Finding a good web host

Started by Warspite, December 28, 2011, 08:15:03 AM

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Does anyone here have good advice on webhosting? Particularly, finding a good webhost? What kind of thing should I be looking for?

I'm setting up a website for a festival in the UK that will need an internet presence until end 2013. It will be published using WordPress, but otherwise be fairly simple: the people who will actually update the content and so on are not IT experts.

I have no idea what traffic will be, but it might spike considerably from time to time, especially when we possibly get into the national press.

The website won't need much file space, it will be limited to some images and then mostly news updates and event information.

A key criterion is modest cost; the festival is being run by a charity who don't have much money.

So I've done the obligatory Google search for hosting and pretty much every looks the same. But as ever web reviews are useless because only people who've had something go wrong write in, but all the positive reviews look suspiciously like shills, such is my cynical Balkan outlook.

Any advice?
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I've been using for many years now and it's been working fine. Whatever websites I host don't see a lot of traffic though, so can't say much about that. The control panel is very easy to use though.
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