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AGEOD to make American Civil War II

Started by Syt, June 17, 2013, 12:39:56 PM

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QuoteCivil War 2 is the definitive grand strategy game of the period. It is a turn based regional game with an emphasis on playability and historical accuracy. It is built on the renowned AGE game engine, with a modern and intuitive interface that makes it easy to learn yet hard to master.

This  historical operational strategy game with a simultaneous turn-based engine (WEGO system) that places players at the head of the USA or CSA during the American Civil War (1861-1865).

Players take the part of the military and political leadership, trying to lead their nation to victory, in the midst of some of the toughest operations of the Civil War. This is must have game for anyone interested in the period.


Setting: the game covers all of the USA, from the Eastern seaboard to the Rockies, from 1861 to 1865. Mexico and the Northern Caribbean are also in

Game map is divided into more than 3,000 regions, with a variety of terrain, climates and development level.

Scenarios: 2 tutorial and 5 main scenarios from Shiloh all the way up to the Grand Campaign.

Historical leaders: Over 400 historical leaders each rated on their abilities and over 1,000 different types of units from sharpshooters to cavalry and artillery and even Ironclads!

Production: Control your nations spending on the military without worrying about micro managing the economy.

Regional Decision Cards: The game has an innovative card system that lets you trigger events such as Indian raids and partisans attacks, which used wisely can affect the flow of a campaign.

Detailed game model includes features such as Weather, Attrition, Supply and Fog of War

Historical Event are triggered throughout the game giving the player crucial decision points. These cover anything from local uprising to foreign intervention.

Battlefield Tactics allow the player to make decisions that can turn the tide of battle.

Sieges and Naval warfare are all covered in detail in the game.

Chain of Command allows units to be organized in to brigades, division, corps and armies and leaders put in command of them.

Navigable rivers which played a crucial role during the Civil War are represented.

Scenario list
Two Tutorials scenarios
1861  First Manassas (Battle of Bull Run)
1862  Shiloh
1862  Sibley (New Mexico Campaign)
1861-1865  Our Hearts were Touched with Fire April 1861 scenario (THE multi-theater Grand Campaign)
1861-1865  The Blue and the Gray July 1861 scenario (accelerated start campaign)

And you can sign up for beta:
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


As long as I can make 30k men Grand Divisions in 1862 and steamroll Tamas I will be happy.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
-Umberto Eco

"I'm pretty sure my level of depression has nothing to do with how much of a fucking asshole you are."



Instead, why not just write a decent tutorial to the first game.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


I have yet to be impressed by an AGEOD-engine game.  I'll wait for the $5 version.
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien

Ed Anger

Pass. I was entertained by the first one but have no desire to chase partisan bands in Iowa again.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Ed Anger on June 17, 2013, 05:51:16 PM
Pass. I was entertained by the first one but have no desire to chase partisan bands in Iowa again.

I saw the entire Confederate Army up near Buffalo.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017

Ed Anger

Quote from: Razgovory on June 17, 2013, 05:57:37 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 17, 2013, 05:51:16 PM
Pass. I was entertained by the first one but have no desire to chase partisan bands in Iowa again.

I saw the entire Confederate Army up near Buffalo.

One game, I caught Stonewall up in Cleveland.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: Ed Anger on June 17, 2013, 06:02:00 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on June 17, 2013, 05:57:37 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 17, 2013, 05:51:16 PM
Pass. I was entertained by the first one but have no desire to chase partisan bands in Iowa again.

I saw the entire Confederate Army up near Buffalo.

One game, I caught Stonewall up in Cleveland.

Try Amoxicillin
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


They can make it, but I never agreed to play it. :P
Winner of THE grumbler point.


American Civil War II: Now with more Timmay Spooge!


Quote from: Habbaku on June 17, 2013, 02:05:41 PM
I have yet to be impressed by an AGEOD-engine game.  I'll wait for the $5 version.



Quote from: PDH on June 17, 2013, 12:44:55 PM
As long as I can make 30k men Grand Divisions in 1862 and steamroll Tamas I will be happy.

I should enter the beta just to have that asshatry stop  :mad: