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Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Josquius - Today at 08:44:39 AM
The trouble is these days you have politicians like Trump who do tick a tonne of the boxes for being considered fascist. People are keen to deflect these assessments with this "you just call everyone who disagrees with you fascist" line (even when it's clearly untrue)
Off the Record / Re: Facebook Follies of Friend...
Last post by Norgy - Today at 08:42:51 AM
A double cassette deck was a luxury, obviously, but it made both copying turbo tapes and various albums, as it also had an LP and CD player much easier.

I think I should refrain from saying I spent that much time outdoors. I think I spent it indoors, copying games and albums and being thrown out to "get some fresh air", then grabbing my soccer ball and shooting at the top corner of a goal with no net at a nearby training ground.
Off the Record / Re: The Off Topic Topic
Last post by garbon - Today at 08:27:44 AM
Quote from: Norgy on Today at 07:53:51 AMDon't think I was ever called a brat. Manwhore, moron, idiot, drunkard, loser. Can we make those into positives too now?

The future is female
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Norgy - Today at 08:27:06 AM
I think we established that years ago? :unsure:
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Tamas - Today at 08:16:41 AM
You are worse than Hitler.
Off the Record / Re: Facebook Follies of Friend...
Last post by Tamas - Today at 08:15:30 AM
You fancy pants, I had the Hungarian knock-off of the C64. With cassettes of course, although it had floppy drive as optional extra available. Never occurred to pre-teen me that I could have made saved games if I connected the computer to the mic port of the cassette player for it. Only thing that could had used it though was Elite and that was a rare ocassion it even loaded, being a small kid in a village, I was on the end of a long chain of pirated games copied from friend to friend.
Off the Record / Re: Refractory Gauls, or the F...
Last post by garbon - Today at 07:57:35 AM
Quote from: Sheilbh on Today at 07:38:35 AMIncidentally for all I wasn't convinced by the first couple of hours jumping down the Seine, the last ten minutes of the Olympic flame and Celine Dion were incredible. Rewatched a lot of times - and particularly given what she's been through with her health, just an amazing performance from Dion.

A lot of times? :hmm:
Off the Record / Re: The Off Topic Topic
Last post by Norgy - Today at 07:53:51 AM
Don't think I was ever called a brat. Manwhore, moron, idiot, drunkard, loser. Can we make those into positives too now?
Off the Record / Re: The Off Topic Topic
Last post by Tamas - Today at 07:51:08 AM
Quote from: Josephus on Today at 07:11:11 AMSo when did Brat become a good thing?

When a mid-tier British pop star tried a media stunt with good timing and the Democrats made it into a "how do you do, fellow kids?" moment.
Off the Record / Re: Israel-Hamas War 2023
Last post by Norgy - Today at 07:50:37 AM
Very few who use the word has a clue about what fascism is. It is like woke. Just scare-mongering.