Ugh. I hate Summer allergies. I've been getting my dick knocked in the dirt at this time of year for as long as I can remember, and this year is the worst that it's been for a loooooooong time. The drugs are doing a decent job of keeping the snot out of my head, but everything is draining into my chest & settling when I sleep, so I'm waking up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe & hacking for an hour or so to get it out before I can fall back asleep. Tonight I was "lucky" in that it happened at 4am, which is "only" an hour before I have to get up anyways, so I just stayed up...
Hang in there man. :console:
I take an allergy pill right before sleep. It means only 5 hours of sleep, but it's better than a snot induced headache. :yucky:
I have my allergies around may - june, so I'm good for another 10 months or so. But I know what you're going trough and you have my sympathies. :)
I get allergies too. Hits about April-June. Then they hit in late August-September as other plants pollinate. Usually not too bad, though it can be a hassle. On bad days I take something that doesn't cause drowsiness early in the day so it doesn't affect sleeping. But some years ago I did develop allergies to some fruit, kinds that I used to eat all the time (nectarines, pears, apples, a few others). I can eat bananas, blueberries and a few other fruits, or canned fruit which doesn't cause problems.
I self-medicate successfully.
CCR, listen to your body.
Yes, they do.
Clarinex is my drug. Followed by Vicodin.
With the asthma medications, the allergies aren't so bad. Coupled with a pill of "Tylenol for allergies" once in a while, I'm mostly ok now.
Quote from: PDH on August 30, 2011, 10:59:25 AM
CCR, listen to your body.
Body: Drink beer!
Me: Uh, OK...
I seem to have year-round allergies. Really sucks.
I too dislike them and am feeling the ill effects.
Hay fever does indeed suck.
In Sweden I never got it. Back home I did. Here....follows home. Sneezing all day at work today :(