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World of Tanks

Started by Threviel, June 13, 2011, 06:05:24 AM

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Getting annoyed.  Bears preseason game kickoff is delayed due to lightning (fags), so trying to redeem my Tanks Day code & connection keeps timing out.  Fuckers.  Want to get my Daily Doubles with Premium so they're 3x instead of 2x...



Hey, by any chance do any of you guys go by the handle Whelms [SLR]?  The dude keeps sending me invites to the Training Room & Tank Company, but he never answers me when I (politely, believe it or not) ask him who he is & what he wants.  I'm starting to feel a little Stalked here & am about ready to Ignore his ass if it's not one of you guys...



I have been farming the JT heavily. I don't care if I can hate it's gameplay at times, and that the Jpz E-100 is ought to be the same shit tenfold, I will have that 170mm gun if that's the last thing I'll do in WoT. I am halfway the XP counting my free xp in, but less than halfway on credits. 6 millions WTF.

Anyways, now that my routine is back with the JT, I have good rounds with it. With 4 arties per side though, I just know that I won't last long, so I dont work myself up that much over it.

In general, with this tank, if you think you have set up far enough from the frontline, make sure to reverse back a bit more.

Also it is these kind of tanks where teamplay becomes painfully apparent (well, the lack of it especially). when I do abysmal, there are tons of arties, or lack of teamplay. Probably both.


LOL, Tier VII match on Ensk in my Hummel. 5 shots, 5 kills -- the bitch is that one of them was a total BS miss TK.  The kicker is that I've got A Blue Name now despite jacking out three enemies before the TK & another one after...



Quote from: C.C.R. on August 15, 2012, 10:39:45 AM
LOL, Tier VII match on Ensk in my Hummel. 5 shots, 5 kills -- the bitch is that one of them was a total BS miss TK.  The kicker is that I've got A Blue Name now despite jacking out three enemies before the TK & another one after...


OK, took me about four games to get rid of it.  Given the circumstances I wouldn't say that Justice Has Been Served, but It Is What It Is & it's over with...

On another note, what are all of your handles so that I can "Friend" you & stalk you when you are online?  I'm Doghouse_Riley...


Finally got the 128 for my Ferd this morning.  Couple of thoughts:

1) It's fairly fun.  Good pen, good damage, and ammo is VERY reasonably priced compared to the 105 ammo for the Jagdpanther.  Which brings me to:

2)  It really, really made me realize how out of fucking whack everything involved with the Jagdpanther's 105 really is.  Shitty pen, meh damage, and expensive as all fuck.  I can't believe I did as well with the Jagdpanther as what I did for as LONG as I did.  As soon as I finish grinding that fucker out to research the JPII (about 15k xp left) I'm selling that fucker outright & giving it's crew an Extended Vacation until I can afford a JPII...



If you already have a Ferd, why are you getting a JP2?
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


Quote from: Berkut on August 16, 2012, 02:45:42 PM
If you already have a Ferd, why are you getting a JP2?

Because that's what I really wanted in the first place, but those 3 million creds were burning a hole in my pocket & felt like doing Something with them at the time.

The mobility of the JPII would definitely fit my style more than the Ferd, plus since I have Tiger & 12.8 researched it would be fairly easy for me to squirrel away the 14.5k free xp for the suspension & fully upgrade the thing Out of the Box, allowing me to go on A Rampage (assuming that the thing handles comparably to the Jagdpanther, which is my understanding.  Hell, I'd be happy with just putting a 12.8 on a regular Jagdpanther & calling it a Tier VIII.  The only thing that stops me with that thing is the shitty pen & inevitably running up against a T34 or KV-5 30 seconds into a game)...



My SU-85B has been elite status for some time, but I still like driving it now and then (and the SU-85 isn't nearly as much fun so far). It has ridiculous punch for Tier IV, is quick and agile, and has almost no armor. But it's just fun to play if you know what you're doing. With 50 battles under its belt (not much, I know), I'm in the top 5% XP wise with this tank.

With the A-20 and T-34 (similar amount of battles) I'm only in the top 50% and 20% respectively.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


SU-85B is fun as hell.  Pulled a Top Gun with mine the other night with only 7 shots -- sure, three of them were arty, but spiking all three of the enemy arty in one battle was kind of cool on it's own...



LOL, just RageQuit my Ferd, sold it & my Jagdpanther & bought a Jagdpanther II.  Holy fucking shit, this thing is fun as balls.  Still need to grind out the suspension so that I can buy a Rammer, but so far I've got three solid kills (no garbage 1% mop ups) in three games, am making a profit & having fun -- which is ultimately what counts.  Just couldn't handle how slow the Ferd was anymore.  It rocked right up until you got spotted, then you spent the rest of your game life trying to (poorly) manuver away from enemy fire, only to die an expensive, lonely & pointless death.

This is what I wanted in the first place, but settled for the Ferd at the time because that's what there was.  Have a feeling that I'll be keeping this for awhile & not even bothering to buy a Jagdtiger.  Instead going to start focusing on moving up the American heavy tree.  Even bought myself a T2 today to start...



Quote from: Syt on August 20, 2012, 04:50:53 AM
My SU-85B has been elite status for some time, but I still like driving it now and then (and the SU-85 isn't nearly as much fun so far). It has ridiculous punch for Tier IV, is quick and agile, and has almost no armor. But it's just fun to play if you know what you're doing. With 50 battles under its belt (not much, I know), I'm in the top 5% XP wise with this tank.

With the A-20 and T-34 (similar amount of battles) I'm only in the top 50% and 20% respectively.

You are talking about these mastery badges? Or is there some way to see how you do on average compared to others?
Is SU-85B easier than SU-76. Have not been doing to well with that one...though sniping tanks might just not fit my style.


Yes, those little badges that pop up when you go to "Battle Performance" or whatever it's called at the top.

I thought the SU-76 was fun, but I liked the SU-85B a lot better. Its stock gun isn't too good, but it gets an awesome one down the tech tree. I also invested in binoculars, camo net and speedload thingy (I take those from tank to tank normally, when I upgrade), and have my crew focused on camo, loading and general performance ("Brothers in Arms").
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Have had like 10 battles in the Jagdpanzer E-100. The whinefest prepared me for how the tank is, and I could live with how highly situational it is (like the trollcannoned KV-2, I am finding it to be more of a city-dweller tank), what I can't bear, it is the 0 damage penetration hits.

Due to the long reload time, the slow maneuverability, and being spotted from miles due to the insanse size, every shot with this monster is an event in itself. Which is kind of okay, because when it does damage, it really DOES DAMAGE. Except when it's not. I can understand dings. Well, accept them, anyways, but when you get like 3 shots on an open-air map, and one dings, while two goes "penetration" and 0 damage (one on a frail ISU-152), you get frustrated.


well the key seems to be "not be left alone". I earned about 70k credits with it today, just to lose it all back in like 5 games. I just couldn't get into a team where I wasn't left alone to cover a flank against several opponents, or wasn't rushed to oblivion before I could leave base.