Arizona students must pass US citizenship test on civics

Started by garbon, January 16, 2015, 11:09:30 AM

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My best subjects at school were chemistry/physics, math and natural science. I once won the school's math contest, even. Yet I chose to pursue a career in the arts.

I SUCKED at PE, though. And the only time I ever cheated in an exam was in a Technical Drawing one, I couldn't 3D-project worth a damn.


Quote from: celedhring on January 17, 2015, 03:46:08 PM
My best subjects at school were chemistry/physics, math and natural science. I once won the school's math contest, even. Yet I chose to pursue a career in the arts.

I SUCKED at PE, though. And the only time I ever cheated in an exam was in a Technical Drawing one, I couldn't 3D-project worth a damn.

Sounds pretty much like me. I was very good at hard sciences, but completely sucked at anything requiring hand-eye coordination. :P


I never NEVER managed to climb the fucking rope. Fell on my arse every fucking time, and to this day I haven't tried again. If I tried to hang myself I bet my hands would still slip when trying to pull the noose over my head.


I hated jumping over that thingie with handles. Usually I just forced my mother to get me a medical certification excusing me from all PE classes. :P



Quote from: Razgovory on January 17, 2015, 03:41:14 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 17, 2015, 02:15:53 PM
I had decided early on in high school that there was no practical use for chemistry or mathematics in "the real world" so I just read books in class instead, because that was the kind of snot-nosed little shit I was.

Yeah, that kind of snot-nosed kid is what makes up half of languish.

The other half of Languish are just as snot-nosed, but more employed.


Quote from: Syt on January 17, 2015, 03:26:50 PM
I was very good in math, but I've forgotten most I learned about infinitesimal calculus and how to solve equations. Never been too good at chemistry or physics, though and never got beyond a B. I found it really interesting, but it required more effort to learn than geography or history where it was easier to talk your way out of corners. :P

No shit, that's what 1/2 of here have being doing ever since on Languish.  :D
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


We enjoyed making our chemistry teacher nervous.  Whenever a compound got mentioned in class for the first time, we'd ask her questions like, "Would that be a good thing to poison someone with?  How easy to detect would it be during the autopsy?". 

And Seedy says that HS Chem has no practical value.   :rolleyes:


My chemistry teacher was an extremely aloof half-German guy. Once, a house near the school burned down, resulting in one dead; the day after he thought it was a great idea to use the incident to explain the chemistry involved in combustion, and several accelerating compounds.

The more I think of him the more I believe he could've gone full Breaking Bad.


Quote from: celedhring on January 17, 2015, 03:57:06 PM
I never NEVER managed to climb the fucking rope. Fell on my arse every fucking time, and to this day I haven't tried again. If I tried to hang myself I bet my hands would still slip when trying to pull the noose over my head.

I also was never able to do that stuff very well while in high school even though I was very active as a kid in sports type stuff. But after high school I started doing a lot more exercise,  martial arts, and other stuff and got into very good shape and could easily climb ropes and just do a lot more than I could when a teen. I'm not in that great shape now though as I'm a lot older, near retirement age.   :(