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Mount & Blade?

Started by The Brain, March 12, 2009, 01:07:28 PM

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Should I get Mount & Blade?

22 (66.7%)
2 (6.1%)
You should mount Jaron
9 (27.3%)

Total Members Voted: 33


Quote from: Faeelin on April 21, 2009, 08:13:15 PM
How are you taking castles with so few men?

:Embarrass:  Well i just took a look at my difficulty setting and they were set at the easiest settings...  i'm going to start over with a higher difficulty.

I do have to admit there is nothing better than seeing a King riding ahead of his troops... I make my troops wait and charge him, killing his horse and then him.  That and a cavalry charge against a line of infantry.... :cool:
Honey badger don't give a shit!


Oblivion got me in the mood for some mounted twitch combat. Started out as a horse archer, but turned to strategist, training farmers from the base level all the way up to knights. Nord warriors aren't that bad, either.


I've been playing some Native Expansion. I made a fairly decent archer character, which helps immensely in sieges. I also play with no heavy cavalry, with the exception of my companions, and up to a dozen mounted bowmen. Everything else are dismounted mercenaries - mostly archers - and my Swadian levies (also mostly archers).


Quote from: Iormlund on October 27, 2009, 09:03:02 AM
I've been playing some Native Expansion. I made a fairly decent archer character, which helps immensely in sieges. I also play with no heavy cavalry, with the exception of my companions, and up to a dozen mounted bowmen. Everything else are dismounted mercenaries - mostly archers - and my Swadian levies (also mostly archers).
Doesn't that get awfully boring though?
Any prospect of playing non cavalry is killed for me by just how long it takes to run across the battlefield to reach the enemy.


I've never gone across the battlefield to start a battle. I usually wait till the enemy comes to me. Being on foot can get silly if you have absolutely no cavalry to mop up a fleeing enemy, though. But I do have a few mounted men for that eventuality.

The thing is, heavy cavalry is so powerful it kind of kills the fun. So I wanted to try an infantry-dominated army. I've restarted now (which I do a lot). I'm going for a similar army, but based on Rhodoks. Tons of crossbows supported by a spear-wall. Halberdiers for the punch. And rescued peasants trained up to mercenary sergeants for the versatility (good with both crossbows and hand to hand weapons).
I've ditched the companion heavy cavalry. I've got usually less than half a dozen light cavalry at hand.

Main change though is I'm also on foot, with very high athletics and path finding and light armor (except on sieges).

I tend to wait till the last moment before giving the order to fire, which minimizes the amount of enemies on the loose I have to pursuit. Against lords I wait for the inevitable cavalry charge, which will never get past the spear-wall. Then I unleash the heavy infantry.
I'm fighting against Rhodoks, having conquered the Veluca region. It's a bit tricky because they are capable to tearing me to pieces with their crossbows and arbalests and being on foot I cannot run circles around them, so I tend to deploy somewhere that allows me to charge their infantry with mine with minimal exposure.


I really really want some dark ages action. The viking mod though it shows potential is very under developed though :(

Is anyone paying attention to mods these days? Any good new ones?


Quote from: Tyr on November 06, 2009, 10:38:55 AM
I really really want some dark ages action. The viking mod though it shows potential is very under developed though :(

Is anyone paying attention to mods these days? Any good new ones?

Depends on how new....

Prophecy of Pendor is a pretty good one; lots of fantasy elements though (but not extremely so)....,119.0.html

The Wedding Dance is a very well-constructed mod, with some good game concepts, and more of a linear plot built into it.  Though it's more known for it's pretty extreme, adult content however...,58995.0.html


Quote from: Tonitrus on November 07, 2009, 02:44:01 AM
Quote from: Tyr on November 06, 2009, 10:38:55 AM
I really really want some dark ages action. The viking mod though it shows potential is very under developed though :(

Is anyone paying attention to mods these days? Any good new ones?

Depends on how new....

Prophecy of Pendor is a pretty good one; lots of fantasy elements though (but not extremely so)....,119.0.html
I DLed that today. Getting jumped by the snake cult was fun. Reminds me of the Dark Knights back in the days. Imperial legionaires were just as bad as old school Sea Raiders, with their massive pila throwing.


Mount and Blade Warband MULTIPLAYER beta is now open for owners of M&B.  Just enter your cd key and download.  About 500 megs, am downloading now.  Seen some videos on youtube, it looks really fun.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


The prospect of multiplayer M&B just doesn't appeal to me at all.
I'd far rather see an improved SP game.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


Tried the multiplayer last night (I think you can't do anything else in this beta?). Was reasonably fun, though I suck at killing people. :Embarrass: Maybe we should found a Languish clan.


Okay, got the game, and immediately ran into a big problem:  the mounted movement uses the WASD system for horse heading, as in Oblivion (and ME2 for that matter).  To me, this is just Massive Oversteer Movement - tolerable in ME2 because you really didn't need precise steering and could wiggle a bit to get where you needed, but it made me walk in Oblivion.  Obviously, it is a non-starter for this game as well.

So, what I need is either (1) a mod where mounted warriors just don't factor (as in, say, Vikings or the like) or else a mod where the horse follows the mouse rather than being stered/oversteered by the A and D keys.  Saying "just lean to steer with A and D" doesn't help - I just spent 30 minutes trying, and it is as big a non-go as always.  Maybe I lack the fine motor skills, or whatever, but as soon as I concentrate on anything but steering, steering goes to hell.

Any ideas?
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Just lean to steer with A and D
Winner of THE grumbler point.