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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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Play without hacks, like a man.  :rolleyes:


Quote from: Berkut on January 14, 2012, 08:32:25 PM
I have not really played much at all.

FIrst reason is SWOL of course.

Second reason is that they patch broke my gunsight mod, and I am too lazy to go find another one or a patched version of what I have, and hate playing without it.


I have to say, I really dig the IS-4, and I haven't even gotten the 130 mm gun yet.  It's the most badass brawler yet.  In most situations you can just charge with it, and odds are you'll deal a lot more punishment to others than others will deal to you.  The only downside is that it doesn't have the Soviet "heavy medium" feel like the previous IS tanks, but it's a small price to pay.


Is anyone still playing this?  This thread is deader than Berkut on the 2nd minute of the match.


I am, actually since you waxed eloquent about the IS-4. Made me want to go play it some more, so I did. It really is a great tank, especially with that 130mm gun...
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


Playing WoT gave me a yen to revisit Panzer General and Panzer General 2, so I've been playing through them.  Doing a no planes run-through in PG2 right now.


I'm still playing as well...but since I'm too cheap to actually spend any cash, my rate of advancement is very slow...  :lmfao:
But it's still fun and great way to kill a quick 10-15 minutes.


I still play once in a while. I tried platoons yesterday for the first time, with a workmate. He's rather bad and only up to Pz 38. I tried to teach him to stay alive and scout for my Marder, with some success (we won most rounds and I got a Top Gun in a particularly enjoyable one. All in all, great fun.


I just got 8 kills with the trollcannon in a tier V battle at Siegfried line. The last enemy Marder cowardly decided not to show up and time ran out. :shifty:


Haven't played this in months.  Got bored with Skyrim, saw this thread & went to log on and BAM -- had to DL a gig & a half upgrade.  Heh.  I guess I'll find out what that's all about...

Man, it's been so long that I'm REALLY going to suck...



Heh.  First game back was a two-kill performance (which I survived) in my Stug.  Sweet...


Ahh, rediscovering the joys of getting a track blown off of my PzIII/IV by gravel spray from the tank in front of me.  Good Times...



Finished grinding on my Stug so that I could buy the Jagdpaner IV for half price.  The increased hit points rock, but the starting gun is frickin' painful.  My first game in the thing I got Sharpshooter without scratching the paint on a single enemy tank... :p


Quote from: C.C.R. on January 29, 2012, 12:56:08 PM
Finished grinding on my Stug so that I could buy the Jagdpaner IV for half price.  The increased hit points rock, but the starting gun is frickin' painful.  My first game in the thing I got Sharpshooter without scratching the paint on a single enemy tank... :p

The guns on that will remain comperatively weak, especially considering that you are used to the awesomnesses which are the previous 3 German TDs. But it has good armor and HP and can hide very well. Just adopt to being a hidden support gun, and not a one-man killing machine.
And then you shall progress to the Jagdpanther which, when maxed out, is one awesome vehicle.


Now that was a fun Reaper, Top Gun and Sniper