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News from Greece

Started by Sheilbh, November 15, 2012, 11:14:34 AM

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I read a few really striking articles about Greece lately, but they're more social and political so I don't want to clog up the sovereign debt thread any more than I do and I thought one megathread'd be better.

So the Robin Hood doctors:
QuoteAmid Cutbacks, Greek Doctors Offer Message to Poor: You Are Not Alone

Angelos Tzortzinis for The New York Times

ATHENS — As the head of Greece's largest oncology department, Dr. Kostas Syrigos thought he had seen everything. But nothing prepared him for Elena, an unemployed woman whose breast cancer had been diagnosed a year before she came to him.

By that time, her cancer had grown to the size of an orange and broken through the skin, leaving a wound that she was draining with paper napkins. "When we saw her we were speechless," said Dr. Syrigos, the chief of oncology at Sotiria General Hospital in central Athens. "Everyone was crying. Things like that are described in textbooks, but you never see them because until now, anybody who got sick in this country could always get help."

Life in Greece has been turned on its head since the debt crisis took hold. But in few areas has the change been more striking than in health care. Until recently, Greece had a typical European health system, with employers and individuals contributing to a fund that with government assistance financed universal care. People who lost their jobs received health care and unemployment benefits for a year, but were still treated by hospitals if they could not afford to pay even after the benefits expired.

Things changed in July 2011, when Greece signed a supplemental loan agreement with international lenders to ward off financial collapse. Now, as stipulated in the deal,  Greeks must pay all costs out of pocket after their benefits expire.

About half of Greece's 1.2 million long-term unemployed lack health insurance, a number that is expected to rise sharply in a country with an unemployment rate of 25 percent and a moribund economy, said Savas Robolis, director of the Labor Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers. A new $17.5 billion austerity package of budget cuts and tax increases, agreed upon Wednesday with Greece's international lenders, will make matters only worse, most economists say.

The changes are forcing increasing numbers of people to seek help outside the traditional health care system. Elena, for example, was referred to Dr. Syrigos by doctors in an underground movement that has sprung up here to care for the uninsured. "In Greece right now, to be unemployed means death," said Dr. Syrigos, an imposing man with a stern demeanor that grew soft when discussing the plight of cancer patients.

The development is new for Greeks — and perhaps for Europe, too. "We are moving to the same situation that the United States has been in, where when you lose your job and you are uninsured, you aren't covered," Dr. Syrigos said.

The change is particularly striking in cancer care, with its lengthy and expensive treatments. When cancer is diagnosed among the uninsured, "the system simply ignores them," Dr. Syrigos said. He said, "They can't access chemotherapy, surgery or even simple drugs."

The health care system itself is increasingly dysfunctional, and may worsen if the government slashes an additional $2 billion in health spending, which it has proposed as part of a new austerity plan aimed to lock down more financing. With the state coffers drained, supplies have gotten so low that some patients have been forced to bring their own supplies, like stents and syringes, for treatments.

Hospitals and pharmacies now demand cash payment for drugs, which for cancer patients can amount to tens of thousands of dollars, money most of them do not have. With the system deteriorating, Dr. Syrigos and several colleagues have decided to take matters into their own hands.

Earlier this year, they set up a surreptitious network to help uninsured cancer patients and other ill people, which operates off the official grid using only spare medicines donated by pharmacies, some pharmaceutical companies and even the families of cancer patients who died. In Greece, doctors found to be helping an uninsured person using hospital medicines must cover the cost from their own pockets.

At the Metropolitan Social Clinic, a makeshift medical center near an abandoned American Air Force base outside Athens, Dr. Giorgos Vichas pointed one recent afternoon to plastic bags crammed with donated medicines lining the dingy floors outside his office.

"We're a Robin Hood network," said Dr. Vichas, a cardiologist who founded the underground movement in January. "But this operation has an expiration date," he said. "People at some point will no longer be able to donate because of the crisis. That's why we're pressuring the state to take responsibility again."

In a supply room, a blue filing cabinet was filled with cancer drugs. But they were not enough to take care of the rising number of cancer patients knocking on his door. Many of the medicines are forwarded to Dr. Syrigos, who set up an off-hours infirmary in the hospital three months ago to treat uninsured cancer patients Dr. Vichas and other doctors in the network send his way.

Dr. Syrigos's staff members consistently volunteer to work after their official shifts; the number of patients has risen to 35 from 5. "Sometimes I come home tired, exhausted, seeing double," said Korina Liberopoulou, a pathologist on site one afternoon with five doctors and nurses. "But as long as there are materials to work with, this practice will go on."

Back at the medical center, Dr. Vichas said he had never imagined being so overwhelmed with people in need.

As he spoke, Elena appeared, wearing a pleated gray head wrap and a loose plum blouse. She was coming for drugs to help her cope with the aftermath of chemotherapy she had recently received from Dr. Syrigos.

Elena said she was left without insurance after quitting her teaching job to care for her cancer-stricken parents and a sick uncle. By the time they died, the financial crisis had hit Greece and, at 58, it was impossible for her to find work.

She said she panicked when she was found to have the same type of breast cancer that killed her mother: the treatments would cost at least $40,000, she was told, and her family's funds were depleted. She tried to sell a small plot of land, but no one was buying.

Her cancer spread, and she could not find treatment until a few months ago, when she sought out Dr. Vichas's underground clinic after hearing about it through word of mouth. "If I couldn't come here, I would do nothing," she said. "In Greece today, you have to make a contract with yourself that you will not get very sick."

She said she was dismayed that the Greek state, as part of the bailout, had pulled back on a pillar of protection for society. But the fact that doctors and ordinary Greeks were organizing to pitch in where the state failed gave her hope in her bleakest hours. "Here, there is somebody who cares," Elena said.

For Dr. Vichas, the most powerful therapy may not be the medicines, but the optimism that his Robin Hood group brings to those who have almost given up. "What we've gained from the crisis is to come closer together," he said.

"This is resistance," he added, sweeping his eyes over the volunteers and patients bustling around the clinic. "It is a nation, a people allowed to stand on their own two feet again with the help they give each other."

Dimitris Bounias contributed reporting.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: October 26, 2012

An article on Thursday about the impact of Greece's financial crisis on its health care system misstated the terms of a loan agreement signed by Greece in July 2011. The agreement stipulated that after their health care benefits expire, Greeks must pay all costs out of pocket; it did not provide benefits for up to a year for those who lose their jobs. (Since before the loan agreement, the Greek government has provided unemployment benefits and health care for the unemployed for a maximum of one year.)
Let's bomb Russia!


I was wondering what's the deal with illegal immigrants in the EU I seem to remember reading that the UK government with others had succeeded in getting a rule where migrants were deported to the country of entry to be dealt with there which seems, in retrospect, to just shift the cost from the rich countries that attract migrants, to the periphery :mellow:
QuoteAlarm at Greek police 'collusion' with far-right Golden Dawn
Are Greek police colluding with far-right Golden Dawn?

Greece's far-right party, Golden Dawn, won 18 parliamentary seats in the June election with a campaign openly hostile to illegal immigrants and there are now allegations that some Greek police are supporting the party.

"There is already civil war," says Ilias Panagiotaros. If so, the shop he owns is set to do a roaring trade.

It sells camouflage gear, police riot gloves, face masks and T-shirts extolling football hooliganism.

On the walls are posters celebrating the last civil war in Greece, which ended in 1949.

"Greek society is ready - even though no-one likes this - to have a fight: a new type of civil war," he says.

"On the one side there will be nationalists like us, and Greeks who want our country to be as it used to be, and on the other side illegal immigrants, anarchists and all those who have destroyed Athens several times," he adds.

You hear comments like this a lot in Greece now but Ilias Panagiotaros is not some figure on the fringes: he is a member of the Greek parliament, one of 18 MPs elected for the far-right Golden Dawn in June's general election.

Theatre attack
And for Mr Panagiotaros, civil war is not something theoretical.

Last week he led a demonstration that closed down a performance of the Terence McNally play, Corpus Christi.

As police stood by, apparently oblivious, Mr Panagiotaros was filmed shouting racist and homophobic insults at the director of the play, and the actors cowering inside the Chyterio Theatre.

"Wrap it up you little faggots. Yes, just keep staring at me you little hooker. Your time is up.

"You Albanian assholes," shouts Mr Panagiotaros in the YouTube clip.

Footage filmed inside the theatre, as rocks showered into its open-air auditorium, shows the manager making frantic calls to the chief of police, demanding protection from a mob that had begun to beat up journalists outside.

Other footage shows Golden Dawn MP Christos Pappas "de-arrest" a demonstrator, pulling him from a police detention coach, as the police do nothing.

Calls were made to the public order ministry, who ordered the chief prosecutor to attend the scene. No help arrived.

"This was the Greek Kristallnacht," says Laertis Vassiliou, the play's director.

"People went home with broken bones. Every day they phone me now, they phone the theatre, saying: your days are numbered."

His eyes redden and his face begins to tremble as he tells me:

"They phoned my mother, Golden Dawn. They said we will deliver your son's body to you in a box of little pieces.

"I want to be told if we are in a democracy or a dictatorship?"

Growing alarm
The attack on Corpus Christi has become a signal moment for Greek politics.

Though Golden Dawn members have attacked migrants frequently, in the past month the far-right party has stepped up its presence on the streets.

It launched a raid on a street market in Rafina, where its uniformed activists demanded to see the permits of migrant stallholders there - demonstratively smashing up the property of those who did not have them.

Now, with the attack on a theatre group, alarm is spreading among sections of society that were not previously affected by the party's actions.

I ask Mr Panagiotaros: how can it be right for a party in parliament to have a uniformed militia that takes on, violently, the role of law enforcement, checking papers and overturning market stalls? He explains:

"With one incident, which was on camera, the problem was solved - in every open market all over Greece illegal immigrants disappeared.

Policing the Greek crisis would pose a huge challenge, even without the issue of political support for the far right inside the police force"

"Now, only with one phone call saying Golden Dawn is going to pass by, the police is going there. That means the brand name of Golden Dawn is very effective."

He confirms the party's strategy is to force police action against migrants and to claim their right to make citizens' arrests against those they suspect of criminality.

"It's like fashion - our dress code is now extremely popular and more people want to follow it. The brand name is synonymous with order, law and order and efficiency."

And if it projects fear among perfectly legal migrants? I ask.

"There are no legal migrants in Greece," says Mr Panagiotaros "not even one."

Now Golden Dawn is suddenly everywhere. Its eight local offices at election time have become 60 nationwide. It is polling consistently as the third most popular party at 12%.

Its parliamentarians have threatened to "drag migrant children from the kindergartens," and requested a list of the kindergartens with high migrant numbers. This, the Greek education ministry has willingly provided.

Time and again there is a pattern to Golden Dawn disturbances.

They target migrants, the Left, lawyers representing migrants, or in the case of the theatre picket, gay people. And the police stand by.

In Athens police are even alleged to have referred people experiencing problems with migrant neighbours to Golden Dawn for help.

Mr Panagiotaros confirms what opinion polls taken in June indicated: there is support for Golden Dawn inside the police force, way higher than in the general population.

"I think with what they are saying now we have more than 50%, 60% of police staff that are following us - maybe more - every day it is growing," says Mr Panagiotaros.

Many of his customers are police, who buy not just their riot gear but parts of their actual uniform from his militaria store, where police regulation shirts hang alongside T-shirts praising the Nazi group Combat 18 and the Chelsea Headhunters.

Golden Dawn members gave free food to Greek people after checking their IDs

Anarchists have tried to counter Golden Dawn's patrols in migrant areas by staging their own, motorbike mounted patrols - hundreds strong.

During a motorbike protest last week, a clash with Golden Dawn occurred.

A unit of the motorbike-mounted police called Delta Force arrested 15 demonstrators, stripping them naked in the prison cells and, say the detainees, using tasers, stress positions, humiliation techniques and beatings.

A report of this in the Guardian last week has become a matter of national controversy here, and is strenuously denied by the government.

On 8 October a further 25 protesters were arrested at a demonstration at the courthouse to support those originally detained.

Yiannis, one of those detained, tells the story:

"They searched us, made us strip, kneel. They hit me on the head and knees. They said we know where you all live.

I meet Yiannis and Maria, two of those alleging mistreatment, in a quiet flat in Exarchia, the bohemian district of Athens.

Both will speak only on condition that I change their names, and film them without showing their faces. Though charged eventually with misdemeanours, they were both held for four nights in police custody.

Yiannis continues: "They said: You're finished and things are not going to be the way they were from now on.

"They said they would pass on the video they filmed of us to Golden Dawn. They picked on me to use as an example to the others. They kept making me say to every new detainee: 'if you too disobey they will [hurt] your mother'."

Maria, who has been calm and confident as we have prepared for the interview, now becomes disturbed as she tells her story.

"They made me strip in front of the others," she says.

"The Delta police arrived and spoke about Golden Dawn as if they were their siblings, including the officer in charge. They praised Hitler, saying he was better than Stalin.

"They told us we should remember this - that they are Golden Dawn supporters now."

Throughout the ordeal, the arresting officers from the Delta Force, says Maria, continually flaunted their political support for Golden Dawn.

I put the allegations to Lt Col Christos Manouras, the spokesman for the Athens police. He tells me:

"I am categoric that in this incident none of these things happened in the headquarters building of the Attica police. Greek police respect human rights - and this is a non-story."

He adds: "These allegations were never made to the police. No charges were pressed, so the police could look into this from the beginning.

"All the same, if anybody wants to identify themselves - or even if a general allegation reaches us - we will investigate it further. If it involves police, whether racist violence or violence against another person, Greek or migrant, we investigate in depth."

Dimitris Psaras, whose new book, Golden Dawn's Black Bible, details the organisation's recent rise, believes the influence of far right within the police force works at an insidious level:

"There is an osmosis of Golden Dawn supporters, between those working in the police and those in private security as well as those providing night club protection.

"Sometimes the same person can be providing all these three services. They usually meet in local gyms and specific coffee shops owned by those who share the same ideology."

Mr Psaras believes that harsh police treatment of drug offenders and migrants gives a tacit signal to Golden Dawn that its illegal attacks on these groups are welcome.

I repeatedly put the question to Lt Col Manouras as to what strategy the police commanders have adopted to mitigate the risks of individual police support for Golden Dawn compromising operations.

"Every day we make operational plans of how to deal with such phenomena," he says.

"Rest assured we stand by the citizens and we try to prevent such situations.

"Of course we can't be on every corner. We are not magicians, to be able to ensure within two minutes that nothing goes wrong. But we do intervene immediately to normalize the situation."

Growing support

Golden Dawn has gained ground spectacularly in two leaps. First, during the riotous summer of 2011, when the right wing Christian nationalist party Laos disintegrated after it joined the pro-austerity coalition.

Laos vanished and Golden Dawn took its place, scoring 6-7% in the inconclusive Greek elections of May and June 2012.

The second spurt is occurring now, as the coalition government - which includes Conservatives, Socialists and the "moderate" Marxists of the Democratic Left party - has failed to put a lid on the crisis.

And the issue driving support for Golden Dawn is clear: illegal migration.

Faced with virtually uncontrollable borders, the coalition government launched a roundup of migrants from the city streets, and has detained around 4,000 in makeshift camps. A further 3,000 have been deported.

A senior lawmaker in the ruling New Democracy party told me, back in June: "What will solve the Golden Dawn problem is getting an immigration policy. We haven't had one."

But the crackdown on immigration has not stopped Golden Dawn's rise. As the media have joined in - relentlessly identifying foreigners with crime - the far right's poll rating has increased.

Theodora Oikonomides, a journalist at the alternative radio network RadioBubble, who has covered the rise of Golden Dawn, voices a fear common to many:

"Golden Dawn's favourite themes, such as xenophobia, homophobia and anti-Semitism have now become part of Greek public discourse, whether at the political or at the social level.

"By failing to take action against Golden Dawn while nodding and winking to its electorate at every opportunity, the Greek politicians - who are now in power with the support of European partners - have opened a Pandora's box that will not close any time soon."

Political war

Last month, the Greek prime minister, Antonis Samaras, warned Europe that his country was on the edge of a Weimar Germany-style social collapse.

What I have seen on the streets of Athens convinces me this is not rhetoric. The situation is changing rapidly.

There is a violent far-right party, its MPs committing and inciting violence with impunity; a police force that cannot or will not prevent Golden Dawn from projecting uniformed force on the streets. And a middle class that feels increasingly powerless to turn the situation round.

When Angela Merkel came here last week, there were violent scenes and a total lockdown of the city. Only from the TV news can the German Chancellor have witnessed the impact of the EU-imposed austerity.

Well here is what it looks like to Golden Dawn's second in command, Ilias Panagiotaros.

In the garden outside his shop, protected by 15-foot high fencing and beefy colleagues in their black T-shirts, he tells me:

"Golden Dawn is at war with the political system and those who represent it, with the domestic and international bankers, we are at war with these invaders - immigrants.

"And if Syriza wins the next election, we will win the one after that. It is not a dream that within one, two or three years we will be the first political party."

And here is how it looks to Laertis Vassiliou, the theatre director whose play was shut down:

"If the European Commissioner for Human Rights, the European Parliament, the Greek parliament don't intervene in this situation I am afraid to think what's going to happen. Europe must do something if they don't want a revival of the Third Reich again."

Close up, in other words, the social and political outcome of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and EU (European Union) austerity programme, and of the implosion of mainstream politics in Greece, looks like a catastrophe for democracy.
The link's worth following for some of the video footage which is terrifying.
Let's bomb Russia!


QuoteThey praised Hitler, saying he was better than Stalin.
That's pretty faint "praise." Is Stalin like a national hero in Greece or something?
My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.

Richard Hakluyt

The austerity in Greece is the real thing, not the faux slight reduction in flabbiness taking place in the UK. They should be allowed to go bankrupt given that the alternative may be the collapse of the Greek state.


Quote from: Kleves on November 15, 2012, 12:41:03 PM
QuoteThey praised Hitler, saying he was better than Stalin.
That's pretty faint "praise." Is Stalin like a national hero in Greece or something?
I'm not sure.  He's probably seen more positively than in most places given that they had a very strong (and pretty successful) Communist insurgency during the war, but then after the civil war missed out on actually being ruled by the Communist party. 

Also I think the Greek Communist Party (which has collapsed in popularity, replaced by SYRIZA) is one of the only unreconstructed Communist parties in Europe.  They never became Eurocommunist and have always been very centralised and loyal to Moscow.  They've only just started any internal liberalisation, in 2009 they started analysing the collapse of the Soviet system for potential lessons for 21st century Communism :lol:
Let's bomb Russia!

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.

Admiral Yi

If the drugs they're administering are all donated, why is the network surreptitious?  :hmm:

Perhaps the charitable giving is off the five-fingered kind?