My Pet Peeve of the Day: "Gimmick" Words Making it Mainstream

Started by Martinus, October 06, 2012, 01:55:11 AM

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Does it annoy you, too? Someone invents a word in a spur of a moment, to make a clever commentary about something ("handi-capable" or "banksters") and it's all fine but it becomes annoying when the word makes it into mainstream, replacing the original word ("handicapped" or "bankers") in ordinary conversations, being used without the air quotes etc. Grrr.

Eddie Teach

Quotebanksters - no dictionary results
No results found for banksters:
Did you mean banksides

Quotehandi-capable - no dictionary results
No results found for handi-capable:

Most slang terms never end up replacing the original word.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Duque de Bragança

Bankster has been around for quite a while. Degrelle used it in the '30s. It has not replaced banker as well.


Quote from: Martinus on October 06, 2012, 01:55:11 AM
Does it annoy you, too? Someone invents a word in a spur of a moment, to make a clever commentary about something ("handi-capable" or "banksters") and it's all fine but it becomes annoying when the word makes it into mainstream, replacing the original word ("handicapped" or "bankers") in ordinary conversations, being used without the air quotes etc. Grrr.

It would probably annoy me if I lived in a backwards eastern European country who is more than 10 years behind the hipster vernacular calendar, yeah.