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Weather WTF

Started by Martinus, July 03, 2011, 03:17:05 AM

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Very cold here this weekend, in the 20s F (-6) daytime, colder at night, though no snow on the way.


Quote from: KRonn on January 12, 2019, 08:54:55 PM
Very cold here this weekend, in the 20s F (-6) daytime, colder at night, though no snow on the way.

Good grief.

KRonn, resist the temptation to shovel the stuff when it arrives.  :D
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"

Admiral Yi

First heavy snow of the season.  Saw two cars in the ditch traveling down to my aunt's funeral.


The weather is constantly sunny at about 30 degrees Celsius here. Here being the Maledives.


We actually got some accumulating snow (for the first time this season) from the same storm Yi was talking about.  Melted by the afternoon though. :cool:
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Daises and dandelions have started growing in the grass over the last couple of days.  :hmm:
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: mongers on January 12, 2019, 09:34:02 PM
Quote from: KRonn on January 12, 2019, 08:54:55 PM
Very cold here this weekend, in the 20s F (-6) daytime, colder at night, though no snow on the way.

Good grief.

KRonn, resist the temptation to shovel the stuff when it arrives.  :D

Hehe, we did have a small snowstorm in November which gave us a couple inches and most of it washed away with rain and warmish temps.

However, I always keep in mind the 2014-2015 winter when we had little snow similar to this year, but got clobbered late January through early March with severe cold temsps and a record of over nice feet of snow! That was a helluva winter!


We have 5 to 8 inches. It's good sledding or snowball snow.  :)
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


We got about four inches of snow overnight, but it's been raining since before dawn. So now it's a few inches of wet, heavy snow. Waiting a bit before going out to clear it, let the rain melt some away, but I'll use my snow blower to clear the end of the driveway. Last time we had a similar wet snow, in November, it was less than what we have now.I cleared it manually but it was tough going, and I worried that I'd hurt myself. Ah, to be young again when this was more like a work out and I didn't worry about heart attacks and whatever else. I still do ok but do realize that common sense dictates that I take it easier when I can.  :)


Sheesh, this morning everything outside was frozen as temps were in the teens over night. Snow and then mostly sleet  yesterday and into the evening froze up. My car was covered in ice, all doors frozen even after running the engine via remote start for at least fifteen minutes. Had to use a flame thrower just to get just one door open. ;) 


The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Yeah, we had similar with wind chill, below zero. Also, temps have been in the single digits all day.


i'm cold and it took 1.5 hours to get to work today
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


It's pretty cold down here too.  A few degrees below freezing and it won't get above freezing till tomorrow.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on January 21, 2019, 03:40:01 PM
It's pretty cold down here too.  A few degrees below freezing and it won't get above freezing till tomorrow.

like minus 26 C here (-14 F)
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.