Detroit automakers race to keep up with sales

Started by garbon, February 27, 2012, 12:16:48 PM

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QuoteAuto sales are growing so fast that Detroit can barely keep up.

Three years after the U.S. auto industry nearly collapsed, sales of cars and trucks are surging. Sales could exceed 14 million this year, above last year's 12.8 million.

The result: Carmakers are adding shifts and hiring thousands of workers around the country. Carmakers and parts companies added more than 38,000 jobs last year, reaching a total of 717,000. And automakers have announced plans to add another 13,000 this year, mostly on night shifts.

But there's a downside. The newfound success is straining the factory network of the Detroit automakers, as well as the companies that make the thousands of parts that go into each vehicle. This could lead to shortages that drive up prices.

And it also has auto executives in a quandary. They got into trouble in the first place largely because their costs were too high. Now, they fear adding too many workers.

Ford, for instance, is "squeezing every last component, transmission, engine out of the existing brick and mortar," says Jim Tetreault, vice president of North America manufacturing.

Still, the surge in hiring bolsters the argument of those who supported the federal bailout of General Motors and Chrysler in 2008. The bailout has been a major issue in the days leading up the Michigan Republican Party primary this Tuesday. GOP front runner Mitt Romney opposed the bailout, which was supported by then-President George W. Bush and later by President Barack Obama.

And the hiring is good news for communities around the country that saw hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs disappear. Starting in 2005, GM, Ford and Chrysler closed 28 factories and eliminated 88,000 jobs. Parts companies cut another 234,000.

Now, if sales hit 15 million by 2015, as some experts predict, the three Detroit automakers could hire another 20,000 people, predicts Sean McAlinden, chief economist for the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor, Mich.

"You can only squeeze so much out of the same amount of people," says Itay Michaeli, an auto analyst at Citi Investment Research.

Laurie Schmald Moncrieff, president of a small parts-manufacturing company near Flint, Mich., says when demand for auto parts collapsed, she shifted production to parts for companies in green energy, aerospace and defense.

Now, automakers and other parts suppliers have her on speed dial, trying to line up everything from fuel pump parts to tools that make hoses. She just added six workers and may hire another five. "I see tremendous growth coming in the near-term," she says.

Yet like many parts suppliers, she's having trouble finding people with the skills to run machinery in her plant.

The hiring binge couldn't have happened at a better time for Michigan. Many of the new auto jobs came around the Great Lakes where the Detroit Three have most of their factories. New jobs with auto companies don't pay as well as the old ones. Under union contracts, companies can pay new hires around $16 per hour, a little more than half the pay of longtime workers.

But in a state where unemployment was above 14 percent just three years ago, any jobs are welcome. And Michigan is not the only region to benefit. Ford is adding positions in Louisville, Ky., Chicago and near Kansas City, Mo. Chrysler is adding jobs in Belvidere, Ill., and General Motors is hiring at plants in Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas and New York.

Foreign carmakers are also shifting production to the U.S. because of higher sales and the weak dollar, which cuts the profits they get from selling vehicles exported to America. Nissan is adding workers in Tennessee. Toyota just hired staff at a new plant in Blue Springs, Miss. Honda is hiring in Alabama and Ohio. Hyundai and Kia plants in Alabama and Georgia are running flat-out but can't meet demand for some models such as the Hyundai Sonata and Elantra.

The sales rebound comes with risks that are familiar to Detroit. Crank up production too much and carmakers have to sell vehicles at deep discounts. Boost production too little, and companies could run short of vehicles such as pickup trucks. And even if they find the right balance now, automakers are leery of raising long-term costs by adding plants and workers.

Six years ago, Detroit's automakers were losing billions, in part because they had too many plants and workers. And union contracts forced them to pay workers even if plants were shut down. So automakers kept the factories running regardless of whether vehicles would sell in order to cover expenses. They built too many cars and trucks and sold them cheap, sometimes at a loss.

Now, they're doing everything they can to keep costs under control.

Growth is putting the squeeze on Hyundai and Kia factories. But the affiliated companies will build as many vehicles as possible at two U.S. plants before constructing a new factory. John Krafcik, Hyundai's U.S. CEO, says the first choice is to find areas inside the plants that are slowing the assembly lines and fix them, "because plants are expensive."

GM also will try to handle growth by stretching factories, says North American President Mark Reuss. But he thinks the company will have to hire more workers if sales this year reach 13.5 million or beyond.

Auto factories in North America will reach 90 percent of their capacity if sales hit 14 million, says Michael Robinet, managing director of IHS Automotive Consulting, which forecasts auto production.

The lack of factories, though, could cause automakers to run short of pickup trucks this year, says McAlinden.

Detroit automakers, which dominate truck sales, had far too many pickup factories just seven years ago. They have closed eight truck plants since 2005, removing the ability to build 2.25 million pickups a year. With only nine North American pickup plants left, they may have cut too much, McAlinden says.

Last year Americans bought 1.8 million pickups, an 11 percent increase over 2010, as the economy improved and small and large businesses began replacing their aging vehicles. Pent-up demand is fueling the sales. The average age of a truck on U.S. roads has reached a record 11 years.

If sales increase as projected, companies also could run short of compact cars and small SUVs.

It adds up to what could be a challenging but profitable year for the industry, says Schmald Moncrieff, who runs the Michigan parts factory.

"A lot of things are going to start breaking loose all at once," she says.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Interesting enough the massive reduction in capacity that happened in America in the last years never happened in Europe and now the lower end of the market is squeezed by Volkswagen and Asian competitors.

QuoteEuropean carmakers

Too many cars, too few buyers

Luxury cars are speeding ahead; lesser brands are stalled

Feb 18th 2012 | BERLIN, LONDON AND PARIS | from the print edition

GERMAN autobahns are unlike motorways elsewhere—on some you can drive as fast as you like. Germany's car industry is also in a class of its own. Its three big premium brands, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi (part of Volkswagen), are working flat-out to meet demand for their beautifully engineered, stylish motors. The emerging world's new rich love them. Germany's domestic car market is doing nicely, too: sales grew by 9% last year.

The contrast with the rest of Europe is stark. Car sales fell by 2% in France, 11% in Italy and 18% in Spain last year. And status-conscious consumers in China are not interested in cars that are merely pretty good. So Europe's volume—ie, non-premium—carmakers are in trouble. France's Peugeot-Citroën, Italy's Fiat and Opel-Vauxhall (the European arm of GM, America's biggest carmaker) have all seen their European sales fall. To shift their wheels, they have to offer eye-watering discounts, sometimes 20-30% off the list price (see charts). Britain's car market also shrank, by more than 4%. But its carmakers, now mostly foreign-owned, enjoyed an export boom and their production rose by 6%.

On February 15th Peugeot-Citroën's parent, PSA, said its carmaking business had an operating loss of €92m ($121m) last year. Fiat's boss, Sergio Marchionne, recently revealed that the Italian maker had lost €500m last year in Europe. As The Economist went to press, GM was expected to reveal heavy losses at Opel-Vauxhall, to add to the $14 billion that its European division is said to have lost since 1999.

Last year 13m new cars were registered in the European Union, 2.5m below the peak in 2007, taking the EU car market back to where it was in 1997. Sales will fall again this year, for the fifth successive year: Peugeot-Citroën predicts a 5% fall across Europe and a 10% drop in France.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many European governments propped up car sales with scrappage schemes that subsidised motorists to trade their old bangers for new models. But all they seem to have done is bring forward purchases that would have been made anyway, and overall they have not saved jobs, says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, a car expert at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In January France's car sales were 21% lower than a year earlier, when its scrappage scheme was still in force, with Peugeot-Citroën and Renault especially badly hit. Peugeot, the weaker of the two, wants to cut 6,000 jobs.

Per ardua ad Astra

The combination of falling sales, idled production lines, deep discounts and rising losses makes Europe's weaker volume makers look rather like GM and Chrysler did before they were bailed out by the American government and pushed through bankruptcy proceedings. But unlike pre-crisis Detroit, Europe's troubled makers are not turning out clunky, unreliable lemons. Fierce competition has forced them to improve greatly the quality of their cars, says Richard Bremner of Autocar magazine. Each will have some impressive new models to display at next month's Geneva motor show. For example, Peugeot is pinning its hopes on the 208, a new "supermini". Fiat will launch a larger version of its 500 minicar. Opel will launch a souped-up version of its Astra family car.

However, building good cars is not enough when rivals are doing better still. First, the troubled European volume makers have to contend with Volkswagen. The German firm's huge scale, global spread and "slightly premium" image allow it to drive on ruthlessly down the outside lane of Europe's price war. Max Warburton of Sanford C. Bernstein, an investment bank, notes that since 2000 VW's European market share has risen relentlessly, from 16% to 24%. With its ability to match rivals' discounts, it looks capable of pressing on until others start going bust, he reckons.

Peugeot, Fiat and Opel also face intense competition from Asian producers, especially South Korea's Hyundai and Kia, which are continuing to build capacity in the Czech Republic and Slovakia respectively, as well as importing cheap, sharply styled cars from back home. Last but not least, they are seeing the top end of their market being nibbled away by the German premium makers, which have broadened their ranges of cheaper entry-level cars: BMW with the Mini and 1 Series, Mercedes's A-Class and Audi's A1. The premium carmakers have proved far more successful at getting motorists to identify with their brands, and at finding out what people will pay extra for.

One possible reason for this, muses Thierry Huon of Exane BNP Paribas, a stockbroker, is that the bosses of the German firms tend to be lifelong "car nuts", whereas the French carmakers' bosses tend to have parachuted in from other industries. Peugeot's Philippe Varin came from Corus, a steelmaker; Carlos Ghosn of Renault from Michelin, a tyremaker.

Renault has had some success with the low-cost models produced by its Dacia subsidiary in Romania. But as far as investors are concerned its main asset is its shareholdings in Nissan of Japan, in Mercedes's parent company, Daimler, and in Volvo Trucks. As a new report from HSBC notes, in 2007 Renault's own carmaking operations were in effect valued at €11 billion; recently the market has given them a negative valuation of around €7 billion.

Peugeot-Citroën likewise has a stake in Faurecia, a successful maker of parts. But like Renault it is heavily dependent on the weak west European market. It is also worryingly dependent on selling cars in kit form to Iran, which account for 13% of Peugeot's sales (compared with around 6% for Renault), and which would be vulnerable to any conflict over Iran's nuclear programme. Renault has gone further than Peugeot in internationalising its production—this month it opened a new plant in Morocco. Peugeot wants to follow suit but seems to have doubts about whether it can afford a big planned expansion into India.

Fiat lux bad

Fiat has been suffering from a decision taken in the midst of the financial crisis: to hit the brakes on its investment in developing new cars. Given the resulting sales slump, it is fortunate that its decision to buy a controlling stake in Chrysler has turned out so well. In its bankruptcy Chrysler was shorn of much of its excess capacity in North America and various other liabilities. It has now bounced back to profitability. Without it, Fiat would be in dire straits.

However, Fiat cannot keep running up such huge losses in Europe. Mr Marchionne admits that it needs another partner to create a global carmaker with the scale to take on VW. In recent weeks speculation has centred on a marriage with Peugeot. But to work, this would require big production cuts in one or both companies' home countries, which might be too politically controversial. Ditto a Fiat-Opel union. Given its near absence from booming Asian markets, Fiat's ideal partner would be a firm like, say, Mazda, now seeking a new relationship after its divorce from Ford, or Suzuki, another Japanese maker which is trying to unwind a cross-shareholding with VW.

Likewise, Peugeot-Citroën might fare better with an Asian bride: Frédéric Saint-Geours, an executive close to the founding Peugeot family, insists that besides any suitor needing to have a compatible strategy and potential synergies with his firm, a condition of any alliance would be that his company remains independent. But it is intriguing that the big achievement of his boss, Mr Varin, at Corus was to sell it to Tata, an Indian giant (with a growing carmaking division).

GM dallied with selling Opel-Vauxhall in 2009 but changed its mind. Now, as its losses persist, there are signs that it is losing patience again. GM has recently put several new directors on Opel-Vauxhall's board, including Thomas Sedran of AlixPartners, a consultancy which advised GM on its turnaround. On February 8th the Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed GM sources as talking of closing some of its European division's plants.

The abortive sale has left the Opel brand even more "soiled" in continental Europe, says Autocar's Mr Bremner. The Vauxhall brand, under which its cars are marketed in Britain, is still the country's second-biggest seller, but it is believed that 80% of its sales go to fleet and company buyers, who expect even bigger discounts than individual motorists.

As the losses mount in European volume carmaking, it is becoming ever clearer that the continent is simply making too many cars in too many factories. Christoph Stürmer of IHS, a data provider, reckons that in Europe (including Russia and Turkey) there was capacity to make about 25.5m cars last year, but only 20m were actually made. This year he expects capacity utilisation to fall from 79% to 70%, as sales fall and the Koreans and German premium carmakers open new production lines.

Recent cost cuts may have reduced European carmakers' break-even utilisation rate to perhaps 75%, says Mr Stürmer. But that still means capacity must fall by about 1.2m cars for the industry to break even. Closing Opel-Vauxhall's Bochum plant in Germany and Ellesmere Port in Britain, as GM is reportedly contemplating, would cut only about a third of this.

There have been some cuts and cost savings: Opel and Fiat have closed a factory each; Saab, a Swedish carmaker, has recently gone out of business; and Mitsubishi of Japan is giving up a factory in the Netherlands. Several companies have struck deals with unions to cut labour costs, and with other carmakers to collaborate on developing new technologies. But this will probably not be enough.

Making cars in Europe is fearfully expensive. A Renault executive told a French Senate inquiry this month that it is €1,300 cheaper to make a Renault Clio in the company's plant in Turkey than in the Flins factory in France. As new capacity is built at a rapid pace in emerging markets, such cost differences will get even harder to ignore.

Cutting capacity is costly, however. By Mr Warburton's back-of-an-envelope calculation, if GM closed Opel-Vauxhall, laying off its 40,000 workers might cost, say, €200,000 each—a painful €8 billion.

Another obstacle is politics. When Peugeot announced its planned job cuts, its boss was summoned before President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has also grumbled about Renault's délocalisation of jobs to foreign plants. Politicians are obsessed with assembly plants, which some see as a symbol of national virility. This is perverse. Renault argues that the value added in assembly is only 15% of the total. It and Peugeot-Citroën are most concerned to keep high-value engineering and design work, and the production of engines and transmissions, at home and would like to move more assembly work to cheaper places. It seems a reasonable survival strategy, if the politicians would let them.

Europe's struggling volume makers have all been trying to move their brands upmarket, launching higher-priced small cars—such as Fiat's new 500L minivan—in the hope of becoming as profitable as the German premium makers. This is another sensible idea. But moving upmarket takes decades, as Audi's painstaking ascent since the 1980s has shown. Opel, Peugeot and Fiat don't have that much time.


Quote from: Zanza on February 27, 2012, 12:42:35 PM
QuoteGERMAN autobahns are unlike motorways elsewhere—on some you can drive as fast as you like.


Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Have they started paying back the bail out money yet?


Quote from: DGuller on February 27, 2012, 12:47:52 PM
Quote from: Zanza on February 27, 2012, 12:42:35 PM
QuoteGERMAN autobahns are unlike motorways elsewhere—on some you can drive as fast as you like.

Don't worry; every once in a while, they're still on the losing end of a head-to-head collision with an Abrams.  LULZ AT LEAST TEH AIRBAG DEPLOYED


Quote from: Gups on February 27, 2012, 01:27:51 PM
Have they started paying back the bail out money yet?
QuoteChrysler and Fiat have paid back all but $1.3 billion of Chrysler's $12.5 billion bailout - with taxpayers likely to be out the rest. The Italian automaker got control of Chrysler by buying 23.5 percent of the company from the U.S. and Canadian governments, after receiving an initial 20 percent stake in exchange for management expertise and technology, then 15 percent for meeting performance targets.

The government has recouped more than $22 billion of its nearly $50 billion GM bailout, after agreeing to take stock in return for most of its investment. The government would get an additional $13.5 billion if it sold its remaining stock at current value. It is waiting for the stock price to rise before doing so, meaning the final cost to taxpayers is unknown.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Gups on February 27, 2012, 01:27:51 PM
Have they started paying back the bail out money yet?

The answer, it turns out, depends on how one asks the question.  Did they pay back the loan?  Yes, ahead of schedule.  Have they repurchased the US tax payer equity position?  Not by a long shot.

Looking at Garbon's article this one takes a more dim view of the good news regarding repayment.


Quote from: crazy canuck on February 27, 2012, 01:33:22 PM
Quote from: Gups on February 27, 2012, 01:27:51 PM
Have they started paying back the bail out money yet?

The answer, it turns out, depends on how one asks the question.  Did they pay back the loan?  Yes, ahead of schedule.  Have they repurchased the US tax payer equity position?  Not by a long shot.

Looking at Garbon's article this one takes a more dim view of the good news regarding repayment.

Yeah, I think a big part of the answer is also how one wants to look at it.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Amazing change in US domestic auto makers. Such a surge in sales. Given the relatively weak economy, I wonder why the big increase in sales? Good to see though.


Quote from: KRonn on February 27, 2012, 03:34:45 PM
I wonder why the big increase in sales?

Increased domestic movement to more fuel-efficient cars aside--SUVs have taken a pounding the last two years--but I think their overseas sales have skyrocketed, particularly in China and India.

And don't forget, Japanese imports have taken a major hit.  Lots of Toyotas and Hondas didn't make it over here after the Quakenami.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 27, 2012, 03:36:58 PM

Increased domestic movement to more fuel-efficient cars aside--SUVs have taken a pounding the last two years--but I think their overseas sales have skyrocketed, particularly in China and India.

And don't forget, Japanese imports have taken a major hit.  Lots of Toyotas and Hondas didn't make it over here after the Quakenami.

Yeah, a lot more fuel efficient cars are out there by US makers, and MPG has been a much larger selling point for years now. Before that US makers and consumers didn't seem to be paying as much attentoin, and the bigger gas guzzlers still sold well. US makers have done a good job on fuel efficiency, and getting better. Even the traditional larger SUVs are getting much better MPG than a few years ago. But still, smaller SUVs are selling a lot better, I'd say.


Part of it is surely just three-four years of pent up demand?
Let's bomb Russia!


Quote from: Sheilbh on February 27, 2012, 06:05:40 PM
Part of it is surely just three-four years of pent up demand?

I'd assume that's part of it. And part of the reason the auto makers are hesitant to increase workers and facilities.