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NFL Week 1 Thread

Started by Neil, September 09, 2009, 07:03:23 PM

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Quote from: Alcibiades on September 09, 2009, 08:29:43 PM
Good show Neil.   :lol:

Only disagrees I have are :

over Bears.

Falcons over Dolphins.


And Rogers is better than Cutler.

citizen k

Quote from: Neil on September 09, 2009, 07:59:07 PM
My picks:

Rams @ Seahawks - Hasselbeck is healthier this year, and the Rams don't have a chance unless Bulger gets hurt and Boller plays.

Plus, Seattle has Houshmandzadeh and Edgerrin James this year. They might get back on top of the ever so challenging NFC West this season, after the Cardinals one off winning season last year.

Sophie Scholl

My picks:

Titans @ Steelers - It's not a Super Bowl, the NFL will let them lose to avoid calls of bias and bullshit reffing.

Dolphins @ Falcons - Falcons' O will be too much I think.  Unless Sparano has even more ticks up his sleeve to try this year.

Chiefs @ Ravens - Hahahahaha.  Ow.

Eagles @ Panthers - I think the Panthers will still be in shellshock from the beatdown in the playoffs that mystified everyone.  Give them this game to right the ship.

Broncos @ Bengals - Orton is money.  Granted money with Mugabee's portrait on it, but still money.  Dammit.

Vikings @ Browns - I can dream, can't I?

Jets @ Texans - As we all know, the Texans can't become a decent team till mid-season when they engineer a run at the playoffs and just miss.  Again.  They won't be ready for Sunday.

Jaguars @ Colts - Peyton Manning?  Still good.  Colts?  Still winning.

Lions @ Saints -Hod will smile on me and my LFFL team.  I hope.

Cowboys @ Buccaneers - Tampa burned down their own house after last year's collapse.  They'll need time to rebuild.

49ers @ Cardinals - Hey Katmai, who's starting at QB?  Does it matter?  No.

Redskins @ Giants - The Redskins were an early season team last year, I'm expecting more of the same this year.

Rams @ Seahawks - Hasselback healthy and now TJ Houshmadaddy to pass to?

Bears@ Packers - Packers were legit last year on offense, if they find a way on D they'll be tough to stop.  The Bears D is another year older, and I'm not sold on Cutler.  Plus they traded my boy Orton to the punk bitch Broncos. :mad:

Bills @ Patriots - Seriously Buffalo?  Could you have fucked things up anymore in the last weeks of Pre-Season?  Wow.

Chargers @ Raiders - Opening MNF?  Raiders?  Fuuuuuuuck me.
"Everything that brought you here -- all the things that made you a prisoner of past sins -- they are gone. Forever and for good. So let the past go... and live."

"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."


I hereby declare my intention to follow the Green Bay Packers throughout this season, if no other means available, then by torrenting their televised games off the Internets.
If I like them, they will be my official NFL club. In which case, expect me to refer to them as "we" in 3 or 4 years.

citizen k

Quote from: Tamas on September 10, 2009, 02:53:23 AM
...expect me to refer to them as "we" in 3 or 4 years.

The Tim Taint of Fanboyism has begun.  <_<

Sophie Scholl

In theory, he could look into buying some shares of the team, thereby legitimately being able to say "we" as he'd be partial owner.
"Everything that brought you here -- all the things that made you a prisoner of past sins -- they are gone. Forever and for good. So let the past go... and live."

"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."


I have a hard time seeing the Broncos beating the Bengals.  The Broncos are like Berlin in 1945:  Broken, confused, leaderless and about to be gangraped by hordes of invaders.

You know, with the NFC North and AFC East this year, I have a feeling that both the Ravens and Steelers will make the playoffs again this year.  And by quirk of fate, the Steelers' first-place schedule is actually easier than the Ravens' second place schedule.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Tamas on September 10, 2009, 02:53:23 AM
I hereby declare my intention to follow the Green Bay Packers throughout this season, if no other means available, then by torrenting their televised games off the Internets.
If I like them, they will be my official NFL club. In which case, expect me to refer to them as "we" in 3 or 4 years.

Gentlemen there are only three important things in life: your family, your religion, and the Green Bay Packers.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Judas Iscariot on September 10, 2009, 01:05:31 PM
In theory, he could look into buying some shares of the team, thereby legitimately being able to say "we" as he'd be partial owner.

The Packers are a community owned non-profit organization so you cannot buy shares of them.

Yes, a not-for-profit professional sports team.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Yes you *CAN* buy shares of them, when they open them to the public.  They just don't appreciate or pay dividends.  I have family members who own shares... I can say 'we'.  ^_^
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Here are my totally unbiased picks:

Titans @ Steelers - Kerry Collins will get injured with the Titans down 35-0 and Vince Young will come off the bench and score six times on 80 yard runs to win the game.

Dolphins @ Falcons - Ricky Williams will rush for over 200 yards.

Chiefs @ Ravens - Jamaal Charles will...ok nevermind the Chiefs suck.

Eagles @ Panthers - Brian Westbrook is still healthy

Broncos @ Bengals - The Broncos are in total disarray and their defense was so horrible last year...well it will be a long year.

Vikings @ Browns - Brett Favre has to get the Vikings fans excited so his late season interceptions can rip their hearts out.

Jets @ Texans - The Texans defense should be good...they haven't looked good in the preseason but that is the preseason.

Jaguars @ Colts - They are the Colts.

Lions @ Saints -I will just keep picking against the Lions until...well nevermind the until.

Cowgirls @ Buccaneers - Romo and co will set their fans up again for one of their wonderous December collapses.

49ers @ Cardinals - God's own chosen warrior, Kurt Warner, strikes down gay america's team.

Redskins @ Giants - The Redskins begin their legendary 19-0 season.

Rams @ Seahawks - Easy win for the Seahawks.

Bears @ Packers - The Bears finally have a QB...a douchebaggy QB...but still a QB.

Bills @ Patriots - The fightin' Timmays

Chargers @ Raiders - *yawn*
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Neil on September 10, 2009, 01:12:29 PM
And by quirk of fate, the Steelers' first-place schedule is actually easier than the Ravens' second place schedule.

That happens a lot in the NFL, actually.
"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


No update on the Merriman situation? I am shocked.

I was riding around doing home checks this morning and listening to a local talk show (non-sports). They stated that new information had come out concerning the Merriman/Tequila incident. Apparently, Merriman was having a threesome with two other girls when Tequila walked in on them. He invited her to join them but she got upset. She took her clothes off and left the room threatening to sleep with a member of his posse. Merriman supposedly attempted to stop her when she tried to go outside naked.

I was hoping for more details...
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher


Quote from: derspiess on September 10, 2009, 02:43:27 PM
Quote from: Neil on September 10, 2009, 01:12:29 PM
And by quirk of fate, the Steelers' first-place schedule is actually easier than the Ravens' second place schedule.

That happens a lot in the NFL, actually.

Don't encourage them. They are looking for more affirmation that the league loves the Steelers more than the Ravens.  ;)
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher


Quote from: Strix on September 10, 2009, 03:09:53 PM
No update on the Merriman situation? I am shocked.

I was riding around doing home checks this morning and listening to a local talk show (non-sports). They stated that new information had come out concerning the Merriman/Tequila incident. Apparently, Merriman was having a threesome with two other girls when Tequila walked in on them. He invited her to join them but she got upset. She took her clothes off and left the room threatening to sleep with a member of his posse. Merriman supposedly attempted to stop her when she tried to go outside naked.

I was hoping for more details...
