Spitzer and Weiner Lead in New Poll Because Scandal Brought Name Recognition

Started by garbon, July 16, 2013, 10:21:47 AM

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Luckily, the porn I like doesn't usually require condoms.

Gloves, sure.  But that's to be expected when using a variety of solvents.


Quote from: DontSayBanana on September 04, 2013, 08:57:01 PM
It's almost like porn actors are idiots who are hard up for cash or something. :hmm:
...almost like... yeah...  :D
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Oh, she also got a nosejob, tit implants, and fat sucked out of her tummy.  I don't think she looks that different other than bigger tits:

I think she should get rid of that dumb diamond stud between her nose and mouth, too.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


I don't know why but for some reason I would like to see her getting pounded.  I may pirate her porno. :cool:

For the same reason I want to see the Octomom porno, but not as bad since she's just wacking off in it.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on September 06, 2013, 07:47:31 PM
I don't know why but for some reason I would like to see her getting pounded.  I may pirate her porno. :cool:

For the same reason I want to see the Octomom porno, but not as bad since she's just wacking off in it.

It's not actually that bad, but it's also not that good either.  I looked it up as soon as this came up.  Also, they stuck some ridiculous super-long fake lashes on her.  I'd rather not get poked in the eye while doing it missionary-style, kthx.
Experience bij!

The Brain

Quote from: DontSayBanana on September 06, 2013, 08:35:21 PM
Quote from: Caliga on September 06, 2013, 07:47:31 PM
I don't know why but for some reason I would like to see her getting pounded.  I may pirate her porno. :cool:

For the same reason I want to see the Octomom porno, but not as bad since she's just wacking off in it.

It's not actually that bad, but it's also not that good either.  I looked it up as soon as this came up.  Also, they stuck some ridiculous super-long fake lashes on her.  I'd rather not get poked in the eye while doing it missionary-style, kthx.

How was the rum and sodomy?
Women want me. Men want to be with me.

Phillip V

Bloomberg Calls de Blasio’s Campaign ‘Racist’

Mr. Bloomberg said that he considered it racist of Mr. de Blasio to promote his mixed-race family. Mr. de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, is African-American and their teenage son, Dante, has appeared in his father’s campaign ads.

Asked what was racist about the campaign, Mr. Bloomberg said: “I mean he’s making an appeal using his family to gain support. I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone watching what he’s been doing.”

At an appearance in Brooklyn on Saturday with his wife and daughter, Chiara, 18, Mr. de Blasio called Mr. Bloomberg’s remarks, “very, very unfortunate and inappropriate.”

“I’m exceedingly proud of my family,” he added. “I hope the mayor will reconsider what he said. I hope he realizes it was inappropriate.”

Mr. Bloomberg added that he did not think that Mr. de Blasio was a racist. But he said, “It’s comparable to me pointing out that I’m Jewish in attracting the Jewish vote.”




I wonder how long it'll be before de Blasio scales the Empire State Building and starts swatting at planes.


Oh New York. :D

QuoteWild NYC Mayoral Primary Winds Down, Scattered Voting Problems Reported

New York's topsy-turvy mayoral primary campaign is winding down, with an array of Democratic and Republican candidates making their last appeals to voters, ending the first phase of a long, impassioned, polarizing and sometimes comical race.

Balloting ends at 9 p.m. But the winners of the two primary battles may not be known for quite a while. Find your polling place here.

The Democrats have a front-runner, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, but it isn't clear whether he'll win the 40 percent of votes to avoid a runoff. If he doesn't hit that mark, the competition for the second runoff spot is tight:  de Blasio's two closest rivals, former Comptroller Bill Thompson and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, have been running in a statistical tie for second in recent polls.

On the Republican side, former MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota has held a significant lead over billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis, but Catsimatidis' last-minute barrage of television ads could close the gap.

Adding to the potential for election night delays are widespread reports of problems with the city's 1960s-era lever-operated voting machines, rushed back into use after the Board of Elections warned they couldn't certify results from the city's new electronic machines in time for a runoff.

All over the city, voters reported encountering jammed or broken machines, causing longer lines at the working machines, and forcing many people to have to fill out paper ballots. The reliance on paper ballots has heightened concerns that every vote gets counted, which could lead to a long wait for results.

Lhota was among those who had to vote by pen and paper, at his voting place, Congregation of Mount Sinai in Brooklyn Heights.

"It may be a long night based on the fact that, at least in my election district, the machines weren't working," Lhota told reporters.

Of the 3 million or so registered Democrats, less than a third are expected to cast ballots. There are fewer than 500,000 registered Republicans in the city, but a small fraction, maybe a tenth, are expected to vote in the primary.

This year is arguably the Democrats' best shot in decades to take the mayor's office from the GOP, which has won each of the last five elections. Bloomberg switched from the GOP to an independent while in office.

Primary day arrived with de Blasio completing a steady, summer-long rise from the middle of the pack, portraying himself as the most progressive of the candidates and pounding at the city's economic inequalities and offering the cleanest break from the policies – particularly stop and frisk -- of three-term Mayor Bloomberg. He also benefited from campaign advertisements that featured his black wife and mixed-race children, notably his teenage Afro-wearing son, Dante. 

De Blasio's surge left Quinn, the one-time front-runner, fighting for her political life. Aiming to be the first openly gay mayor, and the first woman to hold the office, Quinn is the most politically powerful of the candidates. She said Tuesday that she was confident she'd make a runoff.

She is the one responsible for making council deals and negotiating with Bloomberg, but that record has dogged her for much of the campaign. De Blasio accused her of making backroom deals with the mayor, and for backing his bid to change city law to allow him to run for a third term. Quinn pointed out that de Blasio, as a council candidate, once spoke in favor of overturning term limits, but that argument did not seem to hold much traction. It is as if she is burdened with many of the negatives associated with the sitting mayor, and little of the positives.

Post-vote surveys provided some insight into that divide. Only 22 percent of Democrats told an Edison Research/Marist exit poll that they wanted a candidate who would continue Bloomberg's policies, while 73 percent said they wanted the next mayor to move the city in a different direction. The ongoing survey, which at that point had included about 500 voters, has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Asked to choose what issue mattered most to them in deciding who should be mayor, 30 percent said jobs and unemployment, 20 percent said education, 16 percent said crime, 12 percent said the city's finances and 11 percent said housing.

Thompson, who won the Democratic primary in 2009 before narrowly losing to Bloomberg, has run a cautious but steady campaign, remaining in second or third place for most of the race. The race's only black candidate, Thompson spent primary day wrapping up another of his 24-hour campaign marathons, which ended with his proclamation that he felt "energized."

The primary could turn out to be the end of former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner's political career. Weiner has longed for the mayor's office, and has been derailed twice before, in 2005 and 2009. In 2011, he resigned from Congress amid revelations that he'd sexted with women, but chose the 2013 mayoral primary to try for redemption.

Weiner enjoyed an early spike in the polls, and sparked an avalanche of late-night talk-show jokes. Then things turned dark again, when he was forced to admit that he'd continued online relationships with women after his resignation. He's been near the cellar ever since.

The only major Democratic candidate to consistently poll worse than Weiner is Comptroller John Liu, who has been dogged by a federal investigation into fundraising improprieties.

De Blasio, the one candidate who seems in a position to potentially win the primary outright, said he wasn't expecting that to happen. To assume otherwise would be folly, he said.

That was why, he said, he'd be up and campaigning again on Wednesday.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Admiral Yi


I see that exit polling has de Blasio in the lead with voters saying they want change. Great, more hope and change.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.