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Madden 2012 Class Action Litigation!

Started by CountDeMoney, April 11, 2011, 04:09:37 AM

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Got this notice from EASports:

U.S. District Court (N.D. Cal. - Oakland Div.)
Case No. 08-cv-02820 CW

If You Purchased Certain Electronic Arts Brand Football Video Games
Between January 1, 2005 to the Present
You May Be a Class Member.

Membership as a class member in the Electronic Arts Litigation is the result of a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Oakland Division (Case No. 08-cv-02820 CW).

What Is This Class Action About?
The class action lawsuit alleges violations of California's antitrust and consumer protection laws in connection with the sale of certain football video games. Plaintiffs, purchasers of Electronic Arts' football video games, claim that Defendant Electronic Arts entered into a series of exclusive licenses with the National Football League (NFL), National Football League Players' Association (NFLPA), National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), and Arena Football League (AFL), which Plaintiffs claim foreclosed competition in an alleged football video game market. Plaintiffs allege that this series of exclusive licenses caused customers who purchased certain football video games to be overcharged.

Defendant Electronic Arts has denied any liability and all allegations of misconduct. The Court has not decided whether the Defendants did anything wrong, and this Notice is not an expression of any opinion by the Court about the merits of any of the claims or defenses asserted by any party to this litigation.

Who Are Class Members?
The Class includes all persons who, during the period January 1, 2005 to the present, purchased the Madden NFL, NCAA Football, or Arena Football League brand video games published by Electronic Arts with a release date of January 1, 2005 to the present. Excluded from the class are purchasers of software for mobile devices, persons purchasing directly from Electronic Arts, persons purchasing used copies of the relevant football video games, and Electronic Arts' employees, officers, directors, legal representatives, and wholly or partly owned subsidiaries or affiliated companies.

What Should I Do? (Getting Further Information)
If you believe that you may be a class member (see above "Who Are Class Members"), you should get more detailed information about the class action and its potential effect on you and your rights. Further information can be obtained by going to the following website: Additional information about the lawsuit may be obtained from Plaintiffs' Counsel website at, or by calling Plaintiffs' Counsel at 1-206-623-7292.

To Remain a Class Member
If you are a class member and you do nothing, you will be bound by the court's rulings in the lawsuit, including any final Settlement or Judgment.

To Exclude Yourself from the Class
(Deadline to Request Exclusion: June 25, 2011)
If you are a class member and you want to exclude yourself from the class and keep your right to sue Defendant, you must take further action before June 25, 2011. By that date, you must request exclusion in writing to this address:
Electronic Arts Litigation Exclusion
P.O. Box 8090
San Rafael CA 94912-8090

Or submit a request for exclusion electronically at the following website:

For further information about excluding yourself from the class go to the following website:

Please do not telephone or address inquiries to the Court.
April 6, 2011. By Order of the U.S. District Court (N.D. Cal. - Oakland Div.).


I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Grey Fox

Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


I'd love to see the exclusive licenses ended, especially since the wrong company got the wrong sports when they happened.  2K's football game was much better than EA's and EA's baseball game was better than 2K.


I wish there was a class action about having to be on Live to access features you could play offline in previous versions. That pissed me off.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


This strikes me bizarre to launch as a class action lawsuit.  In what way are puchasers of Madden harmed?

If there was going to be an anti-trust lawsuit, you'd think EA's competitors would be the parties, not EA's customers.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 11:00:37 AM
This strikes me bizarre to launch as a class action lawsuit.  In what way are puchasers of Madden harmed?

If there was going to be an anti-trust lawsuit, you'd think EA's competitors would be the parties, not EA's customers.

You should read up on class actions a bit more.  Class actions brought on behalf of the ultimate consumer for alleged uncompetitive behaviour is both common and lucrative.  This is exactly the sort of thing class action legislation was designed to promote.  Individual claims that are quite small but in the aggregate become very large.