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Dwarf Fortress Succession Game?

Started by Jaron, March 31, 2010, 05:09:41 PM

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Lately I've really gotten into Dwarf Fortress and I know a few others have also here in the past. I've read some of the succession games at other sites and I'd like to try to set one up here.

The basic rules for those not in the know are you play for about a year, build up the fort, save and pass it on.

We'd need to agree on a version, but I'd strongly prefer a version that supports dwarf management tools or at least a 3d visualizer for screen shots (since the typical interface doesn't really lend itself to prettiness).

I think myself and Fireblade would be on board. Would anyone else like to have a hand at it? I think it could be a lot of fun. We could even wait for the new version to come out in a week or two or just go with an older build since we likely won't get too far!!!!

Let me know  :hmm:
Winner of THE grumbler point.


I would recommend going with the current version.  The new version is supposed to be out this week but it will be very buggy for quite a while and you would likely have to restart every day or so.

I am not a big fan of succession games but I would definitely follow and could probably be persuaded to take a turn, especially if it was early enough in the game.


I'd hit it.

I use version 40d19 with Mayday's graphic tileset on top, so my screenshots should look better than default ASCII. :P

One thing we can do (that is often done in succession games) is pick a dwarf we like and name him after ourselves. The subsequent players are not allowed to get him killed on purpose (such as drafting him and sending him to fight a dragon armed with a herring), but otherwise he can do whatever civilian tasks are appropriate. People can then update if the "named" dwarves do anything interesting.


I predict a greater screw-up than Boatmurdered :lol:

I'll definitely play.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Okay. :)

Any preferences or rules we want to set down?

Anyone want to volunteer to worldgen/go first?

I'll do it if no one else wants to, I think we need to agree on a certain version to use. I don't know how compatible save games are across different versions.

What about 40d19?

It is available here:

It has pretty decent graphics (for DF) plus its compatible with the programs I listed.

I think with what we have we have at least four years covered which is longer than I expect we will probably last. :P

Any suggestions on embark site? Starting crew? Supplies?

I usually try to pick an area with mountain, forest and a nearby brook. That leaves a lot of industrial options open (mining, metal working) plus construction projects (water moats, fresh water wells)

Do we want a calm area, some kind of untamed wilds deal, or even a sinister/haunted area for extra undead action?

Lets talk!
Winner of THE grumbler point.


That link is NOT 40d19, it's Mayday version 19 which is different from the DF version numbers. There is no Mayday version for 40d19 (his latest adaptation is for 40d18, found here: The real 40d19 is found on the official forums (can't link atm since the site appears to be overrun with traffic due to the new version). I had to adapt the graphic tileset on top of 40d19.

There is a slight difference between Mayday's version and the basic one, in that he added a prehensile mouth for cats and removed all the accents and such from the different languages (since they mess up the tileset). I think it's still compatible across versions though. If people want to play it, I can post my 40d19/Mayday merger somewhere.

As for actual playing, I definitely suggest some kind of evil place for extra action (I can start it out the first year if people want), otherwise it can get boring later when the fortress is big. For worldgen, standard 257x257 world should work? Can then use the site finder to pick a suitable place. I also suggest that "pick your own alter ego" thing I posted above for extra fun (Boatmurdered had a few of those doing hilarious stuff).


Winner of THE grumbler point.


Yes please Solymr post your version. I'd feel better if we were all using the same version so there is continuity between screenshots and we can be assured of compatibility.

Unless there ... objection?
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


I object to anything but ASCII, but I can just remove the tiles from whatever version we play.

Or download the basic version and mod the cats and accents appropriately.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help



I am willing to put in a turn provided I come after those who've posted before me.  If Jaron can make it through a turn, then so can I.
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien


Sounds good. I'm more worried about compatibility than forcing anyone to use or not use graphics.

If you want to generate a world and go first then feel free Solmyr. If you don't have time at the moment, I can do it also.

Winner of THE grumbler point.