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TV/Movies Megathread

Started by Eddie Teach, March 06, 2011, 09:29:27 AM

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The Brain

The North Koreans are doing awesome stuff on a shoestring budget. Or they would if they were allowed shoestrings.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: Malthus on July 09, 2019, 01:31:08 PM
Quote from: Tyr on July 09, 2019, 08:13:23 AM
Good Omens was pretty good.
Shame there's no sequel.

I enjoyed it!

They even had a bit of a sequel hook - that [spoiler] next time the big battle will be heaven and hell together versus humanity and its supporters [/spoiler]

There will never be a sequel (at least not a proper one) because, sadly, Terry Pratchet is dead, and the original was a collaboration between him and Neil Gaiman.

Yes. Apparently there was a lot of talk and definite plans for writing a sequel but Gaiman and Pratchett just never got together to do it.

Pratchett is a funny one. I really don't like his writing, have never finished a book of his. Yet TV adaptations of his work tends to be great.


Quote from: Tyr on July 10, 2019, 02:33:17 AM

Pratchett is a funny one. I really don't like his writing, have never finished a book of his. Yet TV adaptations of his work tends to be great.

I get the feeling such talk would get you lynched in England.  :D

The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


I don't understand how someone can't finish even one of his books. They're all quick reads, hilarious, and not terribly complex in plot. Some are weaker than others (I wouldn't start someone with the first book in the series, for instance), but...
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien


Quote from: Habbaku on July 10, 2019, 09:54:52 AM
I don't understand how someone can't finish even one of his books. They're all quick reads, hilarious, and not terribly complex in plot. Some are weaker than others (I wouldn't start someone with the first book in the series, for instance), but...

A good starting-point would be Guards! Guards!
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Agreed. Or Mort, which is one of my personal favorites and one of the very few I've read more than once.
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien

The Larch

Mort is actually his best rated book in popular polls, followed by Guards! Guards! Lots of his early Discworld books are excellent, and IMO his best novels were the ones involving the City Watch, Death or the Witches. The Rincewind ones were fun in a straight parody sort of way, but are weaker novels. Also, some one shot novels like Pyromids or Small Gods are also fantastic.

Re. TV adaptations, the only fun thing about them IMO is seeing Lord Vetinari being played with utmost gusto and self-satisfaction by Jeremy Irons and Charles Dance (pity that Pratchett's ideal choice for the role, Alan Rickman, never got to play the role), as well as seeing Christopher Lee portraying Death.


Quote from: Habbaku on July 10, 2019, 09:54:52 AM
I don't understand how someone can't finish even one of his books. They're all quick reads, hilarious, and not terribly complex in plot. Some are weaker than others (I wouldn't start someone with the first book in the series, for instance), but...

Less "can't" and rather "....this is dull. Lets read something else"


Small gods is the best of a great bunch imho, simple and full of great laughs.


Quote from: celedhring on July 09, 2019, 02:40:03 PM
Not by chance the - imho - best superhero movies of the current era were not made at Marvel.
you liked Fantastic Four so much?  Or was it Suicide Squad?   :blink:

Ok, I'm a Marvel fan, and haven't watched much superhero movies outside of those.
I did like the Dark Knight, really, really liked.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: Threviel on July 10, 2019, 01:05:20 PM
Small gods is the best of a great bunch imho, simple and full of great laughs.

Small Gods by a mile, then pyramids. Most of the early stuff is good, although I can't stand the witches.


Quote from: viper37 on July 10, 2019, 03:21:39 PM
Quote from: celedhring on July 09, 2019, 02:40:03 PM
Not by chance the - imho - best superhero movies of the current era were not made at Marvel.
you liked Fantastic Four so much?  Or was it Suicide Squad?   :blink:

Ok, I'm a Marvel fan, and haven't watched much superhero movies outside of those.
I did like the Dark Knight, really, really liked.

Raimi's first 2 spideys
Dark Knight

Better films than anything by Marvel.

Eddie Teach

Original Superman, or...? If so, should throw in Burton's Batmans.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: celedhring on July 10, 2019, 03:58:38 PM
Raimi's first 2 spideys
Totally disagree with you.  I'd say burn the Heretic, but I am likely to be considered the Heretic :P

One of them, the second one, I think, was clearly made to pander to the religious right, with prayer saving an old woman from a "demon".  They just didn't capture the funny nature Spiderman's adventures, something Marvel did get really well.  Also, the character dynamics weren't totally there, there never was true chemistry between Mary Jane and Spiderman, except when she died.

Dark Knight
Totally agree.

Haven't seen it.

Wasn't this an anime kid movie?

Hmm, no.  My stance is similar to your Spidey movies: decent movies, but lacking in so many ways.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.