The twenty best war movies, according to the Torygraph

Started by Alatriste, July 27, 2009, 07:20:04 AM

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Quote from: grumbler on August 12, 2009, 12:15:56 PM
Dudes, the "is it a war flick" question gets answered by the voting.  If you think flick A isn't a war flick, vote for flick B.  All this emo "Waaahh, you nominated a movie that isn't a war movie, if X is a war flick than so is Titanic!" shit gets old fast.

I agree that BM is a great flick but not a war flick, so vote for Ice Cold.

:lol: Ooooooooooh, it's nowhere near old, baby.

Admiral Yi


Quote from: grumbler on August 12, 2009, 12:15:56 PM
Dudes, the "is it a war flick" question gets answered by the voting.  If you think flick A isn't a war flick, vote for flick B.  All this emo "Waaahh, you nominated a movie that isn't a war movie, if X is a war flick than so is Titanic!" shit gets old fast.

I agree that BM is a great flick but not a war flick, so vote for Ice Cold.
Titanic is war-related.  It involves a large ship, built in the same yard as the cruiser HMS Glorious and the carrier HMS Formidable.
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OK, Caine Mutiny.

I suggest that we reduce the number of votes needed to decide between movies.  There aren't enough people still participating in this thread to require 7 votes.  5, maybe?


Admiral Yi

Quote from: grumbler on August 12, 2009, 11:04:24 PM
The Caine Mutiny to replace The Dambusters.
Didn't The Caine Mutiny concern peace time training excercises? :huh:


Admiral Yi


I must say, Das Boot is hard to beat as best war movie and we are talking about the full version , none of that 120min shit they released for the US market...

Otherwise Band of Brothers, yes its a TV series but so was the original Das Boot...
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Ed Anger

Quote from: Mr.Penguin on August 13, 2009, 11:59:04 PM
I must say, Das Boot is hard to beat as best war movie and we are talking about the full version , none of that 120min shit they released for the US market...

Otherwise Band of Brothers, yes its a TV series but so was the original Das Boot...

Das Boot put me to sleep.
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