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CKII AAR: Unite Eire!

Started by Tonitrus, February 15, 2012, 06:48:46 PM

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My first attempt at a real AAR, because it seems like it could be fun.

Realm: Duchy of Munster
Ruler: Duke Murchad I
Family: Unmarried, one adult son (age 18)
Goal: Lead dynasty to untie the Emerald Isle and create an English-hating, non-dependent, nobly-led (i.e. chivalrous, non-asshat rulers) Irish Kingdom.

I chose the Duchy of Munster, as it is only one of two preexisting independent duchies on the isle, and the only one of the two that controls two counties...

Our first hero....

Duke Murchad I....

One goal is already failing...he is a cruel, craven, and proud ass.  But I'll take it for now, that means I can do some crappy things with him and  it won't be a surprise to anyone.  :menace:

Fortunately his son, Brian, is almost a polar opposite...

The first goal, as seen above, was marry him off to a good wife, in this case, a Hungarian hottie/princess with compatible attributes...

They turn out to be a good match (eventually falling in love, a good +75 relationship modifier), as well as eventually giving birth to twin boys.  Our hero also eventually marries (as seen above), in his case, a random German courtier who is around the same age (high 30's, in order to try and avoid extra heirs), and with equally conniving traits (which turned out to be a good fit, as they seemed to like each other) to be a decent spymaster.  They also would have a son together, though he died at the age of 2.

As can also be seen, dad and son don't care much for each other...better keep him unlanded for a time.


Our first necessary political step?

Alas, our second county, consisting only of a city and a bishopric, seems to be run by incompatible Norwegians (two -20 relationship hits for wrong government type and being foreigners).  Expel the scandies!

However, they want to resist....

... fortunately, his levies are no match for mine.  After a short siege, he is imprisoned, and banished back Norway.  His fellow Norwegian bishop quick to follow.


Later, during a pleasurable hunting excursion, Duke Murchad comes across an enormous, giant stag...and wisely chooses to avoid the worst option...but not without a price...

...and he runs into some financial management issues...but Ermessinde comes to the rescue!

After a time, the third county belonging to the de jure Duchy of Munster, Desmond to the south, is subjugated.  Now Murchad's minister must get hard at work to create the claims that will lead to unification! (we hate waiting)


Latest news:

- A successful claim was made against the county of Ossory, and they quickly joined Murchad's holdings.
- Changed law of succession to be Elective, and named Brian as heir.  These acts lead to a reconciliation between father and son (had 100 relations at one point), and he is made Earl of Desmond.

Current problem:

I arranged the betrothal of the eldest twin grandson (and eventual heir), Konstantin, to a young daughter (and at the time, only heir) to another Irish county to the north.  Probably a mistake to do this at the age of 2 (for both), as she turned out to be a lesbian.  (and I cannot figure out how to manually break the betrothal, at least, as grandfather).

Earl Brian has turned out to develop rather well as an heir (despite a drinking problem, but then this is Ireland), and I would rather be playing him...but old man Murchad just won't die.



Time to resume....

21 June 1083:

Ireland status:

My Duchy of Munster is the leading power...Duchies of Connaught and Meath have formed into second place.

Status of Europe:

England is still ruled by the Saxons (after a brief civil war with Lancaster breaking off), France aided some of the minor kingdoms of northern Spain to flourish, Danish expansionism along the Baltic, and some political realignment in Russia (notably Vladimir) seem to be the only major changes (I don't honestly follow the outside world too closely).


(failed at resizing the ss's properly..overdid it and failed to have the images here will suck)

The twin grandsons finally reach maturity. 

The "elder twin", Constantin MacBrian, not a great heir, mostly average (he was educated by his dad), but not many downsides (besides the lesbian wife).

The other twin, Fedlimid, educated by the former marshal of the Earl of Desmond (who was a brilliant strategist), he seems to have passed that trait onto his pupil, who surpassed him.  In all likelihood, when Brian comes to the throne, succession will switch to this twin.

Brian's third son died at age 2 of pneumonia...though they recently had another boy.

Owning Ossory gave us a ducal claim on Leinster, after amassing the cash to create that title, it's time for a scrap with the Duchy of Meath.

Our Duchess has died.  :(

But even a war won't stop finding a new wife/spymaster.  Our Hero grabs another conniving German to fill the role....

The fight with Meath was successful, but I could only seize the county of now another potentially long wait while I scheme for a claim.  My levies were enough to win, but I did hire the Saxon band to chase his levies around Ireland as they kept trying to outmaneuver my army.

The world, 11 June 1088

- Leon breaks up as the Muslims push back in Spain
- France splinters slightly
- Danes grab more pieces of the Baltic
- Has the Byzantine Empire begun to collapse?


Murchad is the first son of Brian Boru...

Make no peace with the Vikings. They remember Clontarf.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


Quote from: MadImmortalMan on February 15, 2012, 10:44:54 PM
Murchad is the first son of Brian Boru...

Make no peace with the Vikings. They remember Clontarf.

Well, the starting Earl of Leinster/Meath (I forget which exactly) is also named Murchad, and has a wiki-link from the game, so I wonder if that is more likely the one you refer to.



You're off to a good start!
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Bored while waiting for claims...a Byzantine Empire update!

It appears their trouble were only temporary, due to a civil war over who would rule the empire. Konstantinos II proving victorious over a Basilieus(sp) the Fat, moving the seat of the empire to Thessaloniki.


And a miracle!  Constantin MacBrian proved his worth and has produced a legitimate son with his lesbian wife!

And our Duke Murchad's new, evil German wife decided she needed a mini-me, recently producing a daughter.


New Years Day, 1100 A.D.

Murchad I "The Old", seemingly a rather mediocre ruler, is still kicking at the ripe age of 73, had led his army into battle to become Duke of Munster, Leinster, and Connaught (after a successful claim on that county, and usurpation of the Duchy) after finally subjected the county of Breifne.  Having attained control of 7 counties, he is now eligible to create the Kingdom of Ireland.

His son Brian is still alive in his 50's, but has turned down a dark life of drunkenness and cruelty...only his loving Hungarian princess Lanka manages to keep him in line.

Wonder twins Constantin and Fedlimid are still doing well.  Constantin's miracle son seems healthy, and Fedlimid has married, but so far only has a daughter.  Brian's third son, Mael-Martain McBrian is developing quite well as a virtuous master diplomat...could he beat out the twins as the best heir-grandson?

And tonight's final Byzantine World Report:

After reuniting the Empire, Konstantinos II of Thessalonika soon fell into a another civil war, led by an obscure Byzantine princess.  This war left the Empire still alive, but torn usunder.

In other news:
- The Kingdom of Georgia was overrun by Turkmen
- The King of Norway was excommunicated, leading to a major uprising by the Duke of Trondelag and war with Scotland and England.  Only just recently rehabilitated, peace was made with the major threats, and he is now fighting to regain Iceland. 
- Sweden suffers from a protracted civil war against their tyrannical monarch.
- France just recently concluded a truce with the HRE in a squabble over some minor counties.


Quote from: Tonitrus on February 16, 2012, 01:55:46 AM
And a miracle!  Constantin MacBrian proved his worth and has produced a legitimate son with his lesbian wife!

And our Duke Murchad's new, evil German wife decided she needed a mini-me, recently producing a daughter.



I decided to wait until Brian inherits the throne before declaring Ireland, in order to better organize the duchies afterwords among his children so that relationship levels don't get clobbered.

But Murchad I won't freakin' at 82 years old.