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Here Languish Stands game thread

Started by Solmyr, June 12, 2012, 02:15:58 AM

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Don't think it's really a big deal atm. Plus I wanted Strasburg to make moving into France easier without spending more time on Germany.

Anyway, it's off to Tamas since Ottoman impulse is skipped.


#89: 3 / Pirate Haven

Message from Hapsburgs:
1/3: control Szeged(in)
3/3: place two mercs to Trieste


Home card play:
DoW France
1/5 Naval move: squadron from London to North Sea
2/5 Naval move: all squadrons to Channel, France may intercept
3/5 Henry, Brandon, 8 regulars from Calais to Boulogne, France may intercept.
4/5 Control Boulogne
5/5 H + B + 8 to Rouen

Will wait for intercepts or responses



2 / Foul Weather
RESPONSE Play during another power's impulse just after they have announced they are spending CP to move, assault, initiate piracy, conduct a naval move, or start a naval transport. 1 CP is lost. For the rest of the impulse, no land unit of that power may move more than 1 space; assault, piracy, naval moves, and naval transport are prohibited. All effects last only during this power's impulse. May not be used to stop Treachery! event.

4 CP for England to spend, etc. etc.


2/4 2 mercs in Calais
3/4 Henry + Brandon +6r +2m to Boulogne
4/4 Control Boulogne


French squadrons attempt to sail out and ambush the lone English squadron in Portsmouth, but tangle up their sails and collide into one another.


Play Papal Bull to excommunicate Luther the Leader.


:yeah: frogs should stay on land where they belong


Quote from: sbr on July 07, 2012, 09:52:15 AM
Play Papal Bull to excommunicate Luther the Leader.

Are you going to debate in Germany?


Quote from: Solmyr on July 07, 2012, 09:55:47 AM
Quote from: sbr on July 07, 2012, 09:52:15 AM
Play Papal Bull to excommunicate Luther the Leader.

Are you going to debate in Germany?

I was waiting to see if you would play a response.

Wait no I wasn't, you don't debate after excomm'ing a ruler, just a reformer.


You cannot excom Luther the ruler. You can excom him as a reformer, which has limited use as he is already committed and debated this turn, but you can then debate in Germany. Which I am fine with.


Quote from: Solmyr on July 07, 2012, 10:01:45 AM
You cannot excom Luther the ruler. You can excom him as a reformer, which has limited use as he is already committed and debated this turn, but you can then debate in Germany. Which I am fine with.

Why not?


Because Papal Bull can only either excommunicate a reformer, or excommunicate the ruler of Habsburgs, England, or France if grounds exist. It's on the card text. :)


Quote from: sbr on July 07, 2012, 10:02:25 AM
Quote from: Solmyr on July 07, 2012, 10:01:45 AM
You cannot excom Luther the ruler. You can excom him as a reformer, which has limited use as he is already committed and debated this turn, but you can then debate in Germany. Which I am fine with.

Why not?

Because the Papal Bull card doesn't let you.

QuoteExcommunicate a Protestant reformer. You may also call a Theological Debate in the same language zone as the excommunication. OR If grounds for excommunication exist (see 21.5), excommunicate the ruler of England, France, or Hapsburgs. Place Unrest markers on up to 2 of that power's unoccupied home spaces under Catholic religious influence.

Key text highlighted.


Quote from: Solmyr on July 07, 2012, 10:03:50 AM
Because Papal Bull can only either excommunicate a reformer, or excommunicate the ruler of Habsburgs, England, or France if grounds exist. It's on the card text. :)

Oh, that.  Nevermind give me a minute.