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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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With T1 reindeer complete with antlers and christmas lights strung between them.


I've had a couple of fresh aha moments in the last few days. 

The first realization is that you should really zoom before firing always, if at all possible.  I used to just zoom in when taking distance shots, for fear of losing situational awareness, or for taking an extra half a second.  However, being aware that the tank is still aiming at you because you missed his weak spot has limited utility. 

The second aha moment is that when in doubt, aim for the lower glacis plate.  It seems like even the most fearsome tanks for whatever reason have a really weak spot there, and that weak spot is quite large.

Admiral Yi

When you fire, do you just aim at the spot you want to hit, or do you need to compensate for the fall of shot?

That need to aim above your target made targetting basically impossible in Panzer Commander.


Unless it has been changed it auto-compensates for the fall. Unfortunately, that means that when you are leading your target you are actually aiming at the scenery behind your crosshairs which can be quite far away form the target.



Damn, having been away from WoT a couple months, I forgot how crappy the Pzkfw III/IV was. And now I read HEs are getting nerfed. Good grief.


Yeah, I'm now not loading any HE rounds in any of my tanks, unless they're equipped with a howitzer (in which case all the ammo is HE).


I've been testing the 7.1 beta for the last couple of hours.  First impression:  Russians are still assholes.  Second impression:  French tanks are all guns wrapped in tin foil.  It seems like even the heaviest tanks are just upgunned BT-7s.  The tier X French heavy has 30 mm of side armor.  :lmfao:


I came to a conclusion that I really dislike playing French tanks.  There is not a lot of finesse to it:  you just pop out and go bam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam, and then race to a hiding place to wait for a minute while your autoloader drum is reloaded.  If anyone looks at your sternly while you're in the wild shooting phase, you're dead.


Having a bit of a fun crisis lately, smashing my head repeatedly against the matchmaker.

So I've decided to re-buy a Marder II, equip my old Trollcannon and use the little gold I had to get a Pz B2 740 (f). Having a lot more fun now. I only run my usual tanks for the daily double.


They're not letting anyone buy the Type 59 anymore in order to assure gameplay balance. Now they just need to get rid of all the existing Type 59s...
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.


Quote from: Kleves on January 12, 2012, 03:40:36 PM
They're not letting anyone buy the Type 59 anymore in order to assure gameplay balance. Now they just need to get rid of all the existing Type 59s...
:w00t: Really?  That's fucking great.


In reality I don't mind people being able to buy tanks, but there should be more upper tier variety to them and for a given tier/cost a roughly equal money earning potential.

That way we won't get the monotony of seeing the same tanks again and again.

Heck, I liked the idea someone had of letting you pay gold to make regular tanks into premium, increasing their earning potential.


Just got 8 kills in a single match, my most ever. I was in my: Tetrarch.  :lol:
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.


I have not really played much at all.

FIrst reason is SWOL of course.

Second reason is that they patch broke my gunsight mod, and I am too lazy to go find another one or a patched version of what I have, and hate playing without it.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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0 rows returned