What's the best superhero movie ever made
Option 1: Superman
votes: 2
Option 2: Spiderman 2
votes: 0
Option 3: The Incredibles
votes: 3
Option 4: Iron Man
votes: 1
Option 5: The Dark Knight
votes: 8
Option 6: The Avengers
votes: 3
Option 7: Hellboy 2
votes: 0
Option 8: X-Men 2
votes: 0
Option 9: Guardians of the Galaxy
votes: 1
Option 10: Deadpool
votes: 2
Option 11: Antman
votes: 0
Option 12: Kickass
votes: 0
Option 13: Blade 2
votes: 0
Option 14: Big Hero 6
votes: 0
Option 15: Dr. Strange
votes: 1
Option 16: The Rocketeer
votes: 0
Option 17: Watchmen
votes: 0
Option 18: Unbreakable
votes: 0
Option 19: Batman Returns
votes: 0
Option 20: Thor
votes: 0
Option 21: X-Men Days of Future Past
votes: 0
Option 22: Other: Please list below
votes: 3
I tried to get as many different kinds of superhero movies as I could on to this last, but there are just so many.
What do you think Languish. Which is the best Superhero movie ever made?
The Matrix
Two X-Men films in the list and there's not the best film in the series :mad: :P
I'll go with The Dark Knight, although I love Spider-Man 2 a lot, too. I'd probably vote The Incredibles if it wasn't for that uncomfortable Randian takeaway...
You listed Batman Returns over the original? :huh:
I voted Dark Knight, might have voted Guardians of the Galaxy too if we could pick multiples.
Batman is a superhero now?
Went with Deadpool. It's the one I probably enjoyed the most. Honorable mention to The Crow, Dredd, and The Dark Knight. A lot of the DC animated flicks are solid as well. I remember liking The New Frontier a lot.
Quote from: The Brain on December 28, 2016, 05:05:33 AM
Batman is a superhero now?
The super rich are the new heroes.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on December 28, 2016, 05:11:43 AM
Went with Deadpool. It's the one I probably enjoyed the most. Honorable mention to The Crow, Dredd, and The Dark Knight. A lot of the DC animated flicks are solid as well. I remember liking The New Frontier a lot.
Thought about adding The Crow, but thought people might bitch that it wasn't really a superhero movie.
Forgot about Dredd. :face:
Dredd is NOT a fucking superhero. FFS.
Though points for forgot about Dredd.
The real Batman i.e Batman: the Movie (Adam West).
Animated adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns.
I think it is hard to overestimate the impact and influence of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman in re-launching the superhero genre.
the original Superman.
"Miss TESCHMACHER!?!?!!?!!"
Quote from: Oexmelin on December 28, 2016, 02:10:37 PM
I think it is hard to overestimate the impact and influence of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman in re-launching the superhero genre.
While I would agree with that, it doesn't make it the best of the lot.
A lot to be said for Michelle Pfeiffer in a rubber suit.
Quote from: dps on December 28, 2016, 05:05:35 PM
While I would agree with that, it doesn't make it the best of the lot.
I somewhat reluctantly disagree - because it's true that there may be better movies out there (though few) as movies, but few of those better movies are better "superhero" movies. I think "The Dark Knight" is good - but it probably would have worked with non-superhero characters. Other superhero movies that are good rely upon cinematic canons and codes that Burton's Batman had established, or re-established - either those that followed a more cartoony vein, or those that followed the darker path. A lot of the humor of, say, Guardians of the Galaxy, relies on the undermining of the seriousness with which so many superhero movies are now created (which is a newer development than the original kiddy camp). I think Burton's Batman walked the very fine line between dark and broody and campy cartoon.
No, Burton walked right over it.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 28, 2016, 05:25:43 PM
No, Burton walked right over it.
Sure. Do you have a pick, or you prefer Saving Private Bigwig?
Quote from: Oexmelin on December 28, 2016, 05:30:33 PM
Sure. Do you have a pick, or you prefer Saving Private Bigwig?
The Dark Knight is the closest a "superhero movie" will ever get to a "superhero film." But Deadpool's ability to goof on its own genre takes the cake.
And sometime in the afterlife, CS Lewis and Richard Adams will be waiting for JK Rowland, and will promptly belt her with a folding chair after slamming her into the corner rope buckle.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 28, 2016, 05:43:05 PM
Quote from: Oexmelin on December 28, 2016, 05:30:33 PM
Sure. Do you have a pick, or you prefer Saving Private Bigwig?
The Dark Knight is the closest a "superhero movie" will ever get to a "superhero film." But Deadpool's ability to goof on its own genre takes the cake.
And sometime in the afterlife, CS Lewis and Richard Adams will be waiting for JK Rowland, and will promptly belt her with a folding chair after slamming her into the corner rope buckle.
Man, you have weird fantasies.
Suprised that Seedy didn't pick the Incredibles given that it's all about a middle aged man going through a midlife crisis.
Surprised you haven't been killed by a rickshaw yet, Limpy McKimchi.
other: I'm a damned adult and have left such kiddie fare behind me.
Had about enough of your attitude.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 28, 2016, 09:43:37 PM
Had about enough of your attitude.
I did like Deadpool at least.
The Crow is the only one I ever cared to pay to see. But it's also one of my favorite movies made in my lifetime.
I saw Deadpool on a plane to London. It was pretty funny.