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Happy 9/11

Started by CountDeMoney, September 11, 2012, 07:10:26 AM

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QuoteAl-Qaeda affiliate's No. 2 leader reportedly killed in Yemen

The deputy leader of al-Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen was killed in an airstrike Monday, according to the Yemeni government, five years after he was released from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay in a failed attempt at rehabilitation.

Said Ali al-Shihri, a Saudi national and the deputy emir of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, and six other people were killed in a military operation in the southern Yemeni province of Hadramaut, the Yemeni Defense Ministry said in a brief statement.

Yemeni officials gave few details about how Shihri died, but the U.S. military and the CIA have intensified their campaign of drone attacks in Yemen this year.

The Associated Press reported that two senior U.S. officials in Washington had confirmed Shihri's death. His demise has been erroneously reported in the past, however, and other U.S. officials told The Washington Post that they were awaiting further evidence that Shihri was killed.

Shihri was captured in Afghanistan in December 2001 and spent nearly six years as a prisoner at Guantanamo. He was released to the custody of the Saudi government as part of a rehabilitation program for militants. In 2008, however, he decamped for Yemen and helped to revive al-Qaeda's organization there.

QuoteIn Yemen, tribal militias in a fierce battle with al-Qaeda wing

Jaar, Yemen — Abdul Latif al-Sayid knows a lot about the al-Qaeda militants lurking in this tense southern town. He knows their tribes, knows their tactics. He knows because he used to be one of them. That's why they are trying to kill him.

So Sayid, the leader of a tribal militia fighting the Islamist extremists, moves from house to house every few days to throw off their informants. He travels only with trusted bodyguards and sleeps with a Kalashnikov rifle by his side. "Now, the war against al-Qaeda is more dangerous than before," said Sayid, a thin and bearded 31-year-old who has survived six attempts on his life, including an ambush over the weekend that killed one of his fighters.

A U.S.-backed offensive this summer by Yemen's military and tribal forces eviscerated al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terrorist network's branch in Yemen, in swaths of the country's south. But a shadowy conflict has followed, punctuated by suicide attacks, car bombings and assassinations in this strategic corner of the world near crucial oil shipping lanes.

It is a conflict fueled by tribal rivalries and spies, more intense than previous battles, on a landscape that the United States and its allies consider as important a front line as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Nearly every week, violence erupts in Jaar and other parts of southern Yemen, including the port city of Aden, targeting military and security complexes, high-profile generals and government ministers. Sayid's struggle reflects the jihadists' determination to remain a force in this region and the limitations of Yemen's new government and the Obama administration's counterterrorism strategy.

A rare visit by a Western journalist to Jaar, once the militants' main base and their laboratory to experiment with fundamentalist Islamist rule, revealed how deeply entrenched they remain in the city. Militant cells are actively working to undermine Yemen's weak government, even as U.S. and Yemeni officials declare progress in the fight against AQAP, as the al-Qaeda affiliate is known.

AQAP operatives killed in U.S. drone attacks are quickly replaced. In Jaar, the militants have declared war against the United States, generating sympathy and recruits from a population that has long opposed U.S. policies in the Middle East.

"They no longer fight face to face," Sayid said at an empty cement factory in the mountains outside Jaar. "They attack and they vanish, and it's difficult to track their locations. It's now a guerrilla conflict, just like what happened in Iraq."

Meanwhile, the U.S.-backed government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi is largely absent in Jaar, consumed by political turmoil and insecurity in the capital, Sanaa. No police or security forces patrol Jaar. Instead, the government has, in effect, outsourced the fight against AQAP. Maintaining law and order is in the hands of the Popular Resistance Committees, an assembly of ill-equipped tribesmen led by Sayid. They are now the militants' greatest foes.

"Al-Qaeda will use any means to kill them," said Ahmed al-Maisari, a former governor of Abyan province, which includes Jaar. "And Abdul Latif is their number-one target."

More than a year ago, the Islamist militants swept through Abyan. They took advantage of the political chaos unfolding in the wake of a populist revolt, an extension of the Arab Spring uprisings, which eventually ended the 33-year autocratic rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh this year.

The militants called themselves Ansar al-Sharia, or supporters of sharia, or Islamic law, but they operated under the umbrella of AQAP. They swiftly took over Zinjibar, the provincial capital, as well as Jaar and other towns, as Yemen's security units fled or were transferred to Sanaa to preserve Saleh's power.

Law, order under al-Qaeda

A sign at the entrance to the tall, brown-brick courthouse, which also served as the police station and jail under the militants, still reads: "The Islamic Emirate of Waqar."

It's the name the extremists gave to Jaar. And it was a clear indicator of their desire to create a place that foreign jihadists would use as a launchpad for attacks against the United States and its allies. AQAP has targeted the United States several times since 2009, including an attempt to bomb a Detroit-bound airliner and a plot to send parcel bombs on flights to the United States.

Saleh's reign was dominated by northerners, who largely ignored Jaar and other towns in the south. Lawlessness ruled Jaar, whose population grew to deeply resent the government. The militants came to this city of 100,000 in March 2011 and quickly restored order. They set up sharia courts and issued harsh punishments, including chopping off thieves' hands, in the name of a righteous Islam. Many residents here approved.

"When al-Qaeda was here, it was good," said Anwar Ali Sallam, 30, an employee in the electricity bureau. "There were no robberies. People treated each other in a decent way. No one would try to make problems."

The militants provided food to the poor, as well as free water and electricity. Many al-Qaeda fighters married into local families. And they used religion to gain support in this conservative Muslim region, where women wear black head-to-toe abayas. The militants woke up residents at dawn to pray and ordered shops closed during mosque prayers.

"They talked about religion in a friendly way until people felt comfortable with them," said Mohammed Muhsin Mohammed, 21, an unemployed laborer and avid soccer player.

But the militants, who included fighters from other Arab countries and Somalia, also issued many unpopular decrees, banning Arabic music, dance videos and any semblance of Western culture.

They ordered Mohammed and other soccer players to wear long pants instead of shorts, which they defined as inappropriate for a Muslim. Whenever a player scored a goal, his teammates and spectators were not allowed to shout in joy. Instead, they had to yell "Allahu Akbar" — God is great.

To lure recruits, the jihadists would declare through loudspeakers that they were fighting the United States and its allies, particularly Saudi Arabia.

"They would yell, 'America is controlled by the Jews,' and that Saleh's regime was a puppet of America," Sallam recalled.

Disillusioned by extremists

Sayid, too, was increasingly fed up with Saleh's government. So the devout father of two who produced honey for a living joined the militants. "I thought Ansar al-Sharia would improve our lives," he said.

But he soon became disillusioned with the group's brutality. Within months of leaving their imprint on Jaar, the militants began targeting anyone they suspected of being against them — and those who questioned their authority.

One of Sayid's cousins was accused of being a spy and executed in Jaar's main soccer field. That's when Sayid defected and started to recruit other tribesmen to turn against the militants.

In August 2011, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, a group of AQAP fighters attacked Sayid at his house. The firefight lasted the entire day, he said, and killed three of his lieutenants. But Sayid escaped the scene and fled Jaar.

Outside town, he and his fighters attacked AQAP supply lines and set up ambushes. Soon, other tribesmen joined him.

"Many locals wanted to fight al-Qaeda but were too afraid," said Mahjoub Numqi, one of Sayid's top lieutenants. Sayid "broke that barrier of fear."

Yemen's military and security forces were unable to dislodge the militants for months. But after Hadi took office in February, he ordered a major offensive, aided by U.S. trainers, advisers and intelligence, as well as airstrikes.

Sayid and his fighters joined the assault. In June, they attacked Jaar from the north as Yemeni military forces came from the west and south, driving the jihadists out of town. But since then, the militants have been striking back, targeting police stations and other government and military buildings. They killed the top military commander in southern Yemen later in June and launched an assault on the headquarters of the intelligence services in Aden last month, killing 20 soldiers and security guards.

In Jaar, the militants have focused on Sayid and his fighters — and they have no shortage of help from sympathetic tribes. "Al-Qaeda stayed in Jaar for more than a year," Sayid said. "It planted generations of supporters."

'We can't let go'

Last month, a man carrying a bomb in a thermos entered Sayid's family home in Jaar and detonated it during a funeral service for one of his men. The explosion killed two of Sayid's brothers and 46 of his fighters and injured scores. Two pieces of shrapnel pierced Sayid's back and neck.

Two days later, a suicide bomber tried to kill him again, raising concerns within his fold that AQAP had infiltrated the Popular Resistance Committees.

Sayid went into hiding.

Today, fear pervades the landscape. Graffiti still announce the jihadists' rule. Few women venture outside. And lawlessness appears to be seeping back in. The Popular Resistance Committees have arrested several car thieves and other robbers. But the sense of neglect by the new government is causing many to wonder whether life was better under the militants.

"Many people in Jaar want al-Qaeda to come back," said Sallam, the electricity bureau employee.

Sayid's fighters patrol the streets atop motorcycles, their Kalashnikovs hanging from their shoulders, or stand guard at checkpoints. They have no illusions about the risks. "Anyone can jump into a crowd and cry 'Allahu Akbar' and blow himself up," Numqi said.

In Zinjibar and other towns, buildings are shattered or pocked with holes from gunfire and mortar rounds. Streets are empty. Although some of the thousands of residents who fled the conflict have returned, many more have not.

Meanwhile, the fighters with the Popular Resistance Committees are facing numerous hurdles. Though they now receive a small monthly stipend from the government, Sayid said he has only one vehicle, and no medium-size weapons to combat AQAP. He has written to Hadi seeking more weapons and assistance, Sayid said. But with Hadi locked in a struggle for power with Saleh's family and loyalists in the military and government, Sayid said he doesn't expect much.

Abdulmajeed al-Salahi, an Abyan government official, gave another reason. Even though the government, he said, depends on Sayid's fighters to battle AQAP, it does not want to create a well-armed militia that could pose a threat in the future.

But for Sayid, "it's a life-or-death situation now. Whether the government supports us or not, we can't let go. We will fight until we die."


MSNBC is broadcasting NBC's 9/11 coverage in real time.

Ugh, I already saw it once before.  That was enough.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 11, 2012, 08:20:53 AM
MSNBC is broadcasting NBC's 9/11 coverage in real time.

Ugh, I already saw it once before.  That was enough.

Oh awful.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Rough day for me, it changed a lot for me and my family. It changed life for the nation and just about the whole world if you think about it.
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 11, 2012, 08:20:53 AM
MSNBC is broadcasting NBC's 9/11 coverage in real time.

Ugh, I already saw it once before.  That was enough.
Spoiler alert:  the next hour is going to be rough.


I really dread this day every year.  It is not like any of us who were alive at the time will ever forget it, it is the second most important event of my lifetime after the fall of the Soviet Bloc.  So being reminded of such a painful and awful thing I do not need to be reminded of drives me nuts.  But then I think of the younger generation and it is probably good for them to understand what happened if they were too young at the time.  Pity we do not have a November 9th day so we relive the Fall of the Berlin Wall every year.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: DGuller on September 11, 2012, 08:35:54 AM
Spoiler alert:  the next hour is going to be rough.

It's actually kind of spooky to watch it unfold again, with all the confusion and speculation as it all started coming together.

When Jim Miklaszewski broke into the coverage from the Pentagon about sensing an that was panic time.  Still gives shivers.


It's about time someone made a comedy abot 911.



"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


"There's two kinds of Muslims; there's Nation of Islam--black guys, and regular Muslims. And there's a difference. The Nation of Islam Muslims want to kill all the white people, and the other Muslims want to kill everyone else."


Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 11, 2012, 08:55:09 AM
"There's two kinds of Muslims; there's Nation of Islam--black guys, and regular Muslims. And there's a difference. The Nation of Islam Muslims want to kill all the white people, and the other Muslims want to kill everyone else."

The Nation is calling! :punk:
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: garbon on September 11, 2012, 09:00:42 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 11, 2012, 08:55:09 AM
"There's two kinds of Muslims; there's Nation of Islam--black guys, and regular Muslims. And there's a difference. The Nation of Islam Muslims want to kill all the white people, and the other Muslims want to kill everyone else."

The Nation is calling! :punk:
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 11, 2012, 08:20:53 AM
MSNBC is broadcasting NBC's 9/11 coverage in real time.

Ugh, I already saw it once before.  That was enough.

I'm hard pressed to think of anything I'd want to watch less than that.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Not to be forgotten on this days, one of America's allies:

Bin Laden raid doctor Shakil Afridi speaks out

28 minutes ago
Shakil Afridi described a regime of "perpetual torture" by the ISI
Death of Bin Laden

The Pakistani doctor involved in the US search for Osama Bin Laden has been quoted as saying he was unaware of his role in the al-Qaeda chief's death.

Shakil Afridi reportedly told Fox News from jail in Peshawar that after the 2011 killing he had been kidnapped and tortured by Pakistani intelligence.

He also reportedly said the ISI agency regarded the US as its worst enemy.

But Dr Afridi's lawyer told the BBC he was not confident about the authenticity of the interview.

Samiullah Afridi said his client was kept under "very strict security", and was even prevented from seeing his family and lawyers for months at a time.

"How a journalist can set up an interview with him in jail is beyond my comprehension," the lawyer said.

Prison officials contacted by the BBC were taken by surprise by reports of the interview, but did not rule out that a phone could have been smuggled into his cell.

Rest of item here:

Not sure how authentic the interview might be, but he shouldn't be left to rot.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"