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Leave for a bit and look what happens...

Started by merithyn, April 29, 2009, 10:37:32 PM

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Ed Anger

Remember, sobitiol and malitol may cause a laxative effect.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:49:54 AM
So, how is the rest of your life going?  Are you still working as a dispatcher? I miss your dispatching stories. How are the other kids?

Things are going well, thanks. I've been working as a secretary in a middle school for a year now, which has taught me how wonderful my own kids are compared to the asshole kids they could have been. In fact, the older two boys have even offered to go kick a few kids' butts for me because of how disrespectful they are. So far I've dissuaded them, but I don't know how long I can keep doing that when I personally want to beat them into a pulp.

Max got into the computer programming in engineering at the University of Illinois and will be starting there in the fall. Only two more years of school and then he's done. Then he can take over the work in the family and I can rest on my laurels. Or write another book. Or go back to school.

There is some pretty good news coming my way this summer though. A friend of mine that I've done some volunteer work with owns a business that she's looking to build up and is asking me to be her VP of Business Management. Basically, she hates managing people and likes how I do it, so she's going to hire me to run things for her. Since she's looking at about $2-3 million in sales per year, it will be a heck of a pay increase for me, and a nice shiny feather in my resume cap. And no middle schoolers.

The other kids are doing fine, I guess. They're all lazy gits who refuse to get their work in on time, and so aren't doing great in school. The eldest two have to repeat Geometry in summer school because they blew off the first three quarters and then couldn't figure out why things got so hard at the end. Riley is doing fine in school so long as she's asked 58 times every single night if she's done her homework.

So basically, life is typical. Over all, we're all happy-ish, healthy-ish, and content-ish.

How 'bout you? Surviving Hunter being in law school?
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...


Quote from: Ed Anger on May 01, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Remember, sobitiol and malitol may cause a laxative effect.

May?  May?  Worst 3 hours I ever spent, in class* after someone offered me sugar free candies....

*and by, "in class", I mean "in the bathroom every 5 minutes shitting my guts out."


Quote from: merithyn on May 01, 2009, 06:03:29 PM
Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:49:54 AM
So, how is the rest of your life going?  Are you still working as a dispatcher? I miss your dispatching stories. How are the other kids?

Things are going well, thanks. I've been working as a secretary in a middle school for a year now, which has taught me how wonderful my own kids are compared to the asshole kids they could have been. In fact, the older two boys have even offered to go kick a few kids' butts for me because of how disrespectful they are. So far I've dissuaded them, but I don't know how long I can keep doing that when I personally want to beat them into a pulp.

Max got into the computer programming in engineering at the University of Illinois and will be starting there in the fall. Only two more years of school and then he's done. Then he can take over the work in the family and I can rest on my laurels. Or write another book. Or go back to school.

There is some pretty good news coming my way this summer though. A friend of mine that I've done some volunteer work with owns a business that she's looking to build up and is asking me to be her VP of Business Management. Basically, she hates managing people and likes how I do it, so she's going to hire me to run things for her. Since she's looking at about $2-3 million in sales per year, it will be a heck of a pay increase for me, and a nice shiny feather in my resume cap. And no middle schoolers.

The other kids are doing fine, I guess. They're all lazy gits who refuse to get their work in on time, and so aren't doing great in school. The eldest two have to repeat Geometry in summer school because they blew off the first three quarters and then couldn't figure out why things got so hard at the end. Riley is doing fine in school so long as she's asked 58 times every single night if she's done her homework.

So basically, life is typical. Over all, we're all happy-ish, healthy-ish, and content-ish.

Yeah, kids suck. A lot. Sorry you've got to deal with a bunch of assholes. Hurrah for Max. Hopefully he'll be making the big bucks now.

What kind of business is your friend thinking of starting? Are you apprehensive at all that the business won't work?
Quote from: merithyn
How 'bout you? Surviving Hunter being in law school?

I want my mother fucking points!


Quote from: merithyn on April 29, 2009, 10:43:17 PM
I'm among strangers.  :cry:
it takes some getting used to.  I'm still not 100% sure whom I'm talking too around here... and of course, half the smilies don't work :(
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: viper37 on May 01, 2009, 10:25:50 PM
it takes some getting used to.  I'm still not 100% sure whom I'm talking too around here... and of course, half the smilies don't work :(


Do you not have the proper smiley settings turned on?
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

Ed Anger

Quote from: ulmont on May 01, 2009, 09:26:52 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 01, 2009, 05:56:40 PM
Remember, sobitiol and malitol may cause a laxative effect.

May?  May?  Worst 3 hours I ever spent, in class* after someone offered me sugar free candies....

*and by, "in class", I mean "in the bathroom every 5 minutes shitting my guts out."


oooo! Sugar free Reese cups!
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:57:46 PM
What kind of business is your friend thinking of starting? Are you apprehensive at all that the business won't work?

Not in the least, actually. She's had the business for four years now, steadily building it up on her own into a pretty good company. Now she has more orders than she can fill on her own - without doing any marketing at all - so she's going to expand to include about a dozen employees plus me. I'll be in charge of the others, as well as doing a lot of the marketing and PR stuff. She's really good at that as well, though, and we work very well together.

It's a toffee business, which typically does very well during recessions and depressions. People want/need comfort foods during times like that, and toffee is relatively inexpensive. Plus, her type of toffee is more gourmet, which means that it sells very well for gifts. She's expanding via e-mail, plus selling her stuff to restaurants for their dessert menus. (She already sells to the top restaurant in our area, and several others have asked her to supply them.)

Given that she's built the company up to where it is on her own in four short years, I'm not in the least concerned about her making this work. She's a talented business woman, her toffee is damn good, and the market around here at least is ready triple or quadruple if she could just supply them with enough. With some marketing and internet sales, we're easily looking at $5 million in sales within a few years based on market analysis, comparisons to a similar business, and her sales already. It's a good investment for me to join her now.

Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:57:46 PM

I'm glad to hear that he's working hard at it, though, and that you two have managed to make things work for you. I can't wait to get the wedding invitation. :)
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...


Quote from: merithyn on May 02, 2009, 09:37:31 AM
Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:57:46 PM
What kind of business is your friend thinking of starting? Are you apprehensive at all that the business won't work?

Not in the least, actually. She's had the business for four years now, steadily building it up on her own into a pretty good company. Now she has more orders than she can fill on her own - without doing any marketing at all - so she's going to expand to include about a dozen employees plus me. I'll be in charge of the others, as well as doing a lot of the marketing and PR stuff. She's really good at that as well, though, and we work very well together.

It's a toffee business, which typically does very well during recessions and depressions. People want/need comfort foods during times like that, and toffee is relatively inexpensive. Plus, her type of toffee is more gourmet, which means that it sells very well for gifts. She's expanding via e-mail, plus selling her stuff to restaurants for their dessert menus. (She already sells to the top restaurant in our area, and several others have asked her to supply them.)

Given that she's built the company up to where it is on her own in four short years, I'm not in the least concerned about her making this work. She's a talented business woman, her toffee is damn good, and the market around here at least is ready triple or quadruple if she could just supply them with enough. With some marketing and internet sales, we're easily looking at $5 million in sales within a few years based on market analysis, comparisons to a similar business, and her sales already. It's a good investment for me to join her now.

Oh okay. That sounds pretty awesome then. I thought she was just starting a brand new business and I found that a bit worrisome.  It'd be sweet to get in on that action and maybe start making a lot of money.

Quote from: Korea on May 01, 2009, 09:57:46 PM
Quote from: merithyn
I'm glad to hear that he's working hard at it, though, and that you two have managed to make things work for you. I can't wait to get the wedding invitation. :)

I honestly don't think we'll be getting married any time soon or maybe not even at all. Not that we're breaking up but I want to have a wedding (not just sign some papers like he does  :rolleyes:) and we have so much stuff going on I just don't know when we can fit that into our schedules.

Boy how funny it would be to have some Laguishites at our wedding!  :lol:

I want my mother fucking points!