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King of Dragon Pass AAR

Started by Solmyr, March 19, 2013, 03:37:17 PM

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Nice going, been watching this with interest.
Posted using 100% recycled electrons.

Darth Wagtaros

These quests are impossible to do.



Food and cows, always tricky.



I seem to have forgotten to save a screenshot of the year start, but we put our clan magic into herds to increase cows, war to improve defenses, crops to keep food up, and quests, as we plan to do another heroquest this year. The god-talkers' omens were: The alynx spirits chased off the vermin spirits; there would be few rats this year.

Priestesses of Chalana Arroy said they would heal our sick and wounded in exchange for a future favor. We have a fair bit of wounded, so we asked them to heal all of our sick and wounded. They did so, and the people rejoiced. The priestesses departed, reminding us that they would one day return to ask for a favor in return.

We sacrificed to Uralda to learn the mysteries of her heroquest, and then Karendra began the Uralda's Blessing heroquest, where she pretends to be a cow. I'm sure there's a fetish in there somewhere. We decided to ask for a herd of cows if the heroquest is successful.

Karendra went back to an ancient time, a time before Umath, before Yelm, and long before Orlanth, a time where everything was good for her four-legged people. But things were bad for the two-legged people, who were hungry, and asked Karendra's bulls for help. She found a high place in order to watch the two-legs as they left.

The bulls chased the two-legs away, and the two-legs yelled and shrieked most piteously. The biting things came, and Karendra could not protect her children from them. So she embarked on a journey to the home of the two-legs. First, she was attacked by biting things which were neither large nor small. Karendra withstood the first attack of the biting things, but was wounded. Second, she was attacked by biting things with hollow teeth full of poison. Karendra withstood the second attack of the biting things, but suffered further injuries. Third, she was attacked by biting things that lie in the water. Karendra withstood the third attack of the biting things, but again her flesh was torn.

Although it took every last bit of her strength, Karendra made it to the tula of the two-legged people. Karendra was glad she had watched for their trail when they were chased away by the bulls. Karendra attempted to enter the two-leg camp, but the two-legged bulls tried to capture her and pen her up. She made the secret sign to Ernalda. Ernalda noticed the sign, and from the greeting Ernalda gave her, Uralda recognized Ernalda as her mother. "Life is almost good," Ernalda said. "But my children have found this new thing called hunger, and I do not know what to do..." Karendra said she had a plan.

Karendra headed back to her people, this time with some of Ernalda's two-legged bulls to protect her. She told her bulls to tell the herd to get ready for a journey to the land of the two-legs. The bulls did not want to understand why. They also did not want to be without cows, so they followed her, all the way to the two-leg encampment, where they lived for some time.

The bulls saw the two-legs cutting up and eating other cows, and were afraid. Karendra said to them, "A little lost blood is nothing, when there is life to be given." The bulls accepted what Karendra said, and troubled her no more. Later, the cows complained that the two-legs were taking their milk, and Uralda explained that by treating the two-leg children as their own, there would always be two-legs. And, wherever there were two-legs, there would be fat and happy cows. This comforted them.

Karendra returned to the land of mortals, her quest successful despite her wounds. Over the next few days, people from all over Dragon Pass brought us cows, thanking for having performed the Blessings of Uralda heroquest, and bringing health and fertility to everyone's herds.

Also, despite claims to the contrary, Karendra wasn't even wounded after she returned from the heroquest, and being wounded is pretty much normal after doing this particular one. Karendra is awesome.

We were raided by the Colymar tribe. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. Fuck.

The dangerous rodents came back and bit children and horses. We ordered our weaponthanes to exterminate them. They said the carls should have been ordered to block the cave entrance. Many of them were wounded, but they said that they killed them all. They better be right, or heads will roll.

Led by Arkilla, the women of the clan reproached the ring for losing so many of their husbands and sons in battle. The clan ring arranged marriages between widows and the clan's surviving bachelors. Sadly, several of the new marriages, were not quite suitable, and it was difficult to say whether they would last long enough to matter.

The Tedanlings raided us for 25 cows. Fuckers will pay.

Swen accused his wife, Ellyr, and Ingard, his young nephew, of adultery. The ring interrogated them. They steadfastly proclaimed their innocence. They seemed sincere in this. We conducted a divination. The spirits of our ancestors said the shame of Ellyr and Ingard was great, and that spirits of reprisal were sure to smite them. We outlawed them. Swen and his kin congratulated us for stamping out this nest of vipers. Ingard and Ellyr were hounded from our tula.

Starvation hit our clan as food ran out again. The clan ring might have allowed it to happen on purpose, because we have way too many people for the size of our herds and food-producing ability. Survival of the fittest, bitches!

We approached the Taraling clan with an offer of peace. We proposed a reciprocal marriage between clans to seal our peace. The marriages were agreed to. Bride prices were exchanged for dowries. Twin feasts were held, in our hall and theirs. Excellent, now that we only have one remaining feud with our neighbors the Tedanlings, time to make them our bitches.

Men gathered before the ring and said the women were not behaving properly. Man, first the women whine, and now the men? Members of the clan ring scolded the women for their improper behavior. The women said that they did not realize that the men were insulted, and promised to show them more respect in the future. As if.

We were raided by the Horse-Spawn. During the battle, some of the Horse-Spawn circled behind us, broke into a stead and took captives. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. And they took 1 of our footmen captive. That wasn't good, although we avoided taking casualties.

Acting as our emissary, Loricon asked the Zethnorings to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with food. Loricon asked for a bit more food than custom demanded. Jarang, chief of the Zethnoring clan, agreed to give us the extra food we asked for. Some of his carls seemed unhappy with our request.

A terrible plague struck our tula. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy, goddess of healing. Our god-talkers said that the signs were good; the merciful goddess looked upon our sacrifice with favor. And indeed, the sick recovered over the next day or so. The people rejoiced in our good fortune.

Among other things, we also built a shrine to Chalana Arroy, to help our wounded and sick recover faster.

We raided the Tedanlings. We drove the Tedanlings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula. Killed a fair bunch of them and plundered 33 cows, 2 horses, and 15 trade goods.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Tedanlings. We drove the Tedanlings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. More of them were killed.

Orngerin, the devotee of Eurmal on our clan ring, gave away a herd of our cows. We weren't about to give up our hard-earned cows, so we asked the Zethnorings to give the cows back. They said that they would take the favors and return the cows.

We raided the Tedanlings and eluded their patrols. They are down to about 10 weaponthanes and less than 100 footmen now. We were driven off and had no opportunity to obtain booty. Still, we killed 3 more of their weaponthanes, so they are hurting.

Sadly, before year end our prized bull Blacktail has died. So currently we have no treasures.

The year in review: We are improving the herd size a bit, but still need more. That heroquest was great help. With the Tedanlings hurting, it's time to pound them into the ground and make them sorry they crossed us. Hopefully the Colymar tribe won't make a habit of raiding us, though.


I picked this up off  Damn horse people keep raiding me!
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017

Ed Anger

Quote from: Razgovory on April 14, 2013, 07:22:45 PM
I picked this up off  Damn horse people keep raiding me!

Did you pick on the ducks? Pick on the ducks, face the wrath.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Wish I had an isomething. This looks spiffy.


Quote from: Tyr on April 15, 2013, 11:54:08 PM
Wish I had an isomething. This looks spiffy.

It's available for PC at
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on April 16, 2013, 12:07:53 AM
Quote from: Tyr on April 15, 2013, 11:54:08 PM
Wish I had an isomething. This looks spiffy.

It's available for PC at
Am considering it, looks perfect for tablets though :(


Quote from: Solmyr on March 19, 2013, 03:37:17 PM
Because you fuckers will never finish a KoDP AAR, I'm making my own.

Quis futuit ipsos fututores?


I'm already further than anyone ever got. :P


Posted using 100% recycled electrons.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Solmyr on April 19, 2013, 08:44:41 AM
I'm already further than anyone ever got. :P

You aren't going to finish?  Dont be that guy!


Quote from: crazy canuck on May 17, 2013, 02:47:20 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on April 19, 2013, 08:44:41 AM
I'm already further than anyone ever got. :P

You aren't going to finish?  Dont be that guy!

Dude, the game is a labor of love. Making it into an AAR is...just labor. Trust me.
and the horse you rode in on

crazy canuck

Quote from: fahdiz on May 17, 2013, 06:14:06 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 17, 2013, 02:47:20 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on April 19, 2013, 08:44:41 AM
I'm already further than anyone ever got. :P

You aren't going to finish?  Dont be that guy!

Dude, the game is a labor of love. Making it into an AAR is...just labor. Trust me.

Enabler  :mad: