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Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by The Brain - Today at 01:52:26 AM
The lazy use of race stereotypes was one of the many problems with the movie.
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by Sophie Scholl - Today at 01:49:39 AM
At the time I didn't care for the character. I don't know if I ever hated him, though. I saw that Jar Jar was the next generation's Ewoks that I loved so much and others despised. I kept that more or less indifferent attitude to him for years as it gradually softened. There was a Jar Jar appearance in a more recent book that has now made me really appreciate and even like the character.
Off the Record / Re: 2024 US Presidential Elect...
Last post by Sophie Scholl - Today at 01:43:58 AM
Quote from: viper37 on Today at 12:52:57 AM
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on July 26, 2024, 03:05:25 PMSomething I just was thinking of: A lot of the critique of Kamala from the Left is tied to her time as DA and AG and labeling her "Copmala", which, personally I feel is silly and doesn't engage with what she actually did in office. Regardless, I wonder if due to her past positions she might actually be in a unique position to rollback a bit of the police state that has been endlessly building. An "I've seen how the sausage is made and it's The Jungle out there" type concept to work from. She's got my vote regardless, but I think it would be amazing if she took some of her policies from that era of her past combined with her current stances to ease up that creeping awfulness.
You are an idealist, aren't you? :ph34r:
I spent far too much of my life hating myself and being angry. It was existing without living. I had to almost end it before I realized just how terrible such an existence was. I'm sure I'll ever be a true optimist or idealist, but I try to be one. I fight for hope now. Maybe not for me ultimately, but for a better world and for those who do and will inhabit it. it is harder in many ways, but infinitely more rewarding. "I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see."
Off the Record / Re: Brexit and the waning days...
Last post by Richard Hakluyt - Today at 01:43:56 AM
I'm happy with the sentences. People are not above the law simply because of their middle class background or that their protest has validity.

Off the Record / Re: [Canada] Canadian Politics...
Last post by viper37 - Today at 01:06:37 AM
As the lake touches 2 provinces, which one is at fault here, Ontario?

So both Ontario and Ottawa are liable for the 126 billion$? Assuming it is the fair value, obviously. But for the sake of discussion, let's assume it is.

Off the Record / Re: 2024 US Presidential Elect...
Last post by viper37 - Today at 12:52:57 AM
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on July 26, 2024, 03:05:25 PMSomething I just was thinking of: A lot of the critique of Kamala from the Left is tied to her time as DA and AG and labeling her "Copmala", which, personally I feel is silly and doesn't engage with what she actually did in office. Regardless, I wonder if due to her past positions she might actually be in a unique position to rollback a bit of the police state that has been endlessly building. An "I've seen how the sausage is made and it's The Jungle out there" type concept to work from. She's got my vote regardless, but I think it would be amazing if she took some of her policies from that era of her past combined with her current stances to ease up that creeping awfulness.
You are an idealist, aren't you? :ph34r:
Gaming HQ / Re: New Paradox Tinto Game - "...
Last post by Syt - Today at 12:52:15 AM
Quote from: Zanza on July 26, 2024, 03:26:26 PMNot convinced that having 300+ countries in the HRE is good for gameplay.

Johan said on the forums that most of the realms in the HRE have partition on inheritance too :lol:
Off the Record / Re: TV/Movies Megathread
Last post by garbon - Today at 12:31:16 AM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on July 26, 2024, 10:17:21 PM
Quote from: celedhring on July 26, 2024, 03:35:20 PMIt also becomes a 30 minute movie. He's like every-fucking-where.

Love child of Daffy Duck and a Rastafarian.  That's some racist shit.

It is odd in light of how the black actor felt.
Gaming HQ / Re: New Paradox Tinto Game - "...
Last post by Norgy - July 26, 2024, 11:28:59 PM
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on July 26, 2024, 10:18:56 PMI've been listening to too much Bach.  The first thing I think of when looking at the map is all the potential open kapellmeister positions.

That will probably come in the form of one flavour pack. priced at 6-10 Euros
Gaming HQ / Re: New Paradox Tinto Game - "...
Last post by The Minsky Moment - July 26, 2024, 10:18:56 PM
I've been listening to too much Bach.  The first thing I think of when looking at the map is all the potential open kapellmeister positions.