How much does it take for you to get drunk?

Started by HisMajestyBOB, May 30, 2011, 11:37:18 PM

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One Miller Lite (Siege option)
2 (5.4%)
2-4 beers
7 (18.9%)
5-10 beers
12 (32.4%)
10+ beers
9 (24.3%)
Only hard liquor!
7 (18.9%)

Total Members Voted: 37


I just finished off a whole bottle of wine, plus 1 nearly empty bottle.
That's way more than Siege can handle. ^_^
And I'm generally a lightweight or medium-weight.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


I don't drink, and I have never been drunk.  So I have no idea.  But I imagine that it won't take much. 

Eddie Teach

Beer tastes too nasty to drink in the quantities required.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


It is is heavy drinking, I prefer liquor.


"there's a long tradition of insulting people we disagree with here, and I'll be damned if I listen to your entreaties otherwise."-OVB

"Obviously not a Berkut-commanded armored column.  They're not all brewing."- CdM

"We've reached one of our phase lines after the firefight and it smells bad—meaning it's a little bit suspicious... Could be an amb—".

Sophie Scholl

In terms of BAC level of "drunk" or in terms of tolerance "drunk"?  I've spent the last 10 years working in bars and work at a bar and a brewery now, so... I can handle my way around alcohol pretty well.
"Everything that brought you here -- all the things that made you a prisoner of past sins -- they are gone. Forever and for good. So let the past go... and live."

"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."


The one time I decided to test it, it took about probably 7-9 Baileys Irish Cream and chocolate milkshakes.

My intestinal tract will never forgive me for trying to get drunk on Baileys.

As for effect of drunkenness, the feeling was mostly just like being really, really tired (i.e., nodding off and head doing the chicken-bob thing).  My mind seemed mostly still acute, but physical coordination was definitely gone.

The Brain

Never got drunk on beer. Not a beer person.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


How long is a piece of string?

Currently I get relatively juiced up by one bottle of wine.

I have fond memories (or, well, bits and pieces) of new years 2007 where I managed to down 3-4 bottles of wine (and possibly almost a whole bottle of champagne), a couple of shots, an indeterminate amount of 0.5l cans of beer and a few glasses of cognac. But I'd been hitting the bottle pretty hard that year. Bathroom reeked of vomit and sour wine for a week afterwards.  :hmm:

But I've indulged in alcohol less than a half-dozen times the last year, and my tolerance is way, way lower than it used to be.

(Voted 2-4 assuming you mean 0.5l of ~6%, rather than the piss-water in 0.33 cans)


Impossible with pure beer.
So much liquid for so little drunkenness, there's no way I can fit 10 beers inside in a short enough length of time.
Tipsyness...that depends. When I haven;t been drinking for a while and haven't ate one or two can do it. Other times its three or four.


I get tipsy/inebriated very easily, after a large glass of wine or a cocktail. After 2-3 I know I have had enough.

I rarely if ever drink beer so can't answer the question.


Quote from: Tyr on May 31, 2011, 03:34:36 AM
Impossible with pure beer.
So much liquid for so little drunkenness, there's no way I can fit 10 beers inside in a short enough length of time.
Tipsyness...that depends. When I haven;t been drinking for a while and haven't ate one or two can do it. Other times its three or four.
Impossible is too strong a word.  When I was in college, I once finished 8 pints in a little under 2 hours.  :cheers:

Admiral Yi

The third shot of tequila always seems to do the trick.


I can't stomach more than 2-3 beers, but it's about too much liquid.

0,5l of vodka is about the limit, but again my stomach refuses to take more... unless it's all 1:1 with Martini.   :licklips:
And I just get sleepy, not getting drunk.
Quote from: Neil on September 23, 2011, 08:41:24 AM
That's why Martinus, for all his spending on the trappings of wealth and taste, will never really have class.  He's just trying too hard to be something he isn't (an intelligent, tasteful gentleman), trying desperately to hide what he is (Polish trash with money and a severe behavioral disorder), and it shows in everything he says and does.  He's not our equal, not by a mile.


If I finish a six pack there's no doubt I'm drunk.

I'm probably drunk after 4.

It's interesting to learn about some of the science of intoxication (and I've heard alcohol experts testify so many times I almost consider myself an expert).  While different people are affected somewhat differently by alcohol, the experts all agree that after an average of 4 beer (100 mg alcohol per 100 mL of blood for 150lb individual) EVERYONE's ability to drive a vehicle (and perform similar tasks) is noticeably impaired.

It's also interesting that for all the talk of tolerances, your body doesn't actually get more tolerant of the inebriating effects.  You just learn, both consciously and subconsciouly, various coping techniques if you're an experienced drinker.  Your perceptions and reflexes are equally impaired.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.