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Pawlenty Google Test

Started by The Minsky Moment, June 08, 2011, 01:13:27 PM

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alfred russel

Quote from: The Minsky Moment on June 09, 2011, 12:04:33 PM
I don't think the weasal words rescue the test.  The availability of a service marketed on the internet does not suggest that the federal government "probably" doesn't need to provide it.  In fact, the availability of a service marketed on the internet doesn't really have anything to do with whether the government should be providing it.  The test should be whether the private sector can and will do a better job providing the service than the government does, taking into account all the desired objectives of the government program.  The "Google test" is the wrong test, qualified or no.

The weasel words don't rescue the test--he implied the post office is something the private sector could do as well, for example, which is stupid imo. The concept of the test is also stupid, imo (as you point out). But that isn't the same as saying, "I can google service x, therefore Tim Pawlenty's statements imply it should be turned over to the private sector." The weasel words should rescue him from that sort of ridicule.
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