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Valmy's ADHD Dragon Age playthrough

Started by Valmy, April 10, 2015, 09:51:59 AM

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Quote from: Valmy on September 29, 2015, 08:57:55 AM
Which book did Cullen appear in? I am guessing Carroll was in DAO since the only Templar's name besides Cullen's I remembered was Greagoir and Cullen said he knew him a long time ago. I will look him up once I am done with the game (I just know once I start looking up stuff on the game on the internet I will not stop until I have revealed everything :blush: )
I was just speculating, I do not know.  I have read only one book and I didn't really liked it.
It's just that I don't know where that Caroll guy comes from.
Maybe they are expending massive amounts of manpower just to break into every ruin in Orlais on the off-chance there might be something valuable inside :P
In some ruins, there were very valuable things.

You find a notebook by a skeleton near the river, that starts the quest.
missed it, pretty sure :)
Doesn't matter, I think I can go back before the final DLC.  Not that it matters much since I reached the max level for all characters.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: viper37 on September 29, 2015, 02:53:12 PM
In some ruins, there were very valuable things.

True but they didn't get any of it :menace:

Well maybe they did in the times the Inquisition did not catch them.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."



The first temple is the temple they found through those runes in the Exalted Plains.

'Now that they have found it I think a name change is in order.'

This is a dark flooded ruin completely abandoned except for demons. Because, of course, something fucked up happened here. Oh everything needs to be lit with veilfire and the water, which is everywhere, washes it out. But plenty of veifire sconches so no big deal.

So basically the high priest got locked away by the other priest in order to hid his secrets I guess. So we will be gathering his gruesome body parts to release him where he will be delighted to see us.

'Bowl o' elf parts.'

You cannot see the elf parts without the veilfire.

And the body parts are still alive. Gross.

Oh and some explorers found the temple awhile back and died horribly and of course their possessed corpses roam the temple to murder the living. Good times. And they are like ten levels below Lothar and company. Hopefully the last time I have this problem in this game.

'How spiritual'

So they find the inner sanctum and the altar where the priest can get put together.

'Elves man. They do weird things.'

The explorers brought along some first class entertainment for this expedition as well.

'If only Varric was here to see this.'

And the elves are nice enough to leave a record of all the body parts they ripped out of their high priest.

'So the purpose of this religion is to learn lots of secrets and then ritually keep them secret? Well I guess no weirder than any other dismembering religion. I wonder what the Dalish would thing about this.'

So they restore the High Priest all his body parts and he is very grateful and tells us all his secrets...haha just kidding.

'There is just no pleasing some people.'

But afterwards they are able to find the secrets of Dirthamen as well as a really nice magical shield...or rather would have been a really nice magical shield if the group was still level 15. Oh and...

'Just one more mosaic piece to be found and my collection will be complete!'

And that is that for the Lost Temple of Dirthamen. One elf temple down, three to go.

On returning to Skyhold Lothar discovers Frederic of Serault has been hard at work studying dragons.

It seems they have internal defenses against the taint of the Darkspawn so it is almost impossible for a non-Old God dragon to get corrupted. That sheds some light on the uniqueness of Corypheus' dragon.

Solas suggests now the Corypheus has lost so completely in his political and military ambitions he needs to work some mojo to get his program running again.

Everiste 'Fairbanks' LeMarque is visiting to give info the Leliana.

So things are moving forward nicely. And off we go.


This place is down near the Arbor Wilds so perhaps related to whatever they find down there later. Once again the place is abandoned besides demons until right at the end when the Venatori arrive right as they are leaving.

'Nice and wild overgrowth.'

So just like how the elves broke up their high priest in the last temple, in this one they broke up their holy sword, Sulevin. It was only supposed to be be used for the purpose of protecting the Elven people (it actually means 'purpose' in Elven) but it was used to commit atrocities against innocent humans during the events surrounding the Exalted March. So either they broke up the sword out of shame or some curse.

'Huh. I wonder if that is the standard elf altar for holding pieces of things.'

Pretty straightforward. Everytime you pick up a piece of the sword a Revenant appears and you have to slay it. Do that four times and you win.

Solas notes that all the demons were probably a bug rather than a feature.

'Other elves are so much dumber than me.'

So glad Lothar found the smartest elf in the world. He and Cassandra discuss the corruption of the Seekers and how it is inevitable in all organizations.

'Yeah that Corypheus guy must be stopped!'

'These power hoarding men must also be...hey wait!'

Lothar is standing right there Solas! All power corrupts. However Lothar promised Mother Giselle that their arms would be laid down once Corypheus is defeated...we will see how that goes.

'Wait he wanted the veil to be thin...elf sacrifice was involved?'

Damn. Maybe the demons were a feature. And I guess some terrible curse had to be cancelled out that required these horrible rites.

They take down the last revenant.

'Burn baby burn!'

So now they have four very cursed sword parts.

'Putting together this horrible thing sounds like a great plan.'

'And hopefully less cursed.'


Ok the last time Lothar was here it was before the attack on Haven and the Oasis was strangely empty of enemies to fight. But on returning to it the Venatori have moved in large numbers trying to break into the temple. Well glad Lothar didn't have to deal with that at the time, this zone was quite difficult to navigate around. But fortunately it was no big deal at all since now I know the lay of the land and Lothar easily slipped back into Solasan.

And Lothar starts opening all the doors with the huge pile of shards he has collected.

'Ah yeah bring on the fire resistance!'

As we do this Thom Rainier, of all people, really lays into Iron Bull for the fate of the Chargers.

'Well to be was Lothar who made that call.'

And rich for Rainier to lecture others about sacrificing their own men. Iron Bull really lets him have it. As I said before, this group just blurts out whatever they feel without much of a filter hehe.

And what would you expect to be the final boss of the Temple of Pride?

Well I mean what else would it be?

After the fight Solas makes a comment on the temple.

It is a little unique as it seems to be some kind of penance or place to store the sins of the Elven people as perhaps a place that can be defiled so the people can be purified out in the world.

The resistances and the gear are pretty good but I am not entirely sure it was worth fetching all those shards to get it. Ah well at least I have some really nice purple resistance belts now.

These temples are hinting that things were very much not right in the house of the ancient elves (and the Dales era as well I guess). That they were struggling with their secrets and their pride and were taking pretty extreme measures to fight back the corruption of their people. Probably more will be relvealed in the big fourth temple in the Arbor Wilds.

First though...Lothar makes the last potion upgrade!

'So much herb picking went into this moment. I would like to thank my gloves maker.'

Next I do a huge revamp of all of their gear. New tier 3 gear using the best stuff Lothar could find in the Black Emporium is made. Everybody is now in Silverite Plate armor except for Vivienne and Solas, but only for aesthetic reasons. For some reason helmets are uniquely far better as drops than crafted. Almost everything but their helms is replaced by new gear. Lothar also buys the super expensive mystery box from Val Royeaux.

'A giant golden Nug...I can see why it was kept in a box until I bought it.'

And it seems the shop keeper no longer has a reason for living and suffers a very dramatic and eloquent existential crisis. This leads to getting more mounts somehow.

'New mounts? Be still by beating heart.'

Though a giant nug is kind of cool even if I will never use it.

Now for what you all have been waiting for: the last Dragon Age lore question!

Ok here is a hint: it is also the port the Hawkes sail to Kirkwall from...Come on you know it.
Gwaren of course. Way on the southeastern coast of Ferelden past the Brecilian Forest. That is why it took 10 days to sail to Kirkwall even though there is just a narrow bit of water between it and northern Ferelden.

Did you get them all? Well Lothar did and now he collects his reward!

The giant two handed spoon of champions!

Scrooge McDuck left his hat in his money bin. Either that or his body is buried somewhere in there.

No you cannot take any of the massive piles of gold but after Lothar sold all the old gear after crafting and shopping he still has 70K gold left. That should be enough.

Now it is finally time to race Corypheus to the Arbor Wilds. Here is hoping he procrastinated as much as Lothar did.

Stuff Lothar did:

Lothar reached the inner sanctum of Solasan, the Elf Temple of Pride.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on September 30, 2015, 03:48:10 PM
Oh and some explorers found the temple awhile back and died horribly and of course their possessed corpses roam the temple to murder the living. Good times. And they are like ten levels below Lothar and company. Hopefully the last time I have this problem in this game.
Hmm?  Should I answer that?

Ok.  I will.

The final fight will be very very easy once you've done all the campaign + all dlc.  The dlcs themselves will be extremely difficult.  Just make sure you re-equip at the beginning of Jaws of Hakkon, once you've found some good materials.

So they restore the High Priest all his body parts and he is very grateful and tells us all his secrets...haha just kidding.
Yeah, that's not how it usually goes down :P

'Wait he wanted the veil to be thin...elf sacrifice was involved?'
Maybe more on that later...

'Burn baby burn!'
Burn the heretic!  Kill the demon! Purge the unclean!

'Putting together this horrible thing sounds like a great plan.'
Hey!  It's Dagna!  She knows what she's doing!  She does, right? right??

I usually do this a few sections at a time to get the bonus and fight the dragons :)
To each is own :)
As I said before, this group just blurts out whatever they feel without much of a filter hehe.
Sera and Dorian have some pretty good lines too :)
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Ok time to race to the Arbor Wilds with shocking speed!

'All quests: done!'

Smooch for good luck...

'OMG Stop rubbing your heterosexuality in my face!'

And then down to business.

'Yes I know which is why I spent several weeks exploring four new zones and searching carefully for important throne parts, mosaic pieces, and elf shards.'

Anyway they already went over this Josephine, try to keep up though it was so long ago I can see why you may have forgotten. In order to make this work the three advisors start bickering and Lothar has to say what he said to Empress Celene and company.

'Just like Gaspard, Celene, and Briala are in Orlais. Let us be inspired by their example!'

They put together a plan of coordination where Inquisition allies, the spy network, and the military would all descend on the Arbor Wilds. Lothar is pleased.

'Of course most self-proclaimed Gods are locked away in sanitariums but still...'

Lothar's team for this expedition is going to be Solas (natch), Cassandra, and Cole. I figure the spirits in the Elf Temple might have something to say.

'Go team!'

First in are Josephine's allies:

'Vive l'Orlais! Vive l'Impératrice!'

And from Ferelden these guys:

'Um I guess those are The Blades of Hessarian since it is clearly the Storm Coast there.'

Leliana sends her people ahead to conduct a guerilla war.

'We outwit our enemies via our secret weapon: climbing trees.'

Cullen leads the Inquisition army forth!

Lothar arrives.

Excellent. Make it so captain.

Lothar is feeling pretty badass. The Venatori don't stand a chance. May this be the final battle.

Morrigan shows up and notes how everybody is invoking Andraste but they seem to really mean Lothar. Lothar jokes that it is not like that and it is not like he is the Maker.

'Ok Morrigan and Lothar...probably not going to be best buds.'

'Hey military necessity knows no historical preservation.'

Empress Celene is present in person...though she is spending most of her time worrying about what Gaspard is doing in her abscence.

'Excellent use of the 'royal we' your majesty.'

On the way out Lothar walks by a praying soldier and completes his prayer for him.

They move out fighting the Venatori, Red Templars and...wait more Grey Wardens?

'Damn well maybe Corypheus went out and got some new ones. He can, after all, control Wardens literally in his sleep.'

So they drive forward through the wilds from time to time engaging the enemy usually engaged themselves with Inquisition and their allies. Combat in this region requires everybody to split up into small isolated groups and fight other small isolated groups.

'Damn straight they do!'

This new gear is great, they are slaughtering these guys. Damn. They are hardly breaking a sweat.

'Wait what the hell is that?'

Weird Elves start fighting both sides. Huh. More on that later.

'Man I hope so.'

I cannot see how the remains of Corypheus' army gets out of this one. They fight to the entrance to the Temple.

They obliterate the Grey Wardens and head inside. There a group of those Elf defenders has confronted Corypheus, Calpernia, and their companions. Corypheus notes these 'remnants' will not keep him from the 'Well of Sorrows'. Well of what now? Just for kicks Corypheus kills all the elves by blowing himself up. Yes you read that right. Ancient Tevinter suicide bombing!

'Ok now you are just showing off'

Calpernia and company just calmly walk right on by into the temple. Lothar and company start after them but Corypheus gets reborn from a Grey Warden right behind them.

'Ok I admit. That is a pretty neat trick.'

Corypheus' dragon then shows up and Lothar and company run like hell into the temple and seal the door.

'Oh crap!'

Once they have a second to catch their breath, Cassandra asks the obvious question:

'A salient point.'

Morrigan admits that *gasp* she was wrong! But nobody seems to know anything about this well. Huh. Not even Solas.
He does make a comment about what we just saw Corypheus do.

Ok while I guess he could do that earlier it was pretty unfortunate for Corypheus that we witnessed him do that. That would have been a pretty neat thing to spring on them during a confrontation.

Another mistake for Corypheus. You never know who is watching.

Lothar has a big conversation with Morrigan about the temple and the Goddess Mythal, who I know we are going to meet in the flesh at some point.

'That a fact? Well that has me thinking.'

Morrigan comments how Mythal was considered a maternal figure, which is what we heard in DA2, and a deliverer of justice. But also as a dark and vengeful being. Solas interjects saying that he understands Mythal to be both and neither of those things to be the Mother (capital M), protector and fierce.

Ok well this is interesting. The statement that Mythal might be many people...the fact that fierceness and vengeance are part of her thing. But also protector and mother...

Ok but remember the fact from DAII that Flemeth was reborn on the altar of Mythal. She has taken efforts to protect Thedas by rescuing Urien and Lorcan. She seemed to know the elves well and even had a title among the Dalish, Asha'Bellanar (which I wrote down means 'old woman' but still). Flemeth is a shapeshifter and Morrigan notes accounts about Mythal are varied. But, granted, that might just be Mythal's divine aspects. I was pretty sure Flemeth was in fact an Old God since she takes the form of an Archdemon and her scheme with Morrigan and Urthemiel was to preserve one of her bretheren. I thought maybe she might be Razikale, Dragon of Mystery.

But could the Elf Gods and the Old Gods, in fact, be the same entities?

The Old Gods are Dumat (Silence), Zazikel (Chaos), Toth (Fire), Andoral (Slaves), Urthemiel (Beauty, the Archdemon from DAO), Razikale (Mystery), and Lusacan (Night). Also if you do the Astrarium of the constelation 'Draconis' you learn that some think there might be an eighth god whose name has been lost.

The Elf Gods are Elgar'nan (Sun and Fathers), Mythal (Mothers and Protection), Falon'Din (Death and Luck), Dithamen (Secrets, whose temple Lothar recently visited), Andruil (The Hunt), Sylaise (Home), June (Crafts), Ghilan'nain (Halla), and Fen'Harel (Dreadwolf, the Trickster, Elfy Loki) sort of...

But there is a whole different group of Elf Gods called the 'Forgotten Ones' who are basically the Elf Gods only evil versions of them and Fen'Harel was kind of a member of this group also.

So maybe the eighth old god is Fen'Harel. Do the seven kind of go together? Eh not really. I mean you do have a Dragon of Mystery and an Elf God of Secrets...but nothing else really fits. On the other hand the Elven Gods were all imprisoned, the Old Gods are imprisoned. Maybe the Old Gods are the Forbidden Ones as well. There is a Dragon of Night, maybe the evil equivalent to Elgar'nan? Oh who knows. But maybe it suggests that perhaps the Elf Gods are Dragons as well and therefore maybe this Mythal = Flemeth thing might be right! Or maybe not. Damn you Dragon Age II this is your fault.

Ok that was a pretty big digression but that conversation Morrigan had made me think of all that.

Anyway so Old Temple of Mythal. They advance into the entry hall and there is a pillar with inscriptions and a magical floor that lights up when you walk on it. Solas and Morrigan read the inscription...though not collaboratively.

'Well guess we are in the right place.'

'I could...I could just walk through that let's go jump down the hole after the Venatori.'

Which is what they do.

'Oh man you guys got a bad job'

So they explore the loot the ancient crypts. Because...well...why not? They emerge in a hallway just past the door they saw earlier. Well that worked out. In the next room they get surrounded by ancient elves and get confronted by the leader named Abelas.

'Um...Andaran atish'an?'

Fortunately he speaks

'Um wait is Solas just another or is he literally an immortal ancient elf? What do you mean this mark is familiar? What do you know? TELL ME DAMMIT!'

Oh well. Lothar asks him if he is one of the Elves from the days before the Tevinter Imperium destroyed Arlathan.

' want to elaborate on that a bit?'

Well he just says the Elves warred on themselves and their empire had fallen before the Tevinter ever arrived. Huh. Well I did not see that coming. What will the Dalish do without their victim complex? He does not say how exactly that happened though.

And Abelas does not really care. He exists just to protect the Well of Sorrows.

Lothar then tells him they come in peace. Abelas, because Lothar did those rituals, believes him and allies with the Inquisition.

'Awesome everything is going smoothly for once.'


So he charges off. Morrigan shapeshifts into a bird and charges after him to save her precious well.

The elves are on the Inquisition's side now. So now an ancient elf mage is leading them to the Well of Sorrows.

'You don't mind if I stop to examine all your holy writings and loot all your ancient treasures on the way down? No? Cool.'

They reach the Well of Sorrows and catch up to Calpernia and the remaining Venatori. Lothar's nemisis who he is...meeting for the first time. Probably should have set up this final battle a bit better than this.

'Um you do realize almost all your men are dead right?'

You have to respect her bravado. However there will be no final battle. Lothar tells Calpernia what Corypheus has planned for her once she drinks the Well of Sorrows.

'I know how much you love slavery and all.'

After Lothar provides her the evidence Lothar recovered from the Shrine of Dumat she is enraged.

'Wow...I mean the evidence was damning but I did not expect such a complete 180 so quickly.'

The Venatori switch sides. Woah.

'Really? Um you know he cannot die right?'

Well nice knowing you Calpernia. After this Abelas rushes by with Morrigan in tight pursuit. Convenient. They all meet at the Well of Sorrows.

Lothar notes that with Calpernia switching sides there is no reason to mess with the Well anymore.

'Yeah so...why not just destroy it?'

Morrigan argues that they cannot afford not to gain the Well's power if it can be used against Corypheus. Not convinced. But then she points out that the Eluvian here is activated by the well, so Corypheus using it would give him access to Skyhold and possibly the Fade. And it is also their only way to escape him as he comes up behind them. Oh and he cannot die. Ok that sounds convincing.

Abelas says that he must preserve the legacy of his people.

'Too soon?'

He, surprisingly, agrees. And decides to just leave the temple and let Lothar just do whatever. But he has a warning.

Morrigan notes that Mythal was imprisoned by the Dreadwolf but Abelas quickly corrects her.

'Wait what? Murder? By whom?'

Of course if Flemeth = Mythal being killed typically does not slow her down for long. He notes Mythal was destroyed by those who destroyed the temple...which seems very much undestroyed. But evidently the elves themselves killed her. But he notes that he and the Well of Sorrows are still in existance so that must mean something. Then he leaves. Solas tells him there is much can do for the surviving elves.

So...huh. No boss fight once again for this part of the game. Really the only one so far, for the main game anyway, has been the Nightmare Demon. Did I miss something? Huh.

'Yes we know.'

So that is the deal. In order to stop Corypheus AND escape with their lives somebody has to take the power of the Well of Sorrows and its terrible curse. Lothar looks at it and notes that the will of the priests is contained within and brings with it a terrible geas to do...something. Despite that Morrigan still lusts for its power.

I had to think a bit here. Lothar does not trust Morrigan and has come to see himself as the one willing to take on everything to see victory. So of course the responsibility would be his. Besides Lothar believes in the principle of nolo episcopari.

'Messiah complex over here.'

But really the leader should take the responsibility. He walks into the Well of Sorrows and drinks the water. He is confronted by the spirits of the elf priests of Mythal.

I think on some level Lothar wants to sacrifice himself in some way to destroy Corypheus. Or maybe he just did?

Just as he wakes Corypheus shows up, presumably having killed Calpernia and her Venatori, and sees what Lothar has done.

And they dramatically flee through the Eluvian.

It deactivates just as Corypheus crashes into it. Also it looked like either Mythal herself or a priestly spirit of the Well of Sorrows slowed him down right there at the end.

They emerge through the Eluvian in the Chantry Garden in Skyhold.

An meeting commences in the War Room a few weeks later I presume, once everybody is back from the Arbor Wilds. Once the
Well was destroyed Corypheus and his dragon escaped leaving his army to be destroyed. So that is that for the Red Templars and company. Nice.

Josephine and Leliana think perhaps Corypheus will go into hiding to rebuild his strength. The voices of the Well of Sorrows whisper to Lothar that Corypheus will not hide. Morrigan asks if the well is talking to him and Lothar admits it is whispering to him barely audibly.

'But she is not bitter.'

No love lost between Leliana and her former adventuring companion. Anyway Lothar has a plan to destroy Corypheus with his new elf powers.

I guess this enabled Corypheus to overcome dragonkind's usual Darkspawn taint-resistance. Anyway if the dragon can be destroyed Corypheus will be vulnerable for a short time and can be destroyed.

Ah well one might think executing this plan as soon as possible would be a priority but Lothar has a few loose ends to tie up.
Something about a Orlesian professor doing work in the Frostback Basin and something else earthquakes hitting southern Thedas. Should be quick and easy and then Lothar will come seek you out Morrigan and you can save the world. Priorities! Ok if I ever play this game again I will do everything before the Winter Palace, there is not good stopping place in the plot after that.
Josephine though is looking forward to the dramatic conclusion:

'Yes...that day will be a day the minstrils will long sing of...a few weeks from now or whenever we finish these other quests.'

Varric notes the fucked-upness of the recent adventure.

'I have a feeling the craziest shit is yet to come my friend.'

Solas is not happy with Lothar's decision making.

'Well it was either that or we all die...'

He gets over it quickly and notes that he continues to be impressed with Lothar's devotion to duty and a better tommorow. But then he notes he hopes to still recover Corypheus' Orb. Hmmmm way back after the Battle of Haven I speculated Solas might have less than noble motivations and is only here to get the orb for himself. Why else would he just show up out of the blue?

Well he seems to be Lothar's bud at this point so hopefully whatever he intends it will not backstab Lothar too badly.

Dorian is inspired by Lothar and wants to return to Tevinter once this is over and reform his beloved homeland.

'You, sir, are a patriot and a gentleman.'

But he is going to hang around to save the world first and investigate those two trifling things Lothar is going to look into first.

Leliana discusses the possibility she gets elected Divine and dreams of radical reforms driven by a tyrannical police state.

'The springs of revolution are at once virtue and terror: virtue, without which terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is powerless'

What horror has Lothar and Justinia V created?

Vivienne is delighted Lothar took the power of the Well of Sorrows for himself and offers to get to work helping him out.

You know she might be a scheming political operator but nobody else offered to help Lothar with his predicament. Viv you are so very dreamy.

In the Chantry Garden Cullen is there praying for the souls of the soldiers he lost. Lothar finds him there and remarks that after all he has been through he is impressed Cullen still has his faith.

Mother Giselle wants to investigate the ruins of the Temple of Mythal.

The Him here being The Maker of course.

Huh. Morrigan is not at her normal place in the garden. Curious. Not that Lothar wants to talk to her yet.

Iron Bull is super excited his mission is nearing its end.

'Well we might a few things between now and then...'

Sera totally freaks out since Lothar drank from the Well of Sorrows and insists Mythal and all the elven gods must be demons since there cannot be more than one God.

'The main key to getting along with Sera is just to agree with whatever she says.'

But, to be fair, Lothar definitely agrees the elven and old Gods are not actually Gods.

Cole's mind was blown by Corypheus' immortality.

'Well it is not like that is the only thing wrong with him.'

Cole reflects that if Corypheus could be immortal maybe Cole could have saved human Cole and recounts again his suffering in his final days. Lothar assures him there was nothing Cole could have done for...erm...Cole. Cole thanks him. Poor Cole will be haunted by that for as long as he remains human.

Cassandra cannot believe the Inquisition she started is nearing final victory. She cannot believe she will soon (Well...soonish) be taking part in the battle to save the world with her lover by her side.

'That is right baby. You and me saving the world together.'

Thom Rainier remarks on how Corypheus uses the Wardens for his immortality.

Well I guess everything can have a silver lining. Even weird fucked up stuff. Actually having a fake Warden has been pretty useful.

Anyway on to...investigatiing ancient buckles!

'Buckles? Good work Scout Harding!'

It looks like Lothar will be doing most of the work himself once again.

Ok that section was interesting and heavy on lore and wow it was nice to get back on something related to the main mission after that unbelievable amount of side quests I just did. But it was just a short visit back to the main plot before off to the side quest DLC sigh. Also no big fights, the fights that were there were easy. Kind of a let down really. The lore and character stuff was awesome though. The Dalish really don't know jack. But heck with Tevinter thinking they conquered the Elven Empire when really they just mopped up an already fallen nation you cannot really blame them.

Stuff Lothar did:

Lothar was the one who drank from the Well of Sorrows instead of Morrigan.

Lothar did the Labyrinth walking inspired rituals and allied with Abelas and the Sentinels.

Lothar turned Calpenia against Corypheus.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


I think you forgot to talk to Sutherland.  And you botched the Venatori spy missions on the table ;)
It's supposed to end in Denerim.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: viper37 on October 06, 2015, 10:56:18 PM
I think you forgot to talk to Sutherland.  And you botched the Venatori spy missions on the table ;)
It's supposed to end in Denerim.

Part of it ended in Denerim when the Venatori tried to send a fire ship into Denerim. Then an Orlais section started. I got to the end I am pretty sure. Just didn't work out for some reason.

I did talk to Sutherland but he didn't say anything interesting. I will chat him up again when I get back to Skyhold.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on October 06, 2015, 11:24:31 PM
Part of it ended in Denerim when the Venatori tried to send a fire ship into Denerim. Then an Orlais section started. I got to the end I am pretty sure. Just didn't work out for some reason.
Ok, you got further than me :P
The advancement is dependant on your choices, if you send the wrong person (Cullen instead of Leliana).

I did talk to Sutherland but he didn't say anything interesting. I will chat him up again when I get back to Skyhold.
You're supposed to reach a point where he won't be there, but a young boy will be in his place.  Then you start a rescue mission[/spoiler]
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Oh I did the rescue mission and talked out it in the AAR, but it was buried in the Exalted Plains grind.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2015, 03:14:04 PM
But gamewise I think most of what the Dalish think they know about Arlathan and the ancient elves is wrong. And eventually we will meet an ancient elf because...this is Bioware and of course we will. But surprisingly not in this game. Also the ruins in the forest look like Tevinter ruins because they resemble the Circle Tower in style but maybe Tevinter just took over the old Arlathan buildings...not sure. Probably if I read all the in-game codex things I might know.

See? Called it. I R teh SMRT
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on October 07, 2015, 03:15:34 PM
Oh I did the rescue mission and talked out it in the AAR, but it was buried in the Exalted Plains grind.
Sorry, I missed it totally :)
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: Valmy on October 07, 2015, 03:20:17 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2015, 03:14:04 PM
But gamewise I think most of what the Dalish think they know about Arlathan and the ancient elves is wrong. And eventually we will meet an ancient elf because...this is Bioware and of course we will. But surprisingly not in this game. Also the ruins in the forest look like Tevinter ruins because they resemble the Circle Tower in style but maybe Tevinter just took over the old Arlathan buildings...not sure. Probably if I read all the in-game codex things I might know.

See? Called it. I R teh SMRT
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


OMG!  I just found Sandal's diary!

Nice easter egg there :D
You'll see it in the final DLC :)
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: viper37 on October 27, 2015, 08:12:50 PM
OMG!  I just found Sandal's diary!

Nice easter egg there :D
You'll see it in the final DLC :)

Ah man! That's awesome.

I am struggling to find some quiet time to play the DLC and write it up. Football season complicates things.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2015, 09:20:43 PM
Football season complicates things.
I've lost my AVR to repairs again, so I, on the other hand, have lots of free time :P
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.