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Stellaris semi-AAR

Started by Solmyr, May 09, 2016, 03:49:24 PM

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I started a molluscoid, highly intelligent, fanatically materialistic and xenophile race, ruled by a despotic hegemony. They are technocrats who consider knowledge and progress to be above any kind of morality, and consider their society to be one big machine working towards that goal.

The Azzath Hegemony:

Our humble beginnings:

The Azzath system and our continental homeworld, Nira Azzath, ruled by Governor Nahell:

Our glorious leader, Overlord Gah'huss (his traits are Explorer and Architectural Sense):

Ten years later, we have explored much of our corner of the galaxy, and Overlord Gah'huss has chosen his heir, Dussell (Space Miner and Fertility Preacher):

Our homeworld is growing and we need to start looking for suitable worlds to establish new colonies:

Meanwhile, our colony ship is building a frontier outpost to claim this mineral-rich system. Mineral shortages have consistently plagued our expansion efforts for the last ten years, and we need to find more sources. On the other hand, energy generation has been quite plentiful.

As you see on the galaxy map above, we've also encountered some hostile fleets and aliens. In fact, some of our own citizens started engaging in space piracy, though luckily our flotilla took care of them without too much trouble. Thus, an expansion of our military fleet is in the works as well.


Awesome, will be following avidly!  :cheers:
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain

Phillip V


Winner of THE grumbler point.


The reign of Overlord Gah'huss lasted for about forty years, during which the Azzath Hegemony expanded across the nearby systems. At his death, it consisted of five colonized worlds and numerous outposts and stations. Contact was also made with many alien races inhabiting the galaxy. The first ones were the Entheri, an anthropod race living closest to the Azzath. They were fanatically spiritual theocrats, and thus their philosophy clashed deeply with our materialistic ways. For now, we eye each other warily, but future conflict is not unlikely.

To properly deter aggression, our fleet has been constantly increased with corvettes and a few destroyers. So far it has only been tested against space denizens such as amoebae, mining drones and void clouds, but emerged victorious from all engagements. Here is our fleet attacking a pirate space station in the Cyban system:

As of 2241, we have met many species and alien empires. Here is a map of our part of the galaxy:

In particular, we encountered a Fallen Empire, the reptilian Vhemm Continuum, not far from our expanding borders. They seem pretty powerful, and may be trouble...

The Azzath Hegemony shortly after the death of Overlord Gah'huss and the ascension of Overlord Dussell:

Our five inhabited worlds include:
1. Nira Azzath in the Azzath system, our homeworld.
2. Naff'Flevith in the Koter system, our first colony. A large planet whose peculiarities include wild storms and walking forests (which we studied for the benefit of our society research).
3. Naff'Ern in the Korach system, our second colony and the most far-flung one. A large gaia world, fantastic for supporting life, one which we just could not let fall into anyone else's hands. It also happens to be a holy world of a nearby Fallen Empire (presumably the Vhemm), but of course we don't pay attention to such religious mumbo-jumbo.
4. Foll'Bhor in the Qamm system, our third colony. A large and fertile world.
5. Naff'Avm in the Qeffoth system, our fourth colony. A smaller world, but one fairly rich with energy, and one that we needed to establish a connection to the faraway Korach system.

Here is Naff'Ern, the Gaia world:

Also along with Overlord Gah'huss, the first generation of our leaders has started to die off. Two prominent deceased leaders were our chief scientist and explorer, who personally surveyed countless systems and studied many anomalies, and the admiral of our fleet, who led it so many times to victory. Replacements were duly hired.

Our scientific knowledge is also progressing well. Our physicists have been the most successful; they developed a global reserach initiative, enabling us to build an excellent research institute; and also developed cloud lightning conduits, a weapon harnessing the power of the void clouds (although this weapon hits hard, it is somewhat slower than lasers).

We also met some primitive species, and even established one observation outpost over Umara, a planet in the Wiertham system:

They are in early Space Age, and we may have to decide eventually what to do with them. So far, however, we are studying them aggressively (anal probing and all).

Oh, and we also met our evil (well, good) twins, the Lagin'Chuuz. They live on the edge of the galaxy south of our empire, in the Wimar Drift. They are xenophiles like us, but also fanatically pacifist. Could they be a long-lost offshoot of our species? In any case, the systems on the way to their space kingdom are quite rich, and I am looking to expand that way. Perhaps at some point we will make them an offer they cannot refuse...


I want this game so much, but I don't have time right now... :(

Thanks for the AAR  :hug:


Under Overlord Dussell, there was a spurt of exploration, building and military expansion, as we continued to eye the Entheri with hostility.

Our science ship explored the regions to the southwest. In particular, we encountered a toxic, fume-filled planet that seemed to be home to an extinct civilization. Our scientist, naturally, decided on a hands-on investigation:

The investigation pays off, as the reactivated robots clean up the planet and make it extremely habitable. Unfortunately, it is a bit too far from our borders to exploit for now, but perhaps one day...

Seeking allies, we decided on the avians of Rackuddon, negotiating the Sanguine Compact for mutual alliance and assistance.

The Rackuddon are weaker than us, but they occupy the flank of the Entheri space, so they could be useful in case of a war. We decide to help their advancement somewhat with a research agreement.

As the arms race against the Entheri intensifies, we construct some permanent military stations to defend our important systems. The first Fin'Ell-class defense platform, utilizing amoeba strike craft, is soon in place near Nira Azzath; others soon follow.

The early space age civilization on Umara that we have been anally probing has finally made the giant leap and became a fully spacefaring faction. Unfortunately, they just so happened to claim several systems right in the middle of our empire, cutting our space in half. This, of course, could not stand. There is a limit to our xenophilia...

Naturally, our forces were far superior to theirs, and after we blew up their only military station near their home planet, they quickly surrendered.

After the war, we created the Umara sector within our space, granting the conquered species some self-administration. However, we may have to deal with their secession desires in some way later...

Overlord Dussell dies soon after the war, with Overlord Govace taking over the Azzath Hegemony.

jimmy olsen

Cool AAR.

Seems like the AI of the Fallen Empires often falls asleep though. I think I read that they wake up after  the next time you load, so you might have a problem with that Holy World next time. 

Placid AI is probably the biggest problem in general. I wonder if it will be more active on a harder difficulty level. This is definitely a fixable problem though.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 10, 2016, 07:30:29 PM
Seems like the AI of the Fallen Empires often falls asleep though. I think I read that they wake up after  the next time you load, so you might have a problem with that Holy World next time. 

Reloaded a few times since then, they haven't budged.

Our thirst for knowledge knows no bounds. Our latest mission is to capture live specimens of alien creatures on different worlds in the galaxy. Four of them were fortunately within easy reach (we had to negotiate civilian passage with a nearby empire for one), but three are found on the other side of the galaxy, so getting to them will take some time.

Our next colony was founded in the Antares system, claiming the still unclaimed area to the west. Foll'Oblal is a large world, though somewhat lacking in resources.

After a period of negotiations, our long-lost relatives of the Lagin'Chuuz Kingdom saw the light and joined the Sanguine Compact. The Azzath Hegemony is the clear leader of the alliance, and eventually we may seek to form a federation.

Under Overlord Govace there was an expansion of government. The people of Nira Azzath erected an Empire Capital-Complex fit to house our extensive government.

Yet another new colony was founded in the Tatanga system, where we found the robot-inhabited extinct civilization earlier. Overlord Govace gave his blessings to the new colony, despite it being somewhat far from our core worlds. Despite the size of the planet, it will likely not be a big colony due to lack of food. For now we will exploit the local machinery for our engineering research, and perhaps in the future an expansion can be made.

With the arms race against the Entheri continuing in full swing, Overlord Govace commissioned the Sothhdve-class defense station, a new and larger military station to defend our space. The first one was constructed near Nira Azzath, with others to follow in other important systems.

The Hegemonic Abyssal Fleet also saw some action against alien lifeforms. Some of the most powerful ones were the Crystalline Elites in the Regulus system. Despite the loss of some corvettes, the crystalline entities were destroyed and their remains duly studied.

The only remaining alien entities close to our space are abyssal void clouds to the south, in a system not far from the Lagin'Chuuz; and a multitude of alien space stations in The Sanctuary system just within the Rackuddon League borders. We may need to prepare some more before taking these on.

Our scientists and philosophers have been busy as well. The brilliant mind of Gah'huss introduced the idea of Manifest Destiny, by which we shall take what should naturally be ours. The resulting expansion of our borders pushed against the Entheri and allowed us to claim some rich systems to the south.

Armed with our new philosophy and influence, Overlord Govace reformed the government and instituted the Neural Administration Network (NAN), with himself as High Technician. He also picked a more suitable successor, Senior Technician Fern'fuj. The new administrative techniques provided the Azzath Hegemony with more efficient ways to govern and conduct scientific research.



Big update with many things!

The military and colonial expansion of the Azzath Hegemony continued hand-in-hand with its scientific achievements. In 2277, the first cruiser ships were built and in 2285 the first battleship. This coincided with development of Zero Point Power in 2283, the best achievable generators to power our new ships.

Our next colony was Soll'Evamul, an arctic world west of Azzath space. It was established mainly as a stepping stone towards the resource-rich systems of the Weeping Ghost Nebula.

Our genetic research has taken off, as our computer network started identifying especially gifted lineages in order to pick the best possible leaders.

The next colony was Fesh'Alahb, within the Weeping Ghost Nebula. The local colonies were assigned to their own sector and we went to work constructing mining and research stations in the nearby systems.

Although we felt no personal animosity towards the Qvefoz, they were sadly allied to our rivals the Entheri, and thus we had no choice but to declare them rivals as well.

And let it not be said that we forbid free thought within the Azzath Hegemony! It is just that any ideas and innovations must be supported by demonstrable scientific data. Only that way can we be certain to maximize our capability for progress.

In the 2290s we designed the ultimate military station, the Nimbhlog-class Fortress. At the same time, we established a dedicated corps of naval engineers to oversee construction of such stations. Soon, several were built in our important systems.

At the same time our genetic research took another leap forward, as we started to actively develop the capabilities of future leaders through DNA manipulation.

Our ground military developments did not fall behind, as we started producing droids and entire droid armies. Additionally, genetics and military development cooperated in creation of xenomorph military units.

As the new century began, we could tolerate our rivals no longer. With a heavy heart, in response to continuous mockery of the Entheri, our Sanguine Compact voted to declare war on the Star Entente, the alliance of the Entheri and the Qvefoz (and some nations further away that would be unable to reach us). Our demands were the submission of the Entheri for the greater good, as well as cessation of some border systems to our allies the Rackuddon League.

The Entheri defenses crumbled quickly. The Hegemonic Abyssal Fleet under Admiral Nuvoll invaded Na Ethor and made short work of the Entheri Attack Swarm.

The Qvefoz proved to be a tougher nut to crack. Through the use of wormholes they managed to move between systems quickly, attacking our defenses and evading our fleet. They even managed to occupy one of our planets for a time, and destroyed several of our military stations. The greatest battle was fought in our very own Azzath system, not far from our homeworld. Our Hegemonic Abyssal Fleet and our Rackuddon allies caught the Qvefoz Stellar Rectrix in a massive exchange of firepower.

Finally, the hard war was over after the Entheri and the Qvefoz were utterly crushed and their spaceports annhilated. Our army of elite guard units and xenomorphs invaded and occupied the planet of Vurl-Raqqa that was to be ceded to the Rackuddon. After that, the enemy saw that resistance was futile and quickly accepted out terms. The Entheri became our vassals, alongside the Ubaric League which had previously been vassalized to them.

After peace was signed, our sights were again turned towards research and discovery. One system in particular interested us greatly - the Sanctuary system which we had discovered long ago. At that time, we encountered many space stations protecting a ring world; they communicated to us to stay away from the system. Now, however, our fleet was feeling strong after the recent war, and we decided to take on the alien stations. In 2330, we attacked the system and destroyed the strange stations. Their debris provided us with many useful ideas on scientific innovations.

An interesting interlude occurred the same year, when we identified a particularly gifted individual among the primitive civilization that we were observing. His talents were, of course, wasted on the primitives, so we organized an abduction scenario to gain his services for ourselves. He did, in fact, turn out to be a genius and after a short period of adjustment was made the head of our physics research.

The initial discoveries made in the Sanctuary system intrigued our scientists, and they wanted to observe the system on a more permanent basis. Unfortunately, the system lay just inside the borders of the Rackuddon League. However, after building three frontier outposts in the nearby systems, we could enact moving the border to get the Sanctuary into Azzath space.

Observation stations were duly built close to the ring world. We identified four separate civilizations inhabiting different parts of the ring. Three were in late medieval stage, while one was in Atomic Age. As usual, we began aggressive observation including abductions and active research.

Our scientific progress started to take a new leap forward in 2340, when our formerly abducted scientist, Sobak, proposed the development of sentient AI. While some were concerned about the dangers of such research, the computer network dismissed such concerns as fearful superstition. What could be the downsides of such a breakthrough scientific discovery?

In 2342, High Technician Govace passed away after a very long and successful reign. At the age of 136, he was the longest-lived of our species (thanks to his many genetic improvements), as well as our first leader born after we began exploring the stars. His successor as High Technician was Fern'fuj, a more militarily-minded leader.

The galaxy at the death of High Technician Govace. The Azzath Hegemony controls large space in the southeast, along with our allies the Lagin'Chuuz and the Rackuddon. To our north, the much-diminished Entheri and the Ubaric League are our vassals. The fallen empire to the east, the Vhemm Continuum, has so far lain dormant. Our new rivals are the xenophobic Pouz-Jok Confederation to the west, and things may come to blows before long.


By the time High Technician Fern'fuj became our ruler, the Azzath Hegemony consisted of many species. Some immigrated from other empires, some were natives of planets in our local systems. Different species were well-adapted to life on different worlds, and were used to establish appropriate colonies where needed. Our scientists also engaged in some genetic manipulation of species to eliminate their deficiencies or increase their skills.

Naturally such a diverse empire required efficient governing, and our sociological research team developed orbital mind control lasers and comissar squads to keep any potential unruliness in line.

In 2345 our physics team developed the first sentient AI on their computers. From there, we began spreading it to other branches of our computerized network.

Meanwhile, our observation station above Jurg-Shondaar reported the creation of an anti-alien task force by the locals on the planet. Apparently, today they celebrate their Independence Day.

After further observation of the ring world in the Sanctuary, we decided to advance one of the local species to space age, so that they would become a loyal protectorate of our empire. We chose the Hytheans, who were scientifically-minded and materialistic like the Azzath, as well as suitable for living in harmony with other species. The process of accelerated technological advancement was initiated among the medieval-stage Hythean kingdoms, so it would take some time to complete.

In 2349, our research into machine sentience bore new fruit as we developed synthetics to replace our previous droids. The droids that worked in our mines on several planets were soon upgraded.

Yet it seems some were not happy about this line of research. The Hulfir Successor State, a fallen empire far to the west, sent a transmission demanding that we cease this research immediately. Of course, we would not be so bullied. Technological progress is everything, and no decadent fungoids could tell us to stop. The Hulfir were far from us, with several other empire in between, so we had little fear of reprisal.

While we were abducting a Hydari scientist from the Sanctuary-D world, it seems our pilots engaged in a little prank by creating crop circles on the Hydari fields. This apparently caused the creation of a new religion among the natives. While the prank was unfortunate, we decided to let it slide and observe the resulting developments on the ring world.

In 2354, our research into machine sentience resulted in the development of a sentient ship computer, which would combine offensive and defensive protocols for maximum flexibility. Such computers were soon installed on all our ships.

We also experienced some problems with the newly sentient synthetics, as reports of rogue AI came in. This problem would have to be dealt with, and soon.

The natives of Jurg-Shondaar surprised us, as they actually managed to destroy our observation post with a spacebound missile, despite their otherwise less advanced technology. While unfortunate, we soon constructed a new observation post. Eventually we will have to deal with the Uv-Xantt species, but as our policies prohibit direct invasion of primitive planets, we will have to wait until they are a spacefaring civilization before taking action.

In 2361, our knowledge of AI advanced to the point where the computer network was calculating the ability of synthetics to become scientists and leaders. As debates went on, High Technician Fern'fuj took the momentous decision of granting full citizenship rights to all synthetics in our empire, and to allow them to enter leadership roles should our computer network deem it suitable. While some organic populations were mistrustful of this move, the Azzath Hegemony can surely only become stronger by utilizing our synthetics to the fullest of their abilities.


Is anyone reading this? :P

The Azzath Hegemony continued its work to enlighten suitable species and to bring them under the common aegis in the name of progress. The Hytheans were helped with their first FTL designs in 2369 and the Sanctuary system was given to them as a vassal state, the Hythean Commonwealth.

From the far reaches of the galaxy, we heard disturbing reports of a machine uprising among the Drull'Perfen.

Soon, we received a transmission from these machines, threatening us. We paid them no heed, for our confidence in the loyalty of our own synthetics and the superiority of our way of life was unshakable.

We continued to receive reports of AI revolt in different empires across the galaxy. Some travelers even reported that the machines created their own empire in the northern reaches of the galaxy. Should they threaten the Azzath, they will soon learn the error of their ways.

In the meantime, High Technician Fern'fuj waged another war against the Star Entente. His main target were the Qvefoz, who were once allies of the Entheri and had been our rivals for a while. However, this time they could not stand before the might of the Hegemonic Abyssal Fleet. Soon the Qvefoz systems were occupied and their allies abandoned them. The Qvefoz were split into two states. The United Qvefoz Clans became vassals of the Azzath Hegemony, while the Rippigaur system was formed into the Galactic Qvefoz League, which soon joined the Sanguine Compact. However, the avian Qvefoz ethics were very similar to the Azzath, and after the defeat they became loyal and friendly people.

With several members within the Sanguine Compact, the Azzath initiated a vote to form a federation.

In October 2378, the Stellar Compact was proclaimed, with the Azzath Hegemony holding the first presidency.

Utilizing the technology of all federation members, Azzath engineers designed the first Stellar-class battleship, available to all federation fleets.

Having seen success in science, war, and diplomacy, High Technician Fern'fuj died in 2384 at a very advanced age. His successor was Farahb Yulili, whose interests lay in industry and colonization of new worlds.

Eddie Teach

Quote from: Solmyr on May 16, 2016, 03:36:53 PM
Is anyone reading this? :P

I'm looking at the pretty pictures.  :)
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Grey Fox

Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


The reign of High Technician Farahb Yulili was mostly noted for its significant scientific progress, as technologies were researched and improved upon. As a noted industrialist and proponent of terraforming, Farahb sponsored construction of many terraforming stations across the Azzath Hegemony, as planets were gradually terraformed to a continental state suitable for the Azzath to inhabit. These planets, many of them in different sectors, were subsequently settled by Azzath colony ships from Nira Azzath.

One major source of conflict during this period came from the Machine Consciousness, which continued causing synthetics to rebel across the galaxy. Many planets in different empires were taken over by the machines and native inhabitants were enslaved. The Azzath fleet even participated in the liberation of nearby such planets.

Sadly, in the final year of the 24th century, the machine rebellion finally spread to the Azzath. Despite the citizenship rights that our synthetics were given, they still rose in rebellion.

Only two planets had significant synthetic populations. Unfortunately, they were occupied by the robots for a while before our fleet could respond.

By 2403, the machine rebellion in the Hegemony was defeated, although the occupied worlds suffered major climatic changes and had to be terraformed back into suitable state afterwards. With a heavy heart, the High Technician concluded that synthetics were not ready for citizenship, and gave an edict to revert their status as subservient to organics.

In a more light-hearted vein, a rather silly incident took place on one of the primitive worlds we were observing. After a particularly wild party, our scientists apparently decided to create a new religion among the locals and had them build pyramids on their world.

Unfortunately, this resulted in some sort of a holy war among different adherents of this new religions, but at least we got a second pyramid out of it!

In 2446, High Technician Farahb Yulili died at the age of 139. His successor Nedve Yulili was far more warlike and interested in military technology.