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Fitness 2011

Started by Brazen, March 09, 2011, 06:25:16 AM

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Quote from: Brazen on October 10, 2011, 10:31:06 AM
I had to drop out of a half marathon this weekend as I've been suffering from plantar fasciitis for the past couple of weeks  :glare: However, I seem to have a place in the London Marathon, so when I'm fully fixed there's something to look forward to. Keeping up the low-impact cardio and getting back into resistance training, so hopefully I'm come back stronger. Nearly at the 30lbs lost mark.

1.34.32 yesterday.  ;)


So I've dropped all forms of candy and other sources of unnecessary refined sugar like sodas or white bread. In addition, I have vastly increased the vegetable content of my diet.

My target of 7 days per week of exercise isn't quite reached, though the last 7 days I have gotten 6 sessions in. Mostly cardio, but I've started hitting the weights aswell.

I've lost about 4kg since I started my new regimen, though I suspect very little of that is actually fat.

My next goal will be a reduction in dairy products and a switch to poultry and fish instead of red meat. This one is a bit more difficult since I don't really have time to cook and the only alternatives locally are very bland chicken or tuna salads which I fear will not work for the long term.

I'm feeling quite positive.


Quote from: Slargos on October 14, 2011, 04:23:25 PM
My target of 7 days per week of exercise isn't quite reached, though the last 7 days I have gotten 6 sessions in. Mostly cardio, but I've started hitting the weights aswell.

You will overtrain, fast. Your muscles need recovery time. 3-4 times a week of weight lifting/cardio will suffice.

Eddie Teach

Nothing wrong with doing cardio every day.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Slargos on October 14, 2011, 04:23:25 PM
So I've dropped all forms of candy and other sources of unnecessary refined sugar like sodas or white bread. In addition, I have vastly increased the vegetable content of my diet.

My target of 7 days per week of exercise isn't quite reached, though the last 7 days I have gotten 6 sessions in. Mostly cardio, but I've started hitting the weights aswell.

I've lost about 4kg since I started my new regimen, though I suspect very little of that is actually fat.

My next goal will be a reduction in dairy products and a switch to poultry and fish instead of red meat. This one is a bit more difficult since I don't really have time to cook and the only alternatives locally are very bland chicken or tuna salads which I fear will not work for the long term.

I'm feeling quite positive.


What you're basically doing is fucking around. If the goal is effortless weight loss, then what you'll need is a complete dietary overhaul that dosen't involve advice and expensive protein shakes from fag Swedish fitness ( I use the term loosely) instructors.

Eat eggs and fatty meat (free-range and grass fed is pretty good) and plenty of vegetables. Ditch grains, sugar and all and every processed vegetable oil. Doing so will eliminate pretty much everything that comes in box, hence you'll be eating way better than 95% of the slobs around you. Eating like this will train your body to use the fat that's stored as a primary energy source. So, bacon and eggs for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch followed by a juicy steak dinner. And don't forget to take your cod liver oil. :)

As to your workout, yes it sounds like all you've done is punished yourself on some crappy exercise machine and have nothing to show for it, aside from the effect of doing anything mildly active. You could have achieved the same results by eating right for a couple of months while taking turns rubbing one out with either the left hand or the right.

In short, you need to:

A) Get your diet in order.

B) Get your sleep squared away (actually, since I started eating like a caveman my sleep is no longer an issue, huh).

C) Ditch the chronic cardio. Unless you like pounding a treadmill for an hour+ you'll thank me for this. Besides, have you ever walked past a row of these things and seen anything other than the look of pure torture or boredom while dead eyes gaze at the overhead monitor, waiting for the pain to be over?
Posted using 100% recycled electrons.


I haven't had much luck in losing weight these last few months, but I really haven't been trying - been pretty stressed, and when I'm stressed, I eat, especially snacks and chocolate.

But I'm now up to 50 pushups and 50 situps in one go, and about 5 miles run at 8min/mile.
I want to improve my mile time over 2 miles, eventually getting down to 2 miles in 14 min.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Been sick all week so I haven't done any training. Did 7 hours of Krav Maga seminar today however. Every muscle in my body hurts.
If you let someone handcuff you, and put a rope around your neck, don't act all surprised if they hang you!

- Eyal Yanilov.

Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely - lay your life before him.

- Bruce Lee


Useless run today. Really bad, didnt even look at the timer afterwards. Just happy to limp into the shower.


Running and bodyweight exercises continue to go well. I had a particularly good run today.
and the horse you rode in on


Quote from: Legbiter on October 14, 2011, 09:48:56 PM

C) Ditch the chronic cardio. Unless you like pounding a treadmill for an hour+ you'll thank me for this. Besides, have you ever walked past a row of these things and seen anything other than the look of pure torture or boredom while dead eyes gaze at the overhead monitor, waiting for the pain to be over?


Yeah. Right. I'll listen to you over professionals. Come on, Legs.  :D

Anyway. It's going well. I'm really starting to get some confidence around the weights although I plan to take it relatively easy for a while yet with an emphasis on repetition rather than weight. I just got off my first 60 minute spinning session. It's anything but boring, and since the instructor had made a point of hazing me I never had a chance to cheat and slack off.

Sure, though, it's more fun to do sessions with instructors than pounding the cardio machines on your own. I certainly won't dispute that.


Bodypump today.

EGADS I have found my weak spot. Knees and thighs are horribly underpowered for what they need to go through.

I am proceeding apace, and despite the unsightly nay-saying clamors of Legbiter, I am slowly but surely getting back in shape. All hail determined cardio!  :homestar:


60 minutes Spinning with an instructor who must certainly be a sadistic terminator sent from the future to make my life a living hell.

I've had to decommission all my belts, and I'm going to have to replace a lot of my wardrobe.

Feels pretty damn good!  :)


... and another fresh hole on the belt comes into use. Looks like all the Spinning, BodyPump and CT is starting to pay off. Suck it, Legbiter.  :D


Quote from: Slargos on November 02, 2011, 04:04:47 PM
60 minutes Spinning with an instructor who must certainly be a sadistic terminator sent from the future to make my life a living hell.

I've had to decommission all my belts, and I'm going to have to replace a lot of my wardrobe.

Feels pretty damn good!  :)

Those spinning classes are brutal. Way to go, Slargos!
and the horse you rode in on


Down to 98 now, which means a net loss of about 6KG since I started out in the beginning of October.

I tried my first 90 minute session this sunday, with 30m Spinning + 60m BodyPump and while I thought I would vomit at several points during the Pump, it went well.

Combination classes are more grueling than the sum of their parts, since the endorfin high from the first class gives an inflated confidence about the energy level for the second class and the result is typically an over-eagerness to put on resistance.

A full 50% of my training is now Spinning, with Pump and CT making up the bulk of the rest. I want to approach 90 before I scale the cardio back and start hitting the weights at which point, ironically, I think the goal will be to get back up to 100-105.  :D