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Ahhh, the 20 year class reunion

Started by Ed Anger, May 16, 2009, 03:54:33 PM

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Things I never did:

Go to any of my graduations.
Go to a class reunion.
Try to find old lameo high school friends online.
Read my thesis again after I got it okay'd.

I have better things...even if that is posting here.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
-Umberto Eco

"I'm pretty sure my level of depression has nothing to do with how much of a fucking asshole you are."


Ed Anger

I think I'm going to go as the biggest douchebag ever. Break out the Armani suit, wear more gold rings than a Serbian pimp would wear, have the douchebag soulpatch, borrow a Mercedes and out douchebag everybody there.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


These reunions aren't common in Hong Kong.  Even if they hold one, I most likely won't go.  They didn't like me; I didn't like them.  Besides, my school is an elite school, where a big chunk of students were sons and daughters of tycoons, partners of Big Four, top CEOs, politicians, celebrities, senior civil servants etc etc.  I don't think I have much to offer when they talk about spending billions on their private jets and which company to acquire next. 


Most of those who were worthile (how few they were) I still speak to so there's no point.


Meh. Most of my friends that I would like to get back in touch with were in other graduating years. Of course, I'm taking this into consideration, because this year should be my 5th reunion, if I ever hear anything from those yobbos...
Experience bij!

The Brain

If they have had a reunion they have deftly avoided telling me. Since none of my classmates are famous what's the point anyway? If I want to meet regular people I can bother people at the supermarket or wherever.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2009, 07:07:06 AM
I think I'm going to go as the biggest douchebag ever. Break out the Armani suit, wear more gold rings than a Serbian pimp would wear, have the douchebag soulpatch, borrow a Mercedes and out douchebag everybody there.
*sniff*  Aim high, big guy, you inspire us all.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
-Umberto Eco

"I'm pretty sure my level of depression has nothing to do with how much of a fucking asshole you are."



Quote from: PDH on May 16, 2009, 07:58:14 PM
Things I never did:

Go to any of my graduations.
Go to a class reunion.
Try to find old lameo high school friends online.
Read my thesis again after I got it okay'd.

I have better things...even if that is posting here.

Good on you.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017

Ed Anger

Quote from: PDH on May 17, 2009, 10:01:34 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2009, 07:07:06 AM
I think I'm going to go as the biggest douchebag ever. Break out the Armani suit, wear more gold rings than a Serbian pimp would wear, have the douchebag soulpatch, borrow a Mercedes and out douchebag everybody there.
*sniff*  Aim high, big guy, you inspire us all.

I am the lightbringer.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: PDH on May 16, 2009, 07:58:14 PM
Things I never did:

Go to any of my graduations.
Go to a class reunion.
Try to find old lameo high school friends online.
Read my thesis again after I got it okay'd.

I have better things...even if that is posting here.

Well done, well done. I unfortunately was dragged to my high school graduation by family (in fairness it was the grandparents that insisted, not my parents). <_<

Otherwise, however, my list would fit yours.


One of the guys from my elementary school wanted to organize a 15 year reunion. Dunno if he managed to, I did not reply. :P Everyone I am interested in from those times, I still have contact with. With the rest, I am happy in the knowledge that most of them became village white trash.

Ed Anger

Quote from: Tamas on May 17, 2009, 01:54:37 PM
One of the guys from my elementary school wanted to organize a 15 year reunion. Dunno if he managed to, I did not reply. :P Everyone I am interested in from those times, I still have contact with. With the rest, I am happy in the knowledge that most of them became village white trash.

Only thing stupider than elementary school reunions is graduation ceremonies for 1st graders going to the 2nd grade.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2009, 01:59:05 PM
Quote from: Tamas on May 17, 2009, 01:54:37 PM
One of the guys from my elementary school wanted to organize a 15 year reunion. Dunno if he managed to, I did not reply. :P Everyone I am interested in from those times, I still have contact with. With the rest, I am happy in the knowledge that most of them became village white trash.

Only thing stupider than elementary school reunions is graduation ceremonies for 1st graders going to the 2nd grade.
My daughters "graduated" from kindergarten.  :rolleyes: