The Evil That Are Wires - old vs new technology

Started by mongers, December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM

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Quote from: mongers on December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?
Can't remember, years ago.

QuoteHow many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ?

QuoteWhen was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ?

QuoteWhen did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?

QuoteDo you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ?
No. Don't generally use a camera at all.

QuoteWhen did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ?

QuoteDo you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ?
Yes. But normally the shows I watch I'll catch up with online.

QuoteDo you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?

QuoteWhen was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ?
Years ago. Maybe 10 years ago making mixtapes and when I had a record player.

QuoteWhen did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?
I don't really do either. Unless throwing something in a park counts as a team sport.
Let's bomb Russia!


Quote from: mongers on December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?
At work: last week. At home: 2006 or so

How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ?
Making a call: every couple of days. Checking email, texting, browsing the internet: daily

When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ?
A couple of months ago. I usually end up having to send a couple of faxes a year.

When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?

Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ?
More than a decade ago at least.

When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ?
I don't think that I have ever done this.

Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ?
I do watch over-the-air TV sometimes, but I mostly use my television for watching Netflix. I haven't had cable television since 2009.

Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?
I use the FM/AM radio in my car when I drive.

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ?

When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ?
Vinyl: a few months ago. Cassettes: sometime in the 90s probably

When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?
A few months ago. The last sports game that I owned and played was for the original XBox, so at least 5 years ago and probably longer.


you know you have grown old when you start contemplating stuff like this. :P

There will be always aspects of the old that seem advantageous to the new (eg. stone can just be picked up from the ground, while you actually have to make bronze), but when a new solution/technology spreads fast it is for good reason.

Duque de Bragança

Quote from: mongers on December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?

I still have access to a landline at a family place, I answer more than I make calls from it though.

How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ?

Regularly, but more and more for texting.

When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ?

Some years ago, and it was a pain to find one at a somewhat acceptable price. Paypal used to require it IIRC

When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?

Probably 15-20 years go.

Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ?

I still have one and had the last film processed some years ago. Right now, no film in the camera.

When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ?

5-6 years ago I guess. I don't do it often anyways.

Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ?

There's no more hertzian terrestrial television, only "terrestrial digital" as a minimum. Mostly cable and on-line now. TV in Germany is awful, worse than France which is not great to begin with but has improved a bit lately (dual digital sound FTW). Not that I watch much TV anymore.

Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?

Used to but gave it away. Not that much, unless listening to the radio when waking up or being waken up by it counts. I even remember listening to a Latin SW broadcast when I felt listening to Latin. Plus Some "propaganda" broadcasts as well for shits and giggles

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ?

10-15 years ago but then I don't drive.

When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ?

The current vinyl craze is hipster-like unless it's for some old recordings with no remastering. So most of classical and recent, properly-produced is out. That leaves most black metal though if not most classic metal.

When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?

Kind of an non-sequitur if you ask me, when I played football the most was when I liked the footbal video games the most. Don't play them anymore and sadly, finding players outside of my now faraway friends and time is the main problem. As a kid, there were some free football pitches, now one has to rent by 30 min :(

As for the old tech, I can't say I have any nostalgia for the VHS and I like the region-free capacity of some consoles, mostly Sony after years of trying to restrict it. The geographic restrictions on their stores are a bit stupid but are easily circumvented, at least for now.
Big N has been the worst for that and worsened even more with region-locked 3DS.

Things are a bit better regarding region-locking with Blu-ray compared to DVD as in a lot are region free but the unlocking is a bit more difficult.

As for wireless I don't like it that much, specially in a bed room since these waves are not recommended. I still use it in other places but prefer a wired connection which has better performance anyways.
Hence still a lot of cables, HDMI cables, VGA, Scart (!), power cables plus a Japanese upconverting box for  vintage videogaming with modified consoles so cable jungle indeed. The best of both worlds, analogue and digital. With more room I would even get a proper vintage TV i.e a good Trinitron.

Capetan Mihali

I paid for landline service up until 2009.  I last used one on Wednesday evening at my mom's step-dad's house in Queens to say I'd made it safely for Thanksgiving.  And then again on Thanksgiving, talking to my uncle in Texas.

Faxes, as Barrister says, are in pretty common use at least in criminal law.  I use the fax machine at least once a week.

I had a 60s Smith-Corona typewriter for fooling around with as recently as a few years ago, but for real purposes... I used a modern (late 80s) typewriter for filling out forms when I applied to college, and I think also to address some letters at the prison clinic I worked at in law school.

I have plenty of music on vinyl and cassette that I don't have elsewhere, and used to play it quite a lot wherever I had a decent stereo set-up.  Cassettes as recently as this year (playing from a boom-box while doing dishes), records maybe 2009 was the last time I had a turntable, amplifier, speakers.  Listening to the radio on a real receiver is fun too.

I printed photos to challenge a parking ticket I got in Philadelphia in 2010.  And I think I've printed a disposable camera since then.
"The internet's completely over. [...] The internet's like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can't be good for you."
-- Prince, 2010. (R.I.P.)


If Wi-Fi waves are not recommended, then I must say it is too late for us, as radio signals has been around for quite a while.  :huh:


Quote from: Tamas on December 02, 2013, 09:56:17 AM
If Wi-Fi waves are not recommended, then I must say it is too late for us, as radio signals has been around for quite a while.  :huh:

I don't think anybody's not recommending Wi-Fi waves, Beetle Bailey.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 02, 2013, 10:00:24 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 02, 2013, 09:56:17 AM
If Wi-Fi waves are not recommended, then I must say it is too late for us, as radio signals has been around for quite a while.  :huh:

I don't think anybody's not recommending Wi-Fi waves, Beetle Bailey.

Quote from: DuqueAs for wireless I don't like it that much, specially in a bed room since these waves are not recommended.

Helps if you read posts, old man. :P


Quote from: mongers on December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?

Yesterday to tell a cold-caller to get stuffed. I'm supposed to be ex-directory  <_<

How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ?

Daily, a good mix of texting/calling/internet.

When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ?

To submit invoices last time I was self-employed. 2004?

When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?

Prior to having access to PCs and printers. 1985?

Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ?

I last used a film camera in about 1996. I've had professional prints from digital files within the last couple of years.

When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ?

About a month ago.

Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ?

I do most of my viewing through a YouView box. Until recently I would flick to digital TV to access "red button" services and text, but I can get that without switching.

Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?

Yes, I listen to Radio 4 in the car.

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ?

About 1996.

When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ?

Around 2000.

When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?

I've never really done team sports but I'm in a running club.


Quote from: mongers on December 01, 2013, 07:26:14 PM
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ?

Maybe yesterday.  Pretty recently.  I still ahve one for giving out to people who don't deserve my cell phone number. 

QuoteHow many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ?

All the time.

QuoteWhen was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ?

I had someone fax something for me ~two weeks ago, if that counts.

QuoteWhen did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ?

Maybe elementary school.  My grandma had (still has) one that I typed creative writing papers on.

QuoteDo you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ?

No, I have no idea.

QuoteWhen did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ?

See above.

QuoteDo you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ?

No.  Call it 15 years, I guess.

QuoteDo you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ?

Yeah, I use the one in my car occasionally.

QuoteIf you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ?


QuoteWhen was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ?

Probably 20ish years ago.

QuoteWhen did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ?

I dunno, a couple months ago. 


What's so bad about wires, the trend now seems to be wireless almost everywhere ? They can be a trip hazard?
From my own point of view, this largely adds another layer of complexity that I'm unlikely to use, so a wireless computer printer is lost on the likes of me. Sometimes, for some things.
This made me think about ones use of new vs more mature/obsolete technology, so a few questions:
When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone ? Can't remember, must be some months.
How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile ? Constantly.
When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax ? Few weeks ago at work, but our phone system is VoIP.
When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter ? Can't remember, years.
Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed ? No. Can't remember, many years.
When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer ? Can't remember, years.
Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing ? No. @1999.
Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio ? Yes, car radio.
If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself ? Can't remember, maybe in the 80's.
When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player ? Can't remember, maybe in the 80's.
When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc ? This weekend.
Grand Duke of Lurkdom

Baron von Schtinkenbutt

What's so bad about wires, the trend now seems to be wireless almost everywhere?

They can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

When did you last use a 'regular' land-line telephone?

I have one at my desk at work, but I only need it about once a month or so, unless the DSS is bugging me a lot. :P  Haven't used it in about two months, though.

How many time/how often have you used a cellphone/mobile?

Every day, as it is my only personal means of voice communication.

When was the last time you used a fax machine or sent a fax?

It has been a while.  I think I sent a fax to the Feds late last year.

When did you last use a manual or stand alone electronic typewriter?

High school, about 1997.

Do you still use a film camera, if not when was the last time you had a film processed?

I rarely take photos, but the last time I used film for them was probably about 1998.

When did you last print photos on a pc linked printer?

I don't print my pictures.

Do you watch 'terrestrial' television, if not when did you move to cable/digital/on-line viewing?

We cut the cable earlier this year and have not looked back.  We do mix Amazon/Netflix with OTA channels, though.

Do you own and actively use any form of FM/AM radio?

Daily, in the car and on my nightstand.

If you drive, when was the last time you regularly used a car without electronic engine management ie a regular 'analogue' ignition system like carbs that you could possible maintain/repair yourself?

Never, since the oldest car I have ever owned was a '98.  I want an old Porsche or F150, though.

When was the last time you played a vinyl record or used a cassette player?

I actually bought a vinyl album a few months ago, but I do not have the turntable set up for lack of space.  I haven't used a cassette player except as an auxiliary audio in for my car since high school.

When did you last play a team sport vs playing a sports game on a console/pc?

High school.


Quote from: Tamas on December 02, 2013, 11:14:42 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 02, 2013, 10:00:24 AM
Quote from: Tamas on December 02, 2013, 09:56:17 AM
If Wi-Fi waves are not recommended, then I must say it is too late for us, as radio signals has been around for quite a while.  :huh:

I don't think anybody's not recommending Wi-Fi waves, Beetle Bailey.

Quote from: DuqueAs for wireless I don't like it that much, specially in a bed room since these waves are not recommended.

Helps if you read posts, old man. :P

It's not like the Duque is a Subject Matter Expert on the safety of wireless transmissions.  You take everything an Eggplant spits out as authoritative, you filthy fucking gypsy?

crazy canuck

The modern age and I have grown apart.  Its not the modern age, its me.  I dont twitter with excitement at reading what others might be writing in 60 characters or less.  I dont follow anyone.  My only books are those on the shelf and I dont own one book of faces.  I am not linked into anything.  I grudgingly used my cell phone which was acquired for me against my will.

I do however, from time to time, play computer games.  It was the one and only time I was an early adopter.  That of course is what brought me here.  I will leave it to you dear reader whether that was the wise path.


My fancy new TV hub device requires a wired Ethernet connection, presumably for reliability, consistency and bandwidth matters.