 AM

Well done
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Eddie Teach on May 02, 2010, 01:06:29 AM
Quote from: garbon on April 30, 2010, 10:53:27 PM
What's the point of running when no one is chasing you? :huh:

Training so you can get away when somebody *is* chasing you.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: garbon on May 02, 2010, 01:29:30 AM
I thought that is what guns were for. :tinfoil:
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: Josquius on May 02, 2010, 03:34:26 PM
Is :cheers: appropriate here? Thats the thought anyway.
Title: Re: Brazen, you've inspired me
Post by: merithyn on May 02, 2010, 03:53:51 PM
Final results: 3:23:53
Avg. time per mile: 15:36

And now I really hurt. Off to take a very hot bath.