ZERO percent of British muslims believe in tolerance for gays

Started by Martinus, May 09, 2009, 04:36:59 AM

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QuoteIn addition to learning European Muslims feel more isolated than those living in the U.S., a new Gallup Coexist Index survey from Mogahed and Mohamed Younis reveals temperaments about all those gay issues, like butt sex!
• In France, 78 per cent of the public said homosexual acts were "morally acceptable", while 35 per cent of Muslims agreed.
• In Germany, the ratio was 68 per cent of the public and 19 per cent of Muslims.
• In Britain, it was 58 per cent to zero. The margin of error was five percentage points in all cases.
For what it's worth, the study also found only three percent of British Muslims believe sex between unmarried men and women was moral. So maybe it's just the nuptial factor?
ALSO: "Although stereotypes of Muslims suggest support for honor killings, poll findings showed that French, German and British Muslims actually held similar opinions to that of the general public. Only three percent of French and German Muslims and two percent of British Muslims said honor killings were morally acceptable compared to one percent of the German and British non-Muslim publics."

Incidentally, this poll was also discussed in the paper version of this week's The Economist.

So more British muslims are willing to tolerate honor killings than homosexual acts. Gupta (if you are lurking here), show me where are the moderates that should not be deported back to their shitholes!


What do you suggest doing with the 42% of general public?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Quote from: katmai on May 09, 2009, 04:38:58 AM
What do you suggest doing with the 42% of general public?
We can't do anything about them... yet. :ph34r:


Quote from: Martinus on May 09, 2009, 04:36:59 AM
So more British muslims are willing to tolerate honor killings than homosexual acts. Gupta (if you are lurking here), show me where are the moderates that should not be deported back to their shitholes!
Have fun getting murdered.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


When I first saw the thread title, I thought it was 0% of British MUSEUMs believe in tolerance for gays  :blush:

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote  The sample size, though large in absolute terms (with 500 Muslims and 1000 non-Muslims surveyed in each country) is not large enough to eliminate a large margin of error (5% for the Muslim figures, 3% for the general public) so only the broadest pictures are trustworthy and some results, such as the 0% of British Muslims apparently tolerant of homosexual acts are not to be taken literally

in other words, Marty is a bigot. ban him.
humans were created in their own image


I think the question is a bit vague. What exactly is "morally acceptable"? More interesting would have been how many would consider it an affront hard enough to do something about it. Like "would it be acceptable to beat gays up"?


Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.

The Brain

Women want me. Men want to be with me.


In a recent survey it was revealed that 100% of slargoses worldwide believe in tolerance for homo bashing.


WTF is Europe broken?

America's Muslims aren't leaping with joy about homosexuality, but I can't imagine the percentage being this low based on the ones I know.


On the other hand, from the OP article, I was happy to see that a tiny percentage of Brit, French, German Muslims belive in honor killings, nearly the same as the non-Muslims polled.


Sample size too low, margin for error too high. Not a trustworthy poll. :contract:
Experience bij!

Phillip V

Raise their standard of living, education, and time in Britain, and their attitudes will change. No surprise here.