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[AAR]WCW 1991 - the Challenge

Started by Syt, November 03, 2013, 11:38:01 AM

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Quote from: Syt on August 01, 2014, 02:30:33 PM
WCW Main Event, Week 3, February 1991

Brian Pillman and Steve Austin with Paul E. Dangerously parody WCW superstars. [65]

Huge fan of him, one of the reasons I started watching WWE again in 2012 (quit a few months later, it's awful nowadays), was because I heard he was back.


WCW Saturday Night, Week 3, February 1991

The dark matches:

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, El Cubano defeated Chris Benoit in 6:15 by pinfall with a Piledriver. [42]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Dustin Rhodes defeated Chris Jericho in 5:39 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog. [56]

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Butch Reed defeated The Juicer and Cactus Jack in a Boiler Room Brawl match in 5:41 when Butch Reed defeated Cactus Jack by pinfall with a Gorilla Press Slam. [43]

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The James Boys defeated The Hollywood Blonds in 6:06 when Steve Armstrong defeated Brian Pillman by pinfall with a Missile Dropkick. [53]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Reverend Buddy Landel defeated Scott Hall in 5:44 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Elbow Drop. [59]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Brad Armstrong won a battle royal in 12:16. The other members of the 'final four' were Dutch Mantel, Ranger Ross and Tommy Rich, with Dutch Mantel being the final elimination. Dutch Mantel got the most eliminations over the course of the match. [52]

The TV show:

Ted Stryker is backstage, with both Sting and Ric Flair trying to talk him into giving them a title shot against Kevin Sullivan. He finally decides that he's heard enough, and that as they both can't have a title shot, they'll face each other in a singles match to win the right to a title shot. [79]

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Kevin Nash defeated Tracy Smothers in 6:21 by pinfall. During the match we also had Diamond Dallas Page accidentally hit Nash. [58]

Junkyard Dog is interviewed by Gordon Solie and hypes his upcoming title match tonight with Kevin Sullivan. [69]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Barry Windham defeated Ron Simmons in 9:30 by pinfall with a Superplex. [56]

Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page are backstage; an argument breaks out over DDP's botched interference in Nash's fight, and they start brawling with each other. A host of road agents and staff have to pull them apart. [48]

Diamond Dallas Page he says that he thinks that the recent actions of Nash have crossed the line, and as a result their friendship is over. [59] DDP comes out looking good, and he's now turned face. He's no longer manager of Nash or the Freebirds.

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Big Josh and El Gigante defeated The Fabulous Freebirds in 8:12 when Big Josh defeated Michael Hayes by pinfall. [64]

A montage of clips is shown, set to some inspirational 1980's power ballad, which are of Sting training himself for his upcoming fight. [78]

In "Flair for the Gold", Kevin Sullivan is interviewed by Ric Flair and hypes his upcoming singles match with Junkyard Dog. [80]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Lex Luger drew with Sid Vicious in 7:52 following a double count out. During the match we also had Bobby Eaton run in and attack Luger. [60]

Lex Luger is in the ring being beaten down by Sid and Eaton, with the referee having totally lost control. Vader comes storming down to the ring, and the confused referee just lets it go, allowing the match to continue as a tag team encounter. [68]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Lex Luger and Vader defeated Sid Vicious and Bobby Eaton in 7:59 when Vader defeated Bobby Eaton by submission. [59]

Sting is interviewed by Dusty Rhodes and hypes his upcoming singles match with Ric Flair. [78]

In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Kevin Sullivan drew with Junkyard Dog in 13:43 following a double disqualification. [60]

Junkyard Dog and Kevin Sullivan are in the ring, arguing. JYD finally has enough and attacks him, eventually driving him through a table to make a point. The segment ends with JYD standing above the fallen Kevin Sullivan. [70]

A music video is shown to promote The Hollywood Blonds. [48]

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Sting drew with Ric Flair in 15:05 following a double disqualification. [79]

Following the draws in the title match and the contender match, a four way match is scheduled for the PPV! [74]

Overall rating: 75 We've increased popularity in 12 regions.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


At the same time, the WWF's B show is as good as my A show. <_<

I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.



Coming to you live from the Cow Palace in Daly City, California!

There were several dark matches:

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Juicer defeated Ranger Ross in 7:48 by pinfall. [44]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Butch Reed defeated Z-Man in 9:45 by pinfall with a Gorilla Press Slam. [50]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Tracy Smothers defeated Rip Rogers in 8:52 by pinfall with a Jaw Jacker. [53]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Reverend Buddy Landel defeated Tommy Rich in 10:07 by pinfall with a Corkscrew Elbow Drop. [40]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Dustin Rhodes defeated One Man Gang in 9:43 by pinfall with a Running Bulldog. [55]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Stan Hansen defeated Dan Spivey in 10:08 by pinfall with The Lariat. [58]

ANGLE: Alexandra York comes out and introduces the newest member of the York Foundation, Kevin Nash. Nash comes out, and they play to the crowd. [47]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ron Simmons defeated Barry Windham in 10:49 by pinfall with a Snap Scoop Powerslam. [62]

ANGLE: Lex Luger is interviewed by Gordon Solie and hypes his upcoming WCW US Title match with Bobby Eaton. [64]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, The Steiner Brothers defeated Sid Vicious and Arn Anderson in 16:47 when Rick Steiner defeated Arn Anderson by pinfall with a Steinerizer. [70]

ANGLE: The Hollywood Blonds have an interview, in which they go off on a rant about how much they hate The Lightning Express. [52]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Lightning Express drew with Kevin Nash and Big Cat in 14:14 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. Lightning Express remain WCW Tag Team Champions. [62] (Turns out Big Cat and Kevin Nash aren't working well as a tag team. But Nash clicks with Alexandra York.)

ANGLE: Scott Hall comes out and says that he'd like to reveal his new manager...Diamond Dallas Page. Out he comes, and joins his new client in the ring. [50]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Hall defeated Michael Wallstreet in 15:01 when Michael Wallstreet was disqualified when Kevin Nash ran in and attacked Scott Hall. Michael Wallstreet is still TV Champion. [57]

ANGLE: Ric Flair had an interview hyping his upcoming battle with Sting, Junkyard Dog and Kevin Sullivan. [75]

ANGLE: The State Patrol are making their entrance for the next match against El Gigante and Big Josh ... but The Hollywood Blonds come out of nowhere and attack them in the aisle. A brutal attack leaves both Sgt. Parker and Lt. Wright hurt, and a crowd of officials come out to help them backstage for medical attention. In the meantime, The Hollywood Blonds head for the ring, apparently inserting themselves into the match! [33]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Hollywood Blonds defeated El Gigante and Big Josh in 12:34 when Brian Pillman defeated El Gigante by pinfall with a Hollywoon & Vine. [60]

ANGLE: after the match the Fabulous Freebirds run in and attack El Gigante and Big Josh, beating them down into the mat. [48]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bobby Eaton defeated Lex Luger in 11:46 by pinfall with an Alabama Jam following interference from Sid Vicious. Bobby Eaton wins the WCW United States title. [59]

ANGLE: Ted Turner comes out to Bobby Eaton. He says that he has decided to punish Eaton for his tainted win, and that he will be facing Vader in a match right away. [48]

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Vader defeated Bobby Eaton in 13:47 by pinfall following botched interference by Sid Vicious. Vader wins the WCW United States title. [67]

ANGLE: Kevin Sullivan cuts a backstage promo about the four-way match for the WCW World Championship Title. [70]

ANGLE: Junkyard Dog is shown in the car park. He is braced against a wall, and is using his leg strength to hold a moving car back, showing off his power. [60]

The MAIN EVENT: A 4-way Steel Cage Elimination Match for the WCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE - no DQ, no Count Out!

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Ric Flair defeated Junkyard Dog, Sting and Kevin Sullivan in 35:12; the order of elimination was Kevin Sullivan first, then Junkyard Dog, and finally Sting. Ric Flair wins the NWA World Heavyweight title. [82]

ANGLE: Ric Flair quickly leaves with the title, belt, but Sting goes out into the crowd to celebrate his performance with his people. [87]

Overall rating: [78] The show increased our popularity in 16 regions.

Buy rate was 1.52. I've been warned by the Turner Network, that if the rates don't improve soon then the contract might get cancelled.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


So, I've poked around the GDS forums, and it seems that my PPV carrier is simply too big for my promotion (Huge vs. Cult, Cult is one step below national). So I either need to go national, or I need to find a smaller carrier once the current contract runs out or gets cancelled.

Another option would be to decrease the number of PPVs. The game is geared towards a modern schedule for large promotions, with a monthly PPV (and the money is good), so in historical mods, even WWF would run one PPV per month (instead of the Big 4 they had in, say, 1991: Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summer Slam, Survivor Series). However, reducing the number of PPVs also increases buy rates.

I think I'm going with the first option.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


WCW Main Event, Week 4, February 1991

Pre-show matches:

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Lightning Express defeated The State Patrol in 6:54 when Tim Horner defeated Lt. James Earl Wright by pinfall with a Rolling Cradle. The Lightning Express make defence number 3 of their WCW World Tag Team titles. [53]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Cactus Jack defeated Master Blaster Blade in 8:14 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. [41]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho defeated Dutch Mantel and Norman in 7:54 when Chris Benoit defeated Dutch Mantel by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt. [18]

ANGLE: Alexandra York had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between her client Kevin Nash and Tommy Rich. [46]

ANGLE: Arn Anderson is backstage with Ted Stryker. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Rick Steiner in a singles match, and Stryker accepts the request. [81]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Kevin Nash defeated Tommy Rich in 6:21 by submission. [44]

ANGLE: Scott Hall is interviewed by Missy Hyatt and hypes his upcoming singles match with Butch Reed. [63]

ANGLE: Before the match, Steve Austin takes the microphone and has a few words for the fans. [72]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Steve Austin defeated Dustin Rhodes in 9:15 by pinfall with a Stunner following interference from Brian Pillman. [52]

ANGLE: Gigante and Josh attack The Fabulous Freebirds backstage, and leave them down and out. [49]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Hall defeated Butch Reed in 9:26 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge. [58]

ANGLE: Kevin Sullivan turns a corner backstage and spots Junkyard Dog, who also sees him. A chase begins, and JYD has to dive into a storeroom and hide. Kevin Sullivan didn't see where he went, and after a brief search he gives up and leaves. Junkyard Dog comes out of hiding looking relieved. [58]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Arn Anderson defeated Rick Steiner in 13:24 by pinfall after using a foreign object. [63]

Overall rating: 65
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


WCW Saturday Night, Week 4, February 1991


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Junkyard Dog defeated Master Blaster Blade in 7:08 by pinfall with a Thump. [42] Apparently the match length was still too long for JYD. Also, his gimmick is getting very stale.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Dustin Rhodes and Tracy Smothers defeated Rip Rogers and El Cubano in 6:53 when Tracy Smothers defeated Rip Rogers by pinfall with a Jaw Jacker. [43]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Benoit defeated Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker in 5:51 by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt. [35]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Kevin Nash and The Reverend Buddy Landel defeated Brian Armstrong and Steve Armstrong in 7:08 when Kevin Nash defeated Brian Armstrong by pinfall. [47]

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Cactus Jack defeated Butch Reed in 6:45 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT. [53]

ANGLE: Kevin Nash is backstage with Ted Stryker. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Vader in a singles match for the US title.  Stryker rejects the request, saying that he has to earn the title shot, causing Nash to storm off. [74]

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Jericho defeated Ranger Ross in 6:49 by submission with a Liontamer. [31]

ANGLE: The Hollywood Blonds cut a backstage promo with Missy Hyatt [62] Steve Austin does really well when working without script, Pillman ... not so much. I'll make sure Austin gets plenty opportunity to work that loose mouth of his.

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Arn Anderson and Ric Flair defeated Big Josh and El Gigante in 8:21 when Arn Anderson defeated Big Josh by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. [63]

ANGLE: Sid Vicious has a microphone, and says that he is very confident that he will get the win in his upcoming match against Sting. [70]

ANGLE: Diamond Dallas Page had an interview hyping the upcoming singles match between his client Vader and One Man Gang. [54]

ANGLE: Kevin Sullivan has an interview in which he taunts Junkyard Dog. [69]

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Vader defeated One Man Gang in 7:40 by submission. Vader makes defence number 1 of his WCW United States title. [52]

ANGLE: We are backstage, where the camera catches Sid Vicious apparently slipping an envelope of money to referee Mickey Jay.

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Ron Simmons defeated Larry Zbyszko in 9:16 by pinfall with a Snap Scoop Powerslam. [58]

ANGLE: The Fabulous Freebirds are promoting themselves in Ric Flair's segment "Flair for the Gold." [65]

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Barry Windham defeated Lex Luger in 13:30 by a fast-counted pinfall from Mickey Jay, illegally using the ropes for leverage. [71]

ANGLE: Michael Wallstreet is in the ring, and calls out Scott Hall to face him. As soon as Hall appears he gets jumped by Kevin Nash and Big Cat, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Scott Hall down and out. [51]

In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Sting drew with Sid Vicious in 12:50 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. [76]

ANGLE: Sting is being attacked by the Four Horsemen: Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, Bobby Eaton and Barry Windham. Out from the back come Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner and Ron Simmons, who hit the ring to make the save. This triggers an eight man brawl, which has to be separated by a whole team of officials and other wrestlers. [65]

ANGLE: Sting, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner and Ron Simmons are together, and make the announcement that they are going to be allies from now on, watching each others back. [68]

OVERALL RATING: 72. Gained popularity in 12 regions, lost in 2.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


In other news: we have a new Main Eventer signed up:

Rick Rude is, of course, a Heel, and when I look at my Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders I have like 2/3 Heels. I think looking at a few turns might be in order. Though from the looks of it, the most likely candidates would be the 4 Horsemen ... :hmm:

Oh, and the ratings for the last WCW Saturday Night was 0.93, up from 0.85 the week before. :)
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.