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Mario Monti

Started by Sheilbh, August 01, 2012, 10:36:33 AM

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Lovely little profile from the Guardian.  I really like the writing and it shows why, after Lord Mandelson, Monti's the best Commissioner Europe's ever had and that rarest of things, a convinced Italian liberal.  It also highlights the dangers after he steps down next year.  How weird it would be if in 2013 we end up with Merkel and Berlusconi running for re-election :lol:
QuoteMario Monti and Italy: after the carnival, the meagre diet of Lent
Italians might be bewildered by Monti's greyness, but they're also strangely proud to have a statesman in charge at last
Tobias Jones, Monday 30 July 2012 21.59 BST

Italian prime minister Mario Monti. Photograph: Mistrulli Luigi/Sipa/Rex Featues

For almost nine months now, Italians have been trying to figure out what makes their new prime minister, Mario Monti, tick. With his predecessor, Silvio Berlusconi, it was easy. Berlusconi liked a good time, he was the carnal clown who loved parties and crowds. Now the excesses of the carnival have given way to the meagre diet of Lent and the country is struggling to understand the new man in charge. This is someone so far removed from the demagoguery of the last 20 years that he keeps even the name of his pet dog private.

Monti was (like Mario Draghi, the Italian president of the European Central Bank) educated by Jesuits. He is, according to his biographer, Claudio Bernieri, "a cast-iron Catholic", a man considered so religiously and economically orthodox that his office at Milan's prestigious Bocconi university was nicknamed "the tabernacle". He seems to live by Ignatius of Loyola's dictum suaviter in modo, fortiter in re: gentle in manner, strong in deed. Although courteous and suave, he's also an inflexible man of principle, dedicated to balanced budgets and the dismantling of cartels, be they unions, corporations or criminals. This is the man who, as European competition commissioner, was responsible for Microsoft being fined a record €497m, earning him the predictable nickname Supermario.

That unexpected toughness comes from the certainty that he feels as an economics professor of international renown. There's even a sartorial rigidity about him. At a conference in Idaho, when world leaders took off jackets and ties, Monti could only bring himself to remove the latter. Journalists talk of his alterigia, his haughtiness, and he has an understated humour that reveals a rock-hard self-confidence. When Berlusconi boasted that he could "unplug" Monti whenever he wanted, Monti quietly said "I'm not an electrical appliance". For decades politicians have sucked up to Bruno Vespa, host of a long-running political chatshow. In reply to one of Vespa's disdainful questions, Monti simply said, "If you'll allow me, I'm not here to please you." His chilling replies to frothing Northern League politicians – shutting them up with lethal quips – have become legendary.

That's perhaps why Monti seems so un-Italian to his countrymen. They say that his humour – calm but cutting – makes him appear very English.
His father was born in Argentina. He always wears a loden cape, the uniform the Milan elite borrow from Austria. He studied for years at Yale (under economist James Tobin) and spent almost 10 years in Brussels. He's taken to heart that other Jesuit saying, totus mundus nostra habitatio fit: make the whole world your home. Dispassionate and cosmopolitan, Monti appears a world away from the excitable provincialism of his predecessor.

That, perhaps, is the greatest effect he has had: to throw into sharp relief the dismal calibre of the Italian political class. Unlike them, Monti appears completely unattached to the poltrona, the armchair of power. He has said that he intends to leave his post in 2013. He has renounced his prime ministerial salary. And a large part of his appeal is that he seems to share his compatriots' disdain for politicians: he likes to quote Alcide De Gasperi's dictum that "a politician looks to the next elections; a statesman to the next generation". Many Italians might be bewildered by Monti's grey, rigid presence, but they're strangely proud to have, at last, a statesman in charge.

That's why there's no queasiness, as there would be in Britain, about an unelected PM. And that's why there have been so few protests in Italy compared with Spain and Greece: Italians certainly don't like the medicine, but they trust the doctor far more than the other quacks in parliament. They trust his team, too. When one of his ministers openly wept introducing austerity measures, it revealed humanity and empathy. It might be over-optimistic, but one of the effects of Monti's rule might be not only an improvement in the economy but, just possibly, an improvement in political discourse.

Despite that, there have been criticisms and, as usual, conspiracy theories. The fact that Monti has been the chairman of the Bruegel thinktank, European chairman of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the Bilderberg Group, a founder member of the Spinelli Group and an adviser to Goldman Sachs and Coca-Cola and Fiat (to name just ), suggests to many Italians that he's a privileged elitist who mixes more with vested interests than the man on the street. His property portfolio, while paltry compared to Berlusconi's, is still enviable: he owns 10 flats, three shops, two warehouses and an office. He has denied rumours that he's a mason, but even the rumour reinforces the idea that Monti might be part of a cartel himself.

There have been the stirrings of a backlash. His supposed saintliness has been parodied in a collection of quips under the title Monti Made Chuck Norris Pay VAT. "When you pass Monti a Bible," goes one gag, "he signs it." Or else "Monti is so diplomatic that he sucks your blood using cutlery". There was a drinks advert recently in which monkeys were wondering where to buy a house, whether at the sea (al mare) or in the mountains (the monti). The monkey looks at the camera and sighs: "Let's go to the sea, to the monti no." It was a subtle sign that the country is still hoping that leisure and excitement will replace austerity and exertion. A popular accounting book has recently gone on sale with cartoonish Monti on the cover complete with voodoo needles stuck in him.

That backlash is also because Monti has, as promised, started taking on the cartels. Politicians in Italy have been talking for a generation about abolishing the costly provinces; about reforming article 18 of the workers' statute; and about abolishing the pensione di anzianità (a pension claimable before you reach pensionable age). Within weeks of coming to power, Monti had started work on all three. He has sent tax inspectors into exclusive resorts such as Cortina d'Ampezzo. He's opened up the market for TV frequencies, thereby breaking the Rai-Mediaset duopoly. And he is taking on the protectionist tendencies of pharmacists, taxi-drivers, notaries and so on, with their bizarre licensing scams and minimum tariffs.

What will happen next year when Monti is due to step down? It seems very unlikely that such a monkish figure would ever want to enter the bear-pit of Italian politics. He might eventually replace Giorgio Napolitano as president of the republic or else centrists might persuade him to join a reinvented Christian Democrat coalition. But with Berlusconi already, predictably, making noises that he's ready for a comeback, Monti will certainly want to make sure another carnival doesn't undo his Lent diet.
Let's bomb Russia!


Damn he sounds like my kind of guy.  If only we had somebody like him in charge in the US.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Sheilbh on August 01, 2012, 10:36:33 AMHow weird it would be if in 2013 we end up with Merkel and Berlusconi running for re-election :lol:
Merkel?  :huh: She already said she'll run for reelection, but I am not sure what that has to do with Mario Monti.


Makes him sound a little like Harper.

He's not hugely personable, no matter how many sweater vests he might wear.  But he does seem to exude an aura of competence - like he's an adult in an adult's job.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.

The Larch

QuoteMonti was (like Mario Draghi, the Italian president of the European Central Bank) educated by Jesuits. He is, according to his biographer, Claudio Bernieri, "a cast-iron Catholic", a man considered so religiously and economically orthodox that his office at Milan's prestigious Bocconi university was nicknamed "the tabernacle". He seems to live by Ignatius of Loyola's dictum suaviter in modo, fortiter in re: gentle in manner, strong in deed.

CdM Jesuit sploogefest in 3...2...1...


Quote from: Zanza on August 01, 2012, 11:13:04 AM
Quote from: Sheilbh on August 01, 2012, 10:36:33 AMHow weird it would be if in 2013 we end up with Merkel and Berlusconi running for re-election :lol:
Merkel?  :huh: She already said she'll run for reelection, but I am not sure what that has to do with Mario Monti.
Monti's repeatedly said he won't run for office after his two year term ends and seems to want a return to private life. Berlusconi is hinting at a return (one former minister's response 'I just came. It's better than an orgasm) and possibly trying his hand at anti-Euro populism.

I just thought it'd be sadly funny if after two year's of Monti's good work we end up more or less where we were in 2011 with Merkel and Silvio back :lol:
Let's bomb Russia!


Frothing Northern League politicians :wub:

But I like this gentleman as well. Excellent! Fine news from Italy.
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'

Admiral Yi

Quote from: Sheilbh on August 02, 2012, 08:23:51 AM
I just thought it'd be sadly funny if after two year's of Monti's good work we end up more or less where we were in 2011 with Merkel and Silvio back :lol:

For a guy repeated several times that the crisis is not a morality play, you seem to have a marked preference for casting Merkel as the heavy of the drama.


I'll answer more fully in a bit. But how did my post there provoke that, rather than any of the posts where I've actually stated an opinion on Merkel? :lol:
Let's bomb Russia!

Admiral Yi

Quote from: Sheilbh on August 02, 2012, 10:02:07 AM
I'll answer more fully in a bit. But how did my post there provoke that, rather than any of the posts where I've actually stated an opinion on Merkel? :lol:

I responded frequently to your attacks on Merkel.  This thread is current, and the jab at Merkel was not very related to the thread theme.


I was in Brussels, doing antitrust law, when he was the antitrust commissioner, so he has always been a "big" figure in the EU. Lots of respect for the dude.


Incidentally, I think they are overplaying his Catholicism, at least publicly. He has been very visible in European politics for decades but I don't ever recall hearing anything from him even hinting at his religious stances. He is the ultimate technocrat (in the good sense).


My understanding is that he's always been very devout but is private about it. An old school Christian Democrat.

Still no time, Yi. But there was no jab intended in mentioning Merkel up there :mellow:
Let's bomb Russia!


Quote from: Lettow77 on August 02, 2012, 08:32:02 AM
Frothing Northern League politicians :wub:

But I like this gentleman as well. Excellent! Fine news from Italy.
You're supporting northern, urbanized, industrialized people against a southern, agricultural, hierarchical people? 
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


 Secession is always delicious, and southern italian culture is diseased.
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'