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Britain Begins to Break

Started by citizen k, July 10, 2009, 10:18:52 PM

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citizen k

QuoteClimbing toll raises British doubts on Afghanistan

WOOTTON BASSETT, England – Thousands of mourners bowed their heads in tribute Friday to the passing coffins of British soldiers killed in a new offensive in Afghanistan, where the climbing toll has created doubts in Britain about the human cost of the war.

News of 15 battlefield deaths in 10 days has many Britons rethinking the country's commitment to a conflict that seems no closer to a successful conclusion than when troops first arrived seven years ago.

A Ministry of Defense spokeswoman said a total of eight deaths were announced Friday, making it one of the darkest days of the war. She spoke on condition of anonymity in line with department policy.

"The casualties should fix peoples' minds on the fact that we've let the soldiers down," said Adam Holloway, an opposition Conservative Party lawmaker who sits on Parliament's defense committee. "The death toll means we should do it properly or we shouldn't do it at all."

Holloway, a frequent visitor to Afghanistan, said Britain has never had the troop strength needed to hold ground there and has failed to provide the promised security or reconstruction, leading many Afghans to believe the Taliban militants will outlast Western forces.

"We're in a mess," he said.

He cautioned that there is still no widespread public revolt against the government's war policy. He said his constituents do not seem extremely worried about the troubled Afghan campaign, despite the increasing casualties.

But some communities are grieving. Schoolchildren, businessmen and army veterans stood side by side in Wootton Bassett, a small market town about 85 miles (135 km) west of London, as the bodies of five soldiers killed between Saturday and Tuesday were driven through the crowds after being flown to a nearby air base.

Wootton Bassett's mayor, Steve Bucknell, said it was becoming increasingly hard to accept the rising number of British casualties.

"We keep on asking ourselves how many more? Each time we pray it's the last one, knowing it probably isn't going to be," Bucknell said.

It has become traditional for the residents to line the streets when hearses carrying soldiers' coffins pass through the town on the sad trip from a military airport to a cemetery.

The casualty count mounted Friday night when officials said five soldiers were killed in two separate explosions while on patrol. Earlier in the evening, the Ministry of Defense announced that a soldier from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment had been killed in an explosion. Two other deaths were announced earlier in the day.

The names of the dead soldiers are likely to be released in the next 24 hours.

The deaths have come in volatile southern Helmand province in the past nine days amid a new offensive to uproot Taliban fighters. Seven years after British forces first deployed to Afghanistan — and after the loss of 185 troops — ex-military chiefs are criticizing tactics and equipment while members of the public wonder about the benefit of taking part in the conflict.

Defense Secretary Bob Ainsworth and Prime Minister Gordon Brown claim that Britain's role in Afghanistan is crucial to root out extremist terrorists who could potentially attack the United Kingdom, and to prevent a tide of Afghan heroin from reaching British streets.

Brown said Friday that the war is vital to Britain's security.

"There is a chain of terror that runs from the mountains and towns of Afghanistan to the streets of Britain," he told reporters at the G-8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy. "Having talked to President Obama and the rest of the world leaders, there is a recognition that this is a task the world has got to accept together and this is a task we have got to fulfill."

Michael Clarke, head of London-based military think tank the Royal United Services Institute, said public concern is mounting and urged politicians to be more honest about Britain's initial reasons for joining the 2001 invasion.

"What they won't really say is that it's about the credibility of the NATO alliance, and our military relationship with the United States," Clarke said.

Some critics say that Britain should either withdraw from the mission, or that troops must be provided with better equipment, including more helicopters. Britain, the United States and Canada have long complained that they have engaged in heavy fighting in Afghanistan while some European nations have shied away from combat roles.

Tony Philippson, whose son James was killed in Afghanistan in 2006, said the public remained skeptical about whether foreign troops will ever be able to suppress the Taliban and bring peace to the country.

"I've always felt it was a risky business and I think it's still on a knife edge about whether they can succeed," Philippson told the BBC.

Gen. Charles Guthrie, the head of Britain's military between 1997 and 2001, said he believes British soldiers have died as a direct result of a shortage of helicopters for troops in Afghanistan. British troops are suffering heavy casualties from roadside bombs, and a lack of helicopters mean soldiers must make more journey across Helmand by road.

"If there had been more, it is very likely fewer soldiers would have been killed by roadside bombs," Guthrie — a longtime advocate of higher defense spending — was quoted as telling the Daily Mail newspaper.

Britain's defense ministry declined to disclose how many helicopters Britain has in Afghanistan on security grounds, but said additional aircraft are being sent to support the mission.

The ministry said that the two latest casualties died in separate incidents Thursday. The bloodshed has intensified as Afghans prepare for elections planned for next month.

Associated Press Writer Gregory Katz contributed to this report.

Friends and relatives of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan grieve as the hearses carrying the bodies pass through the town of Wootton Bassett in south west England July 10, 2009. The bodies of five soldiers killed in Afghanistan, Lance Corporal David Dennis, Trooper Christopher Whiteside, Private Robert Laws, Captain Ben Babington-Browne, and Lance Corporal Dane Elson were repatriated on Friday.                                          REUTERS/Toby Melville


QuoteClimbing toll

I thought this might be a mountaineering tax.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


These are the same people who conquered India and half the world.  Suddenly they can't spare troops to defend themselves and the natives from the craziest, most evil motherfuckers on the planet?
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Queequeg on July 11, 2009, 01:27:01 AM
These are the same people who conquered India and half the world.

by my reckoning most of them are long dead.


Quote from: Queequeg on July 11, 2009, 01:27:01 AM
These are the same people who conquered India and half the world.  Suddenly they can't spare troops to defend themselves and the natives from the craziest, most evil motherfuckers on the planet?
There is so much wrong with this statement, I won't even bother to demolish it.


Anyway, I'm surprised with the lack of progress with Afghanistan. After all, every single invasion that tried to occupy Afghanistan before was a full success.


QuoteNews of 15 battlefield deaths in 10 days has many Britons rethinking the country's commitment to a conflict that seems no closer to a successful conclusion than when troops first arrived seven years ago.

Mr. Churchill would be disappointed.


The thread title had me hoping that Scotland was finally breaking loose.

Ah well, soon enough.
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'


Haha! What a load of bollocks! I don't know anyone here "doubting" having our troops in Afghanistan, let alone a large number of people! War doesn't seem to be a big issue here like it seems to be in the USA - the war in Iraq, etc... were never big election issues like they were in the USA, and Afghanistan is still no issue here.

Ed Anger

Quote from: Queequeg on July 11, 2009, 01:27:01 AM
from the craziest, most evil motherfuckers on the planet?

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Lettow77 on July 11, 2009, 05:14:03 AM
The thread title had me hoping that Scotland was finally breaking loose.

Ah well, soon enough.
Not really.

But I did expect something worse from the title. Some horrible financial stuff perhaps.


Quote from: Palisadoes on July 11, 2009, 06:33:55 AM
Haha! What a load of bollocks! I don't know anyone here "doubting" having our troops in Afghanistan, let alone a large number of people! War doesn't seem to be a big issue here like it seems to be in the USA - the war in Iraq, etc... were never big election issues like they were in the USA, and Afghanistan is still no issue here.

There is so much wrong with this statement, Martinus won't even bother to demolish it.

Admiral Yi

What impressed me is Canada has nearly as many dead as the UK.

citizen k

Quote from: Tyr on July 11, 2009, 07:24:07 AM

But I did expect something worse from the title. Some horrible financial stuff perhaps.
Is money all you ever think about?  ;)