Arkansas GOP: Against Abortion and For Child Murder

Started by jimmy olsen, October 09, 2012, 01:34:41 AM

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Eddie Teach

Quote from: DGuller on October 11, 2012, 09:45:34 AM
Nonsense.  You don't need force to disarm the populace, you just need legitimacy.

That will disarm a portion of the populace. You need force and lots of eyes if you want to disarm the whole thing.

And before you call this a distracting non-counter-argument, as nobody expects gun control to be 100% effective, I'm fully aware of that. But Viking's claim that banning abortion doesn't work rests on the fact that it isn't 100% effective either. However, the historical data suggests it curtailed the number of abortions by quite a lot.

As I said before, the efficacy of a ban depends greatly on perceived need. Cal may be much quicker to turn in his guns than some teenage girl to carry her baby to term. However, a gangster is not going to turn in his willingly. Nor will a militia nut. People who feel they need abortions may still get them, just as people who feel they need to keep their guns will keep them, and drug addicts will keep using(also non-addicts will as those laws are much less strict and harder to enforce). I don't see the basis for the distinction of them into working and non-working bans.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?