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WoW: MoP or Guild Wars 2

Started by Martinus, July 26, 2012, 02:19:51 AM

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Anyways, if anyone is going to be on the stress test, feel free to drop my character a line - the name is Duncan Montray.


I'll be on the US servers, so I don't think we can really talk.  I don't remember what my character name is in-game for the betas/stress.


Another Stress Test today from 2-3 pm EST.


Quote from: frunk on August 12, 2012, 07:43:09 AM
Another Stress Test today from 2-3 pm EST.

Yeah. Pity it's only one hour.


I played an elementalist a bit but prefer the playstyle of a guardian.

Here's he, Duncan Montray, defender of Divinity's Reach. :nerd:


With all the MoP changes I just noticed you can rename your pets in WoW now.  I now have a pet penguin named Peter North. :showoff:
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