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EU Immigration Crisis Megathread

Started by Tamas, June 15, 2015, 11:27:32 AM

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Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on September 17, 2015, 06:12:43 AM

exec summary: Two days and 750 euro's for a fake Syrian passport. On official paper and printed with the official printers.

That's quite steep. Not sure many immigrants will be able to afford it.


The main railroad "hub" for migrants in Croatia before they board trains to Zagreb is already overloaded.

Look here:

Those people have a single toilet and a single source of water available.

Duque de Bragança

Quote from: Martinus on September 17, 2015, 06:32:56 AM
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on September 17, 2015, 06:12:43 AM

exec summary: Two days and 750 euro's for a fake Syrian passport. On official paper and printed with the official printers.

That's quite steep. Not sure many immigrants will be able to afford it.

Remember when you told us they were mostly upper class/elite? Fake passport business is booming.

QuoteGerman customs officers have seized packages containing Syrian passports and police suspect they are being sold illegally to asylum seekers.
A finance ministry official said both genuine and forged passports were in the packets intercepted in the post.
Germany is letting Syrians register for asylum regardless of where they entered the EU. As refugees from the Syrian civil war, most have a right to asylum.
The passports can help fraudulent claimants to get asylum, the EU says.
The ministry official declined to say how many Syrian passports had been found in the customs checks. The German police are now investigating.
The EU border agency Frontex says trafficking in fake Syrian passports has increased, notably in Turkey.
A Frontex official, Fabrice Leggeri, told French radio station Europe 1 that "people who use these fake passports mostly speak Arabic.
"They may come from North Africa, the Middle East, but they have the profile of economic migrants," he said.

Germany has by far the highest number of asylum applicants in the EU, many of them Syrians and Afghans, but many also from the western Balkan countries.
Turkey is a major transit country for refugees and other migrants heading for the EU, and is also housing more than two million Syrian refugees in camps.

Later Leggeri added those fake passports have not been used yet by terrorists.

So it's no surprise that according to Lorenz Caffier, CDU interior minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (bordering Poland  :P) that 25 % of the so-called Syrians are not Syrians.
A police source even tell of Black Africans trying to pass as Syrians.  :D

QuoteLorenz Caffier: Innenminister zweifelt an Herkunft angeblicher Syrien-Flüchtlinge
Der Innenminister warnt: Ein Viertel der angeblich aus Syrien stammenden Flüchtlinge sind keine Syrer. Die Syrische Gemeinde fürchtet Nachteile

Nicht alle Menschen, die über Ungarn und Österreich als Asylsuchende nach Deutschland kommen und sich als Syrer ausgeben, sind tatsächlich Bürgerkriegsflüchtlinge aus Syrien. Nachdem Helfer in den vergangenen Tagen wiederholt Zweifel geäußert und erklärt hatten, dass eine große Anzahl der Einreisenden falsche Angaben zu ihrer Herkunft mache, hat jetzt erstmals Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Innenminister Lorenz Caffier (CDU) diese Beobachtungen bestätigt: ,,Mindestens ein Viertel der angeblich aus Syrien kommenden Flüchtlinge stammt nicht aus Syrien, sondern aus anderen arabischen oder afrikanischen Ländern", sagte Caffier, der auch dem Verteidigungsausschuss des Bundesrates vorsitzt, dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND), dem auch die OSTSEE-ZEITUNG angehört.

Caffiers Aussage deckt sich mit Angaben von Rainer Wendt, Bundesvorsitzender der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft  (DPolG): ,,Fast ausnahmslos jeder Flüchtling gibt vor, Syrer zu sein. Tatsächlich kommen viele aus allen möglichen  Ländern, selbst aus Schwarzafrika", sagte Wendt dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. Falsche Identitätsangaben seien ,,an der Tagesordnung". Wer Geld habe, lege gefälschte Pässe vor. Andere gäben an, keine Ausweispapiere mehr zu besitzen.

The tabloids have a field day with this and don't need to distort much (just put pretending in upper case) but they did note quote their sources.

QuoteThe country controversially opened its doors to all Syrians fleeing the country's civil war last month, sparking the biggest migrant influx since the Second World War.

But yesterday a top politician claimed at least 25 per cent of the supposedly Syrian refugees are in fact from elsewhere.

Interior minister Lorenz Caffier said: "At least a quarter of those refugees allegedly coming from Syria are not from Syria, but from other Arab or African countries."

Rainer Wendt, head of Germany's police union, recently made the same claim.

He said: "Almost without exception, every refugee pretends to be a Syrian when in fact, many come from other countries, even from sub-Saharan Africa."

And a police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, argued: "All [refugees] present themselves as Syrians, even if they are obviously black Africans."

Angela Merkel recently opened Germany's doors to Syrian refugees
This week politicians made a dramatic U-turn on its open-door policy after admitting it was straining the country's ability to provide accommodation.

Temporary border checks were introduced to stem the flow of thousands of refugees, many of them travelling by train from Austria to Munich.

Germany's national railway, Deutsche Bahn, halted services from Austria for around 12 hours as the situation spiralled out of control.

The country is expecting at least 800,000 refugees this year – by far the most of any the European Union member state.

Officials have become increasingly frustrated with the reluctance of many other EU countries – especially those in the former Eastern bloc – to share the burden of hosting the newcomers.


Ok, I tried asking this question directly but every time I do, I am told I confused a church spire with a minaret instead, so maybe some other poster can enlighten me - what exactly is duque's point?


Quote from: Martinus on September 17, 2015, 07:16:13 AM
Ok, I tried asking this question directly but every time I do, I am told I confused a church spire with a minaret instead, so maybe some other poster can enlighten me - what exactly is duque's point?

That even while they're escaping the gaping pit that is the Middle East in all its dictatorial and religious glory they are just going to turn Europe into something similar.

At any rate we're all going to die.
"Af alle latterlige Ting forekommer det mig at være det allerlatterligste at have travlt" - Kierkegaard

"JamenajmenømahrmDÆ!DÆ! Æhvnårvaæhvadlelæh! Hvor er det crazy, det her, mand!" - Uffe Elbæk


Chaos growing at that Croatian train stations, Tovarnik.

In short order 6000 people arrived to it. There has been one train taking away 800 of them, the others are growing restless and demanding to know what is going to happen to them.


Quote from: Martinus on September 17, 2015, 06:32:56 AM
Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on September 17, 2015, 06:12:43 AM

exec summary: Two days and 750 euro's for a fake Syrian passport. On official paper and printed with the official printers.

That's quite steep. Not sure many immigrants will be able to afford it.

the price for the boatride is steep. this isn't that expensive, especially if they're all "upper class".


This is quite a good source of information about the refugee and migration crisis in Europe:
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"

Duque de Bragança

I answered, Martinus, your self-loathing Polish bobo xenophile angelism blinds you, as long as Muslims are not close to you cf. your stay in Brussels. Mix it up with good old xenophobia towards Portuguese, Québécois, Belgians and Icelanders, et voilà. Not al these illegal migrants are refugees, far from it, as shown by these examples of massive fraud.
I can't help if you're clueless, to give another example, that you can't see a difference between a Parisian park in a very bourgeois area with a "culturally distinct" enclave. The kind that most of these so-called migrants are very good at creating. You should see what look like the places squatted by illegals migrants or refugees.

My point : de facto open door policy is a disaster for Europe. Only the most vulnerable refugees should be welcomed, i.e and/or willing to behave, this means mostly Yezidis and Christians, very few secular muslims, since most others even when told to leave the others don't comply and cannot be deported due to "humanitarian" reasons, but that's something that does not interest the post-christian left.

Besides, what are you accomplishing? You are only one useful idiot more helping indirectly human smugglers and mafias, to make himself feel better by bragging about his humanitarian donations.
Last thing, most European countries are in no condition to receive an endless stream of refugees due to economical and society reasons. I know it's sad but we can't help it, much less economic migrants, specially given the poor record of muslim immigrants at assimilation or even integration.

So the continuous barrage of refugee/migrant emotional, not rational, news, to make everybody feel guilty does not help. I don't get the "refugee hatred" on my friend and family circle, be it live or on social networks, only some self-rightneousness from well-meaning but ultimately naive and dangerous angelist persons.

PS: it's either unrestricted immigration or social states. Can't have both.


Quote from: Duque de Bragança on September 17, 2015, 08:28:49 AM
I answered, Martinus, your self-loathing Polish bobo xenophile angelism blinds you, as long as Muslims are not close to you cf. your stay in Brussels. Mix it up with good old xenophobia towards Portuguese, Québécois, Belgians and Icelanders, et voilà. Not al these illegal migrants are refugees, far from it, as shown by these examples of massive fraud.
I can't help if you're clueless, to give another example, that you can't see a difference between a Parisian park in a very bourgeois area with a "culturally distinct" enclave. The kind that most of these so-called migrants are very good at creating. You should see what look like the places squatted by illegals migrants or refugees.

My point : de facto open door policy is a disaster for Europe. Only the most vulnerable refugees should be welcomed, i.e and/or willing to behave, this means mostly Yezidis and Christians, very few secular muslims, since most others even when told to leave the others don't comply and cannot be deported due to "humanitarian" reasons, but that's something that does not interest the post-christian left.

Besides, what are you accomplishing? You are only one useful idiot more helping indirectly human smugglers and mafias, to make himself feel better by bragging about his humanitarian donations.
Last thing, most European countries are in no condition to receive an endless stream of refugees due to economical and society reasons. I know it's sad but we can't help it, much less economic migrants, specially given the poor record of muslim immigrants at assimilation or even integration.

So the continuous barrage of refugee/migrant emotional, not rational, news, to make everybody feel guilty does not help. I don't get the "refugee hatred" on my friend and family circle, be it live or on social networks, only some self-rightneousness from well-meaning but ultimately naive and dangerous angelist persons.

PS: it's either unrestricted immigration or social states. Can't have both.

Passions running a bit high?
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


QuoteUNHCR urges Europe to change course on refugee crisis

UNHCR reiterates its deep conviction that only a united European emergency response can address the present refugee and migration crisis. Individual measures by individual countries will not solve the problem but will make an already chaotic situation worse, further the suffering of people and increase tension amongst states at a time when Europe needs more solidarity and trust.

UNHCR is particularly concerned about a series of restrictive measures recently introduced by Hungary and the way they are being implemented, resulting in extremely limited access for refugees at the border. New legislation includes deterrence measures, some contrary to international law and European jurisprudence when applied to asylum-seekers and refugees.

"UNHCR reiterates its call on the the Hungarian authorities to ensure unimpeded access for people in need of protection in line with its legal and moral obligations,"the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, said today. "States should manage their borders in a way that is consistent with International and EU Law, including guaranteeing the right to seek asylum," Guterres added.

Reports indicate that only a few asylum-seekers have been allowed to enter Hungary through the official border crossing point. UNHCR was especially shocked and saddened to witness Syrian refugees, including families with children who have already suffered so much, being prevented from entering the EU with water cannons and tear gas.

Hungary has also begun to return asylum-seekers to Serbia, against standing UNHCR advice to governments. The argument that refugees can be denied entry because it is possible to be returned to Serbia does not take into account the asylum system Serbia is currently building is not able to cope with the magnitude of the current inflow of people who require effective protection.

In relation to refugees being detained for irregularly crossing the border barrier and will be charged, UNHCR reminds States of their obligations under the UN Refugee Convention and, in particular, article 31 (non- penalization for unauthorized entry or presence for asylum seekers and refugees).

"It is not a crime to cross a border to seek asylum," Mr. Guterres said.

To address the crisis, and given the outcome of the meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers and the new situation at the Hungarian border, UNHCR proposed an emergency plan of action yesterday in Brussels for:

1. The immediate creation of facilities in Greece to receive, assist, register and screen people arriving.
2. The immediate start of a process, from Greece and from existing centers in Italy, for the relocation of 40,000 refugees agreed to by the Council to participating EU countries. This should be expanded by additional voluntary pledges by EU states against the new proposals of the European Commission.
3. An emergency package from the EU to Serbia to establish a similar capacity to properly assist, register and relocate people to other European countries.

In parallel, UNHCR insists on the need to substantially increase the opportunities for Syrian refugees hosted in neighboring countries to Syria to access legal channels to the EU including enhanced resettlement and humanitarian admission, family reunification and humanitarian and student visas.

Meanwhile, a growing number of refugees are now moving to Croatia. UNHCR has offered immediate support to the Croatian authorities and is mobilizing additional teams, relief items and equipment to Greece and Serbia as more than 4000 refugees and migrants continue to arrive on a daily basis to Greece.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


And now the walking on motorways have started in Croatia as well.

Plus there have been an incident when they wanted to move out some inhabitants from a refugee center who had been living there for years (I think they wanted to put them on Slovenia-headed trains as well).


Two migrants in Berlin threatened to jump out of the 10th floor window of the registration office because they have been waiting for 21 days for their papers to start receiving aid.

Supposedly the office is so overwhelmed that there are quite bad conditions. Migrants have seen to be fighting over a single banana, for example, they are so underfed.


Less than 24 hours in the "front lines" and Croatia which was quite loud about being happy to deal with the migrant movement has already requested Serbia Macedonia and Greece to stop letting through migrants.  :lol:

EU: teh fail