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Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by Tamas - Today at 02:33:05 PM
Teslas cannot be reliable and have build quality issues. It's one or the other.

I have researched battery degradation, for 2020-2021 KIA e-Niros specifically, and it is supposed to be close to none-existent/minimal in those even close to 100k miles HOWEVER Kia "cheats" a bit in the sense that there's a small buffer of batteries over the official capacity.

Incidentally we have just bought a 2021 used e-Niro with only 22k miles. Not gonna' have it delivered until end of the month because of reasons, though.
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by Jacob - Today at 02:23:17 PM
Stodgier is definitely a word.
Off the Record / Re: What does a TRUMP presiden...
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 01:26:00 PM
Quote from: dist on Today at 03:16:29 AMFrom today's Letter--I'll only retain the parts related to the point I made earlier. I still see Trump as the distraction and the tool for the ongoing dismantling of the federal government.

Yep, exactly right.  I heard someone comment that while Trump is the head of state for the USA, Musk has become the head of government, in what can accurately be described as a coup.

edit, I now see that JR already made a similar point.
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 01:04:25 PM
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on Today at 01:00:57 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on Today at 12:54:56 PMI also avoid quick accelerations if already going at a high rate of speed.

I can think of other reasons to avoid that, such as the desire to live.

My younger self, driving a 1978 Firebird, would vehemently disagree with you.  But my older stodgier (is that a word) self, fully agrees with you.
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by The Minsky Moment - Today at 01:00:57 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on Today at 12:54:56 PMI also avoid quick accelerations if already going at a high rate of speed.

I can think of other reasons to avoid that, such as the desire to live.
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by The Minsky Moment - Today at 12:59:18 PM
Yellowstone is fine, it's trash TV but it's fun.

I'm sure Trumpy people read their worldview into the show but it's a very selective reading of a narrative that identifies with a nostalgia tinged small "c" conservatism.  The main character does enter politics, and his agenda is the 180-degree opposite of "drill baby drill".
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 12:54:56 PM
Quote from: Valmy on Today at 12:49:07 PM
Quote from: Barrister on Today at 12:42:04 PM60 miles?  Yikes.  That's barely one trip around Edmonton's ring road.

But yeah that's absolutely ancient in terms of electric vehicles.

It is weird though. 60 miles isn't 60 miles. Sometimes I will drive 20 miles or more and I will have 50+ miles left. Other times I will just be bleeding range like crazy. Every time you are not pressing on the accelerator or when you are breaking the battery charges itself. So you just think about driving a lot different.

Yeah,  the driving style is different.  I use the brake much less in an EV as I rely on the generative system to slow down the car.  I also avoid quick accelerations if already going at a high rate of speed. That is a real battery charge killer.  Steady driving greatly increases range, and it turns out is a lot safer too.  :D
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by crazy canuck - Today at 12:52:12 PM
Quote from: Valmy on Today at 12:46:31 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on Today at 12:37:57 PMSo if you buy used, plan that to be your car until it breaks down - complete with poor range and all.

That's the plan!

Then you are all good  :)

Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by Valmy - Today at 12:49:07 PM
Quote from: Barrister on Today at 12:42:04 PM60 miles?  Yikes.  That's barely one trip around Edmonton's ring road.

But yeah that's absolutely ancient in terms of electric vehicles.

It is weird though. 60 miles isn't 60 miles. Sometimes I will drive 20 miles or more and I will have 50+ miles left. Other times I will just be bleeding range like crazy. Every time you are not pressing on the accelerator or when you are breaking the battery charges itself. So you just think about driving a lot different.
Off the Record / Re: Elon Musk: Always A Douche
Last post by Valmy - Today at 12:46:31 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on Today at 12:37:57 PMSo if you buy used, plan that to be your car until it breaks down - complete with poor range and all.

That's the plan!