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Taliban in Swat

Started by citizen k, April 21, 2009, 02:40:18 AM

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Quote from: Neil on April 21, 2009, 03:17:44 PM
This is of course incorrect.  It is perfectly natural for people to want to punish the other, especially the other that attacks everything that a man holds dear about himself.  The need to eliminate gays can also come from a kind of 'social fundamentalism', as it did throughout the West for many years between the death of Christianity and the rise of the gay social movements in the last 40 years.
This is true.  South Africa's an interesting country in this respect.  It's a country with very liberal and equal laws regarding homosexuality, sexual orientation is mentioned as protected from discrimination in the constitution and so on.  Basically because the ANC were a liberation movement who believed that liberation and equality must mean precisely that.

At the same time South Africa has a hugely homophobic population and culture (especially because homosexuals are seen as the originators of AIDS).  It's a country in which lesbians have been routinely raped, because lesbianism is because they've not been shown 'real' sex with 'real men' and gay men live under the threat of being beaten to death.  South Africa's not Nazi, it's not terribly religious and it's certainly not Muslim (actually, it's Muslim population overwhelmingly votes for the liberal DA).  South Africa's odd, though, because it is trying to use liberal government attitudes to nudge culture in the right direction.  Generally it's the other way round.
Let's bomb Russia!


There are only 3 types of muslims.

- Terrorists
- Little Terrorists
- Terrorist factories.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Quote from: Martinus on April 21, 2009, 03:06:46 AM
I am beginning to agree with Huntington - a conflict between the West and Islam is inevitable.

Installing pro-West puppet tyrants (like Musharaf) is against our values, but when left to their own devices and allowed to make democratic choices, the majority of Muslims inevitably choose to live in societies that impose laws that are abhorrent to our values as well, and I cannot see how we could see them as our friends and allies, if they choose to stone women and throw gays off roofs. The only honorable and honest choice, consistent with our values, is war - perhaps a cold war, but war nonetheless.

I totally agree.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Quote from: Siege on April 21, 2009, 09:02:14 PM
Quote from: Martinus on April 21, 2009, 03:06:46 AM
I am beginning to agree with Huntington - a conflict between the West and Islam is inevitable.

Installing pro-West puppet tyrants (like Musharaf) is against our values, but when left to their own devices and allowed to make democratic choices, the majority of Muslims inevitably choose to live in societies that impose laws that are abhorrent to our values as well, and I cannot see how we could see them as our friends and allies, if they choose to stone women and throw gays off roofs. The only honorable and honest choice, consistent with our values, is war - perhaps a cold war, but war nonetheless.

I totally agree.
You'd be on the other side, barbarian.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Neil on April 21, 2009, 09:03:52 PM
Quote from: Siege on April 21, 2009, 09:02:14 PM
Quote from: Martinus on April 21, 2009, 03:06:46 AM
I am beginning to agree with Huntington - a conflict between the West and Islam is inevitable.

Installing pro-West puppet tyrants (like Musharaf) is against our values, but when left to their own devices and allowed to make democratic choices, the majority of Muslims inevitably choose to live in societies that impose laws that are abhorrent to our values as well, and I cannot see how we could see them as our friends and allies, if they choose to stone women and throw gays off roofs. The only honorable and honest choice, consistent with our values, is war - perhaps a cold war, but war nonetheless.

I totally agree.
You'd be on the other side, barbarian.


"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Quote from: Siege on April 21, 2009, 09:17:54 PM
You really are.  Your attitude towards women is positively Dark Ages.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Siege on April 21, 2009, 08:57:56 PM
There are only 3 types of muslims.

- Terrorists
- Little Terrorists
- Terrorist factories.

Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


Queenfag, who are those?

Averros, who was very unmuslim, and who else?
Some chick that happen to be of arabic ethnicity but have nothing to do with Islam?

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Averros is about as un-Muslim as you are un-Jewish.

That's Queen Rania, she's Muslim and she is wonderful.
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


If Averros were alive today, he would have quit Islam so long ago...

Come on dude, we are talking of a guy that admired greek clasical philosophy.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"


Gotta side with Siege on that one.

I wouldn't put forward Lebanon as an example either. It is a failed state born after a disastrous civil war where Iran/Syria/Hezbollah has the real power.


That's one nice-looking terrorist factory.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 21, 2009, 11:21:51 PM
That's one nice-looking terrorist factory.

Only until you feel the pain of muslim terrorism.

"All men are created equal, then some become infantry."

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't."

"Laissez faire et laissez passer, le monde va de lui même!"

Ancient Demon

Quote from: Siege on April 21, 2009, 11:49:07 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 21, 2009, 11:21:51 PM
That's one nice-looking terrorist factory.

Only until you feel the pain of muslim terrorism.

Oh stop it. Queen Rania isn't a terrorist factory. :rolleyes:
Ancient Demon, formerly known as Zagys.


Mart, how does it feel to see that Siegy is the ONLY person who agrees with you. :P

It's been a while