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Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2/Covid-19 Megathread

Started by Syt, January 18, 2020, 09:36:09 AM

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The Brain

If only you needed a license to be a physician. :(
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Quote from: celedhring on July 25, 2020, 03:52:20 PM
Ironically, most British subjects currently in Spain are probably puking on the streets of Magaluf :P, which remains mostly safe. They could have safely excluded the archipelagos from the quarantine.

We spread wide across the Med so could be anywhere :P

Apparently part of the reason for the widespread quarantine is that it's easier to say everyone coming from Spain should quarantine and sort of police that, rather than depend on people's honesty (and knowledge of Spanish regions). There was a concern a lot of people would basically just lie if it was restricted to specific regions. Which sort of makes sense - and if there's one person I wouldn't rely on it's the Brit (self-included) on holiday :blush:
Let's bomb Russia!


Well, the idea advanced from over here was to give safe passage to flights coming from designated airports in those areas. Kind of a safe corridor. That can potentially be abused too, using connecting flights, but seems a bit over the top to do that.

Anyway, the Madrid regional government has now announced they will issue covid antibody passports and people with one will be exempted from current and future restrictions, which is something I have never been sure of, and the medical evidence on antibody protection (and duration of such) is still hazy afaik.


Quote from: celedhring on July 28, 2020, 07:22:05 AM
Anyway, the Madrid regional government has now announced they will issue covid antibody passports and people with one will be exempted from current and future restrictions, which is something I have never been sure of, and the medical evidence on antibody protection (and duration of such) is still hazy afaik.
Yeah - I also remember there being concerns about it encouraging risky behaviour. Loads of the teens doing covid parties etc so they can get it and get a passport.

QuoteWell, the idea advanced from over here was to give safe passage to flights coming from designated airports in those areas. Kind of a safe corridor. That can potentially be abused too, using connecting flights, but seems a bit over the top to do that.
That makes sense and I think the connecting flights risk is very low. I think it was more you know the people who get the cheapest flight on Skyscanner and then drive to their destination - which I can definitely see happening. The chances of Brits being on holiday in Aragon are low :P
Let's bomb Russia!


You can't drive to Mallorca or Tenerife though  :P


:lol: Fair.

Although I always associate the English with Costa del Sol (Sexy Beasts galore), Benidorm, Alicante, Marbella ("no carbs before Marbs") all of that.
Let's bomb Russia!

The Larch

Covid "passports" have been rubished by every single expert available, so it's no wonder that it's what the Madrid government is going with. They might even be unconstitutional.


There's a new cluster of infections here. A local tour guide was infected by a tourist, he then infected his wife who infected her sister. 7 roommates in a small town were infected by one of them returning from holiday and not properly quarantining. 2 people in Reykjavík were infected and are not connected other than they were at the same children's football competition. As a result the rules on social gatherings will not be relaxed and the emphasis is on being vigilant and getting tested if you even have the slightest sniffles. Random testing will be ramped up as well.

If that dosen't nip it in the bud we'll tighten back up.
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60% of new infections in Spain have no symptoms (which doesn't necessarily mean that they won't develop symptoms down the line), so even the "get tested when you have the slightest discomfort" formula won't work. This virus is a stealthy nasty fucker.


I wonder how much is because it's spreading in these other vulnerable communities - workers in badly regulated sectors with bad conditions like meatpacking and fruit picking. Because I imagine that population probably is younger and healthier so less likely to display symptoms?

But yeah here there are random surveys to try and monitor the prevalence, but aside from that you can request a test if you work in key sectors or you have any symptoms.
Let's bomb Russia!

alfred russel

Quote from: Duque de Bragança on July 07, 2020, 11:19:13 AM
Quote from: The Larch on July 07, 2020, 10:24:11 AM
Bolsonaro has tested positive for Coronavirus.

Previous Bolsonaro statement:
"if I were to catch Covid-19, I would not feel anything, or at most a small flu. Given my athletic record."  :P

Quote"No meu caso particular, pelo meu histórico de atleta, caso fosse contaminado pelo vírus, não precisaria me preocupar, nada sentiria ou seria, quando muito, acometido de uma gripezinha ou resfriadinho, como bem disse aquele conhecido médico daquela conhecida televisão"

from 3:16 to 3:37

So it turns out he is recovered and had mild symptoms, at least that is what he is presenting and there doesn't seem to be evidence to the contrary. Rather than crediting his athletic record for the mild symptoms, he is crediting hydroxycloroquine.

Regardless, this is an episode where it was a major story that he got covid, prominently featuring how he minimized his personal risk from the disease, but when it more or less turned out his predictions were right (based on what we know) it gets reported with a whimper.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

There's a fine line between salvation and drinking poison in the jungle.

I'm embarrassed. I've been making the mistake of associating with you. It won't happen again. :)
-garbon, February 23, 2014


Quote from: alfred russel on July 28, 2020, 10:27:01 AM
Regardless, this is an episode where it was a major story that he got covid, prominently featuring how he minimized his personal risk from the disease, but when it more or less turned out his predictions were right (based on what we know) it gets reported with a whimper.
Which prediction did he get right the protection of an athletic physique or hydroxychloroquine? Because isn't the more accurate description that from an outside perspective he doesn't appear that athletic and from a medical research perspective there's minimal evidence hydroxychloroquine would help him. So it's not his predictions but that he is in a lower risk category and obviously the vast majority of cases are mild, which just reinforces what we know.

Incidentally Johnson is taking a very different approach leading this into a push against obesity (and more nanny state-ism <_<) with a video in which he just admits "I was too fat" :lol:
Let's bomb Russia!

The Brain

To what? Dress like dat?

What happened to Ricki Lake btw?
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: celedhring on July 28, 2020, 10:16:43 AM
60% of new infections in Spain have no symptoms (which doesn't necessarily mean that they won't develop symptoms down the line), so even the "get tested when you have the slightest discomfort" formula won't work. This virus is a stealthy nasty fucker.

Yeah, it's fucking insidious. What killed it here the first time was collective local action, massive brute force testing and 2 week quarantine for all incoming travelers. Now we're back to "safe" country lists, only testing on arrival and trying to manage it with overthought excel solutions and it's right back.
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