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NFL 2011 season

Started by Alcibiades, April 19, 2011, 07:52:21 PM

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Ed Anger

Viking's punter responds to smack talk from a former TE:

QuoteChris Kluwe Responds: Can I Kick It? (Yes, I Can)

Chris Kluwe — Dear Nate Jackson,

It was with some dismay that I read your piece in Deadspin and immediately tried to wrap my head around why a player with a reasonable grasp of the English language who made no measurable impact upon the game (i.e. you) would stoop so low as to berate a National Football League player who has actually completed a full 16-game season (multiple times!), has broken every team record at his position, and above all has contributed to his team winning games (and occasionally losing them [i.e. myself (I love parenthetical asides)]).

Raise your hand if you got lost at the end of that last sentence.

Let's be honest here. Yes, I am a punter. Yes, I don't run routes, or zone block, or cover receivers. Apparently, though, neither did you, which is the only explanation for your total lack of statistics. You, more than anyone else, should know what goes on during special teams, and yet your description of a special teams practice, while venomously hilarious, is quite inaccurate (or maybe you guys had a really crappy punter and you're spot on, in which case, my condolences).

You talk about me like I'm some kind of disease, like punters are some kind of infection that should be excised for the good of the game and how dare we raise our voices when our betters are talking. According to you, punters should be happy to sit in the corner and be treated like shit because we do something different, something that the other 54 members of the team can't do.

Wait, let's parse that last clause for just a second — "something that the other 54 members of the team can't do." Huh. Would you look at that. Tell me, Nate, how well can you punt a football? What's that you say? You CAN'T punt a football?

Then why in fuck would you think that, just because I can punt, my opinion is somehow less valid?

I freely admit I'm not a receiver, or a lineman, or a DB, or a quarterback, but why should it matter what position I play? Have I not spent 16 years of my life honing my craft (just like you)? Have I not spent countless hours running sprints, lifting weights, trying to stay awake during boring-ass special teams meetings (just like you)? Have I not suited up for a game, gotten my clock cleaned by a blindside block on a punt return, tried and failed to tackle Devin Hester (just like a lot of people)? Tell me, when it comes to breaking down who gets to talk, what's the order? Should linebackers not be able to talk before safeties, or are they allowed to talk after the centers? When does the longsnapper get to chime in? Does the X go before the Z or after?

Please, enlighten me with your wisdom, because the next time I have something to say I'd like to make sure it's OK with you that I say it and that I say it at the proper time.

Oh, wait a minute.

I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about what I say or when I say it. If I see something greedy, hypocritical, or just plain stupid, I'm going to call out whoever the offending party happens to be. I've done it to the owners; I've done it to the NFL front office; and I'll certainly do it if I see it happen with the players. And make no mistake: trying to hold up the settlement of a CBA affecting almost 1,900 players just so four can get special treatment is pretty much the definition of greed. Whether it was instigated by their attorneys, agents, or whoever, it's still a douchebag move to make.

And you know why it's a douchebag move to make? Because it makes ALL OF US look bad. It makes ALL OF US look like grasping, blackmailing, money-grubbing jerks whose only care is how much blood we can squeeze from the rock that is the fans — you know, the people who ultimately pay all of our wages. And I'm not a fan of that. (Owners, make sure you pay attention, too. Charging outrageous sums for drinks, seats, and seat licenses, while a great moneymaker now, is definitely counterproductive in the long run, especially with the advent of high-def TVs). You know how you grow the football pie? It's definitely not by shitting on the people who spend money on you. Maybe this is a small thing, but small things add up over time.

I'll grant you that Mankins and Jackson got screwed by the CBA situation last year. They're entering the prime of their career and were counting on entering free agency. But at the same time, the franchise tag and restricted free agent tag aren't exactly the kiss of death. One year under the RFA offer would be as much money as a doctor earns in his/her ENTIRE LIFE. What. The. Fuck. You're telling me that having to go one year making "only" as much money as most people will earn their entire lives is such a hardship that you need an extra $10 million payout for putting your name on a lawsuit? I honestly don't know how to respond to that.

Oh wait, yes I do. It's a douchebag move.

Speaking of which, my favorite part of your entire rant is the following: "If it is his goal to slide into a post-punter career as a presumptuous and accusatory football analyst, then he has set himself up quite nicely. ..." Let's replace "punter" with "tight end" and see how that reads. Ooooh, it reads quite nicely. I like it. At least I had the grace to do it in 140 characters or less, not this meandering shitstorm that you felt compelled to vomit out at someone you've never met, don't know the first thing about, and likely might enjoy talking to if we ever met at a bar (someone who has written a meandering shitstorm of his own in rebuttal).

So, Nate Jackson, while I respect your right to free speech (as apparently you don't respect mine), I also respect my right to tell you to go jam a tackling dummy up your ass sideways for being a snake-tongued, shit-talking Internet tough guy asshole who is so far out of touch with reality that you have no idea just how privileged we are to play this game for ridiculous amounts of money.

You're not the only one who can craft a sentence, my friend.

Chris Kluwe

P.S. I respect all four of the people I called douchebags (Manning, Brees, Mankins, and Jackson). That's why I used the word "douchebag" instead of "asshole" or "fuckwit." Someone acting like a douchebag can still be redeemed; generally it's a momentary lapse of judgment. There's no hope for asshole fuckwits.

P.P.S. tl;dr — U mad bro?
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive



Can we get him to post here?


Watching AFL football for the first time in a very very long time.  I still don't like it, and sometimes don't understand wtf they're doing.  Why, for example, when down by 14 at the beginning of the 4thQ, would you fake an onside kick, then just send off a silly little pooch kick that only goes to your opponents ~25 and with the tiny field, allows them to return it to your own ~10?   :huh:  What purpose could that possibly serve, other than basically handing them 6 more points?  Not that the defense could ever stop them anyway, so.....maybe it's a time saving measure?

Also, apparently the fields aren't all the same.  The announcers pointed out that there is less room than normal in the endzone "here in Jacksonville" because the corners are rounded off (it really is a tiny looking endzone, but it fits well with the peewee sized field, so I didn't think anything of it until they mentioned it). 

The AFL is fucking stupid, and it's really too bad the UFL sucks so much ass and is going to fold.  At least that's "normal" football and not a bunch of random dudes throwing a baby shit brown football around on a basketball court while the stadium announcer screams something into his mic and loud music plays.

Edit:  Omar Jacobs....where have I heard that name before?  Is that the Bowling Green guy?  He's the QB for one of these teams.

Edit2: lol:


QuoteThe NFL Players Association executive board and 32 team reps voted unanimously Monday to approve the terms of a deal with owners to the end the 41/2-month lockout.;_ylt=Ai46EfERg4YkCh09HTjDUAVDubYF?slug=ap-nfllabor


Mason, Heap, Gregg and McGahee all to be released.  :(
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Ed Anger

Too bad about Heap. Then again, he was being held together with duct tape these past few seasons.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Ed Anger on July 26, 2011, 08:12:04 AM
Too bad about Heap. Then again, he was being held together with duct tape these past few seasons.
Yeah, he'd always been a little injury-prone, and that was catching up with him.  I wonder if they're just going to get him back for less money now.  I can't see another team picking him up for $4 million a season.  Or maybe they've decided that young Dickson and Pitta are ready for prime time.

Unless they're doing the same to Mason, I don't get that one at all.  The guy is a warrior and has glue for hands.  He's probably made more plays than anyone on offence over the last five years.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Ed Anger

Yo, Neil. From ESPN:

QuoteFollowing their pending release, the Baltimore Ravens reportedly want receiver Derrick Mason and tight end Todd Heap back at a lower price.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


See, that's exactly what I was hoping for.  Everybody knew that McGahee was gone, and Gregg got squeezed out by the large amount of young talent on the interior line, so they're probably gone.  Hopefully they can hold onto Mason and Heap.

My wife was distraught, as she loves yelling 'Heap!' during Ravens games.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Grey Fox

Banta-Cain is going to get released Thursday. That's crazy.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Quote from: Neil on July 26, 2011, 08:08:41 AM
Mason, Heap, Gregg and McGahee all to be released.  :(

Hopefully a few Bungles players get released from jail in time for the season :)
"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


Quote from: Grey Fox on July 26, 2011, 11:30:00 AM
Banta-Cain is going to get released Thursday. That's crazy.
That's the Patriot way.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Too bad about Mason.  Heap has been pretty lack-luster the past 3 seasons or so.  And Mcgahee being gone was obvious with Rice there now.
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain

Ed Anger

Bears signed Dane Sanzenbacher, Ohio state WR and Johnny Knoxville look-a-like. If he makes it, Bears fans will enjoy his catching ability and his seeming psycho catches in a crowd.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Texans signings so far:

QuoteBubba Bartlett (TE/FB, Carroll College)
Jeff Maehl (WR, Oregon)
Zac Pauga (FB, Colorado State)
Pete Hendrickson (OT, Tulane)
Darian Hagan (CB, Cal)
Lestar Jean (WR, Florida Atlantic)
Terrance Tolliver (WR, LSU)
Bryan Braman (LB, West Texas A&M)
Adrian Taylor (DL, Oklahoma)
Jason Teague (CB, TCU)
Steven Friday (LB, Virginia Tech)
John Graves (DE, Virginia Tech)
Maurice Rolle (S, Louisiana-Lafayette)
Brett Hartmann (P, Central Michigan)

Plus these four listed on in addition to the above:

QuoteHoward Bargieri (G, Rutgers)
Darius Morris (OT, Temple)
Mister Alexander (LB, Florida State)
Zane Parr (DE, Virginia)