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PSA: Game Discounts

Started by vinraith, April 28, 2009, 02:49:48 PM

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I've gotten my $2.50 worth out of Chivalry.   Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure stabbing that archer scumbag in the throat with a spear and listening to him gurgle while he died was worth $2.50 all by itself.


 :lol:  I have had fun every time I have played Chivalry but I don't ever get around to playing it.


Good Shadowrun:Dragonfall during the sales. Greatly enjoying it.

Baron von Schtinkenbutt

Big Quakecon sale on Steam.  All iD games, all the Fallout games, TES: Morrowind and newer.


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

Baron von Schtinkenbutt


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Yeah definitely not worse than say what the list looks like now for CK2.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.

jimmy olsen

Quote from: garbon on June 30, 2014, 10:24:30 AM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 29, 2014, 11:19:47 PM
I nabbed The Banner Saga and The Wolf Among Us.  Now to find time to play them...

I picked up both of these and State of Decay.
Just picked this up on a whim for cheap. Good decision?
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Yeah, it's pretty fun for a little while. 

jimmy olsen

Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 19, 2015, 07:36:08 PM
Yeah, it's pretty fun for a little while.
Cool, got any tips I should know?
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Its been a while since I played, so I can't give you any real specifics, but I do remember a couple of mods I used to ease some frustration: Zombie standard time and one where you can put backpacks into trucks.  ZST made it so the game wouldn't "play" (or wouldn't play as much, depending on your settings) while your weren't actually playing it, so your survivor buddies wont go off and get themselves killed while you're sleeping or at work or whatever.   

jimmy olsen

Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 20, 2015, 01:25:00 AM
Its been a while since I played, so I can't give you any real specifics, but I do remember a couple of mods I used to ease some frustration: Zombie standard time and one where you can put backpacks into trucks.  ZST made it so the game wouldn't "play" (or wouldn't play as much, depending on your settings) while your weren't actually playing it, so your survivor buddies wont go off and get themselves killed while you're sleeping or at work or whatever.
Thanks, ZST sounds like a must have.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Yes, I would say it is fun (who doesn't want to play as a group of survivors) but that yes ZST is necessary. Such a stupid design decision.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


If you want 10+ Tom Clancy games for $10.- then Humble Bundle is for you:

QuoteGet ready for R6S with Tom Clancy classics! Rainbow Six® Siege's release is right around the corner, so we've got plenty of games to play while you wait. Pay $1 or more for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six®, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Gold, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory®, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon®, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege - Multiplayer Beta. Pay more than the average price and also receive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas 2, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition, and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®. Pay $10 or more, and get all of that plus Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier™ and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist™. Want even more? Pay $75 to get all of the games in the bundle and receive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege when it's released, an exclusive Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege t-shirt, and a coupon for 66% off up to any three Ubisoft titles in the Humble Store (excludes pre-orders).
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.