Der Dreißigjährige Krieg 1618-1648: A Holy Roman Empire AAR

Started by Drakken, April 02, 2016, 07:36:43 PM

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One Land. One Emperor. One holy, blessed, apostolic, and Catholic faith.  :pope:

The cursed Bohemians are in revolt against the right authority of Ferdinand the second, soon to be elected by grace of God Holy Roman Emperor, forever August, King in Germany, King of Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, Bulgaria, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Margrave of Moravia, Duke of Luxemburg, of the Higher and Lower Silesia, of Württemberg and Teck, Prince of Swabia, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg and Goritia, Marquess of the Holy Roman Empire, Burgovia, the Higher and Lower Lusace, Lord of the Marquisate of Slavonia, of Port Naon and Salines, etc. etc.[/i]

Not only the Bohemian nobles, among the conniving Count Thurn, have resisted and seditiously connived against the Law of the Realm by going against the settlement of the Peace of Ausbourg, but they have gone so far as attempted regicide and high treason, having grabbed two of His Royal Majesty's representatives (and a scribe) and tossed it by the window to their deaths. Thank God in Heaven, angels have grabbed them before they crashed on the street below, and saved their lives. But not even God's angels will stop us righteous Catholics punishing this Bohemian scum and restore the authority of the Habsburg into the Crown lands again.

They will be brought back under the obedience of both Crown and the Church, and the dispositions of the Peace of Augsbourg will be respected again. No pity will be demonstrated for the heretics of the so-called followers of Luther and Calvin's cults, until they submit.

This will be getting bloody and chaotic, really quick...

The aftermath of the breakdown following the Defenestration of Prague: Bucquoy and Dampierre have finished mustering what is available of the Imperial forces in Vienna, while reportedly Count Thurn is besieging Budweiss while Von Mansfeld is surrounding Pilsen


- Maximum delay possible for executing orders
- Historical attrition from disease and weather for both me and the AI.
- Armies might not move if inactive
- Slightly randomized attributions for Generals
- Easy supply off
- Medium traffic penalty

- Average difficulty
- AI uses all behavior and given more time
- Medium Detect bonus and aggressiveness for AI



I've been playing around it a bit yesterday, the smaller amount of armies to manage makes it easier to manage in scale than TEAW. Within a few hours I was already reaching 1627.



Since the Bohemians can choose where to lay siege and control Prague and the hinterland, they hold the initiative. My immediate objective is to defend Linz and Vienna at all costs, while they will seek to secure full control of Bohemia by capturing Pilsen and Budweiss. Furthermore, if practicable I aim to prevent them from joining together, at least until the Catholic League convenes and decides whether to help our cause. If not I will have to force a showdown.

While it will be hard (and quite frankly foolhardy at this point) to relieve Pilsen, Budweiss is closer and thus more accessible. Pilsen will have to serve to delay Mansfeld as long as possible. I order Bucquoy to immediately head for Linz, where Thurn is the likeliest to cross the river so I want to block the crossing by the Traun confluent. It also gives me the option to seek battle with Thurn and relieve Budweiss, before he and von Mansfeld join up. 

Every available War Supply is spent to buy HRE Line Infantry replacement chits. Envoys and missionaries are sent to Krumau, Linz, and Melk to convert or expropriate as many Protestants as possible, while Bucquoy orders Requisitions to be made by Vienna citizens to contribute to the war effort, giving me 10 Thalers next turn at the cost of 10 Engagement Points and 10 VPs.



Mansfeld reportedly moved away from Pilsen as soon as Bucquoy started his move towards Linz. Our local spies report him being in the area of Pisek now, seemingly heading towards Budweiss, while our Army is within a day's march of Linz.

Lieutenant-Colonel de la Motte has generously raised a regiment of Walloon cuirassiers in Vienna,  with his own funds, to support our holy cause. Beautiful, these are deadly. :cry:

The War Council informs me that a host of Croatian light cavalrymen are made available for a measly cost, which I immediately pay. I aim to use them to go around and roam the Bohemian hinterland, wreck havoc to the Protestants supply lines, and disrupt his reinforcements.

Bucquoy being activated this turn gives me the opportunity of seeking a pitched battle with Thurn before Mansfeld could join him. Bucquoy is notoriously hit or miss regard activation, so I order him to immediately cross the Danube as soon as he reaches Linz and head to relieve Budweiss, bypassing Krumau. Not wanting to slow him down by making him way for reinforcements, La Motte's Regiment is instructed to head on his own to Budweiss, only to join with Bucquoy on location. Strict orders are given to La Motte to avoid battle of any kind until joining the Imperial Army.



Maximillian III, Archduke of Further Austria, Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, has died this month. :cry:

Brother of Emperor Matthias and Ferdinand II's mentor, he is the one who made sure Ferdinand would succeed to the Imperial Crown when the Emperor finally kicks the bucket. More pertinently, he is also responsible for deposing Melchior Khlesl, Cardinal of Vienna and Head of the Crown Council of Bohemia, whose nonchalant, irresolute response against the Bohemian revoltees has directly contributed to making this mess break out into open warfare.

My Croatian Light Cavalry is now available in Vienna.  However, with the harsh snow in Vienna and throughout Austrian lands and passes they are made to quarter inside the capital until the weather improves. I also appose the Imperial Privy Seal on a decree, proposed by my War Council, ordering to recruit a Dragoon regiment from the remaining Croatian elements.

Imperial forces finally arrive in Budweiss; De La Motte's Regiment joins in right then and there, as instructed. While Budweiss is luckily spared the early Austrian harsh winter snow, its wooden hills are instead meeting pouring rain and muddy grounds.

Predictably, Bucquoy botched his activation roll and is unable to take the offensive (in fact, to even move at all). That said the siege of Budweiss is effectively interrupted, and unless Thurn throws the dice he and Bucquoy will be facing each other in a staring contest this turn, with me closer to my supply lines and winter coming. Being in Defensive posture I will take fully advantage of the terrain and Thurn will be stuck attacking in the mud.

It is obvious that Thurn has not all the cards in his deck to attack the Imperials, but he still might take the gamble if he plays to win. Either Thurn pulls out toward Prague, he attempts a desperate assault despite his numerical disdvantage even after receiving reinforcements from Jagensdorf's Regiment... or he does nothing but stare at my powerful display of military might in front of Budweiss. In any case, more time bought cheap, and Bucquoy is set in his Defensive posture to defend Budweiss at all costs. As soon as he activates, I will immediately takes the offensive and force the issue using my numerical advantage.

Mansfeld, after dabbling around, has turned tail to return to Pilsen and siege the city anew. His hesitation has bought Pilsen two months of breathing space... and since now winter is coming he will probably go into winter quarters. Furthermore, some reinforcements have been witnessed being recruited in Prague.


Well, to my utter surprise (:rolleyes:) Thurn decides to roll the dice... and got a Snake Eyes.

Like I said, a staring contest. :yucky:

November 8th, 1618... a day which will live in infamy. Despite my overwhelming superiority in all three branches, my counter-offensive on Thurn's center line with my own double-line of infantry failed to cause any serious clash with the Protestants. After some light skirmish Dampierre's Corps started advancing; Thurn threw his hands up, declared 'the hell with this nonsense', and ordered a retreat in good order leaving me master of the quagmirey bogs around Budweiss.

jimmy olsen

Quote from: Drakken on April 02, 2016, 07:36:43 PM
they have gone so far as attempted regicide and high treason

"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason!"
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point



Small turn, as heavy snow sets in throughout Bohemia, putting an end to this year's operations. All my immediate war aims are fulfilled so far. Budweiss is saved for now and both Linz and Vienna are out of harm's way.

My recruited Croatians cavaliers both remain inside Vienna. The Imperial army, barely scratched at the battle of Krems, takes winter quarters inside the walls of Budweiss. Thanks to Bucquoy again, my main stack remains inactive. I am unable to use one of my supply wagons to build a depot and forward supply.  :mad:

Mansfeld has started besieging Pilsen again, but with the winter setting it odds are it will retreat inside Vienna until the snow melts.



Far from retreating and against my prudent (or arrogant) assessment, Bohemian heretics take the offensive despite the winter season.  :huh:

Count Thurn readvances toward Budweiss to lay siege again. I am surprised by this bold move in the middle of January I immediately sortie my (yet again inactive) stack to take the field. Meanwhile, Mansfeld breaches the walls of Pilsen and attempts storming it by force. In the frantic fight lasting three whole rounds, all the infantry garrison is massacred in the defence of the proud city... but its proud citizens barely succeeds in defending against Mansfeld's rabble. The Protestants lose under 850 men, almost 25% of their force in casualties.

This turn, at least. Pilsen is all but lost. :cry: From the garrison only a small part their 12 pounder guns are left. Rather than leaving them inside and risking to be seized I take a chance, I order them to mount the guns and get out of the city across the snowy Bohemian countryside, to join with Bucquoy in Budweiss.

I purchase a new set of 12-pounder cannons in Vienna to send to Bucquoy when spring comes, and spend 4 Thalers to build a supply wagon in Linz to build a depot there.


Count Thurn attempts yet again to pull out, but not without a few potshots taken against them at the second engagement at Krems.

Another staring contest between Bucquoy and Count Thurn, the Takeda Shingen to my Uesugi Kenshin. While my casualties are slightly higher, 2 of Hohenlohe's units have failed their morale check. quite enough to declare me the victor.

jimmy olsen

January offensive during the height of the little ice age?  :huh:

Ballsy as hell, but it worked.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point



Bad news for the remnants of the Pilsen garrison:  The Protestants control all surrounding localities, so they are effectively blocked. With no other option but to leave them in the snow exposed to elements I bring them back inside the city walls (now repaired). They are to be the Forlorn hope of the Catholic cause. :(

Emissaries from both Philippe III of Spain and Pope Paul V come to Vienna and offer their air to the Catholic cause. I heartily accept their helping hand for a measly 2 Engagement Points each, a mere Te Deum in Vienna Cathedral. :pope: War Supply and Thalers will pour in my barracks and my treasury next turn.

Bucquoy is finally active. I order him to pursue Count Thurn's retreating army now in Dienstadt and seek battle, despite the snow. Both that army's supply wagons are now empty so I detach them, sending one to Linz to resupply and the other to build a depot in Budweiss. I order the same for the wagon built in Linz. Supply will move forward from Vienna to Budweiss passing by Linz, by next turn.


TURN 7 - MARCH 1619

Pilsen has fallen. Breaching its walls once again Mansfeld swiftly deals the killing blow, destroying what remained of the 12 pounders. :cry:

Count Thurn has swiftly maneuvered to avoid Bucquoy by moving in Jankau. Elements and foul weather has exacted a huge toll on my troops moving to Dienstadt, while the remaining of the map enters Spring - except Bohemia of course. Now I plainly see Count Thurn's devious plan: to let me chase him through the snow, drawing me away from Budweiss, and needlessly causing myself heavy attrition in the process. <_<  I spend every available War Supplies made available by Roman and Spanish subsidies to buy Imperial replacements at once.

Plus... Bucquoy has chosen the worst possible moment to decide to sit on his ass this turn, by completely botching his Activation roll.  :yucky:


Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 05, 2016, 12:29:39 AM
January offensive during the height of the little ice age?  :huh:

Ballsy as hell, but it worked.

Indeed. It brought me to foolhardly (and foolishly) take a needless chance and chase him through the Bohemian winter. If he could attempt it, while shouldn't I? Now I am stuck helpless in Dienstadt, with dwindling supply, and Thurn to besiege Budweiss yet again - this time with next to no supply inside.

I'm starting to wonder if I could promote Dampierre to take his place. Bucquoy is a good commander, but he botches too many rolls for my taste.