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Crusader Kings 2 Redux

Started by Martinus, March 21, 2011, 08:36:07 AM

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Beta patch released to deal with bugs from Charlemagne and its patch.

- Fixed OOS in multiplayer if all players did not have Charlemagne enabled.
- Muslims are now more likely to become decadent, especially dynasty members of larger realms.
- Fixed bug where the Straighten Up decision could be taken again after 7 days.
- Fixed bug where it was not possible to hand out viceroyalties after reloading the game.
- Resolved crash when opening war overview window in a revolt war.
- Fixed crash in law view when republics did not have all patrician slots filled.
- Fixed bug where the realm capital did not properly use the patrician elective law.
- Norse fleets can now travel through major rivers as intended.
- The Adopt Feudalism and Form Merchant Republic decisions are now divided into two part - one that is taken to adopt the new government form and upgrade the capital, and a second one that is taken to upgrade the remaining holdings.
- Fixed crash while hovering the call all allies button in observer.
- Tribals now properly get access to crown authority laws when they convert.
- Solved the CTD on Linux, no more need for -threads=1 workaround

- Elective Gavelkind: Fixed a bug where claims were not awarded correctly on kingdom split inheritance
- Optimized message logging in Release builds.
- Fixed a bug where looter armies just standing around would prevent peace Prestige loss for aggressive pagans
- AI: Rebalanced raid propensity. Rulers with Prestige loss on peace are now more aggressive
- AI: Tweaked Prepared Invasion propensity slightly
- AI: Less likely to answer calls to arms if busy raiding
- Fixed an issue with exiled characters' destination
- Added a revenge event for the sons of Lodbrok against Aella
- It is now possible to see all the laws of your lieges titles in the law view.
- Fixed exploit where the recently conquered modifier was not properly applied until the day after a holding was conquered.
- The opinion modifier for vassals for handing out viceroyalties are now only applied to feudal non viceroyals on duke-tier or higher.
- Fixed bug where the opinion modifier for handing out viceroyalties did not apply for viceroyals in the history files.
- The empty holdings modifier for garrison and levies are now calculated after the other modifier.
- Tribal holdings now get less taxes and levies if the province is of the wrong culture or religion.
- The opinion modifiers for being of the wrong religion is now increased for tribals against their liege.
- Right click now works on mac when using borderless.
- Family prestige no longer gives a bonus to vassal limit.
- The chronicle now closes when pressing escape.
- Fixed bug where the caliphate title could be given to vassals of the wrong religion, females and characters without the Sayyid or Mirza traits.
- Fixed bug where the 99% warscore cap was not properly applied in certain wars.
- Fixed bug where the AI did not end wars when at 100% warscore due to the recipient having previously declined a peace offer.
- Fixed bug where characters were not properly selected after loading a save if a character was selected before the save was loaded.
- Children created in ruler designer now properly counts as heirs to your titles.
- The decision to donate money to the knights templar now have its intended decision icon.
- Chronicle should now properly show birth of first son even if he has older sisters.
- Rare event that makes a vassal switch side between Charlemagne and Carloman should now work properly.
- Saxon Blood Court event no longer gives you the Crusader trait.
- Prepared Invasions are now enabled for Germanic Pagans with the start of the Viking Age.
- Added some more Celtic realm names to Britain.
- Several minor text fixes.
- Viking Age event is now fully compatible with old save games.
- Reworked system for Ramadan events. They will no longer pop in a bunch at the same time.
- Fixed DND-flag and pulled adventurers out of hiding while preparing for a war.
- Fixed Incorrect alpha for female muslim headgear fixed for the Early Eastern Clothing Pack DLC.
- Now allowed some more leeway with granting "contested titles" while involved in wars and civil wars
- Adventurers will no longer accept being invited to your court.
- It is no longer possible to use the succession changing factions against muslim lieges.
- Fixed bug where the characters in the era picker were unclickable after going back from custom game setup.
- Fixed bug where the pagan versions of Coat of Arms were not properly applied to custom created kingdoms and empires.
- Fixed inconsistencies in credits.
- Fixed bug where the same plot entry was shown twice in the plot view.
- Event spawned troops through the councillor jobs are now named Zealots, Raiders and Warriors.
- Various text fixes.
- Scottish culture event now properly converts province culture to Scottish.
- Added missing Romuva holy sites in early start dates.
- Cleaned up old tech system defines from defines.lua
- Adopt feudalism decision now require at least one in the Noble Customs technology.
- Found Merchant Republic decision now require at least one in the Trade Practices technology.
- It is no longer possible to form custom kingdoms when not being independent.
- The tribal councillor jobs no longer dissapear when having a regent.
- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.
- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some cases.
- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.
- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.
- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.
- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subjects stayed Zunist after being subjugated.
- Ireland is now tribal in 867.
- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding.
- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion modifiers.
- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses caused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.
- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.
- Khazar rulers can now receive Jewish exiles regardless of ruler religion.
- Christian rivals will no longer reconsider their rivalry against other Christians unless they recently switched religion to Christianity.
- Pagan feast events reworked and should no longer pop in bunches at the same date.
- Tweaked triggers for Russian and Scottish culture emergence events.
- Tweaked AI logic for liege converting to capital province culture in some cases.
- Moved/added new dynasties to several cultures.
- Changed some early characters in history files from Dutch to Frisian culture.
- Revised name lists for early East Slavs.
- Corrected a history database issue where some Saffarid and Kabul Shahi subjects stayed Zunist after being subjugated.
- Ireland is now tribal in 867.
- Reduced severity of effects of unused and angry tribal event troops disbanding.
- Hiding character going celibate now gives spouse and lovers intended opinion modifiers.
- Adapted some Charlemagne story event triggers to protect against weirdnesses caused by using the ruler designer on major story characters.
- Changed trigger for Irminsul event to make it more likely to happen.
- Fixed issues in CB logic that could result in viewing wrong tooltip
- Now custom kingdoms instantly dejure drift on formation, however only if the dejure kingdom/empire is not created and if you completly control the titles.
- Custom kingdoms now cost 300 wealth instead of scaled wealth
- Custom empires now cost 1000 wealth instead of scaled wealth

- Event spawned troops with an earmark can now be custom-named by using the earmark key and "_ARMY" or "_ARMY_OF" in the localization.
- Added define for first year to execute tech, used for optimization, needed for mods.

- Now norse_pagan does not convert to norse_pagan_reformed in converter
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


One thing I noticed when briefly trying a tribe last night - the event where your ruler gets married gives you either scaled gold (was 1.67) or non-scaled prestige (100). Makes that sort of a no-brainer given that prestige is important for tribal realms.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Been playing the Charlemagne expansion, tooling around with the Norse.

You have three different options for raising free regiments using your counsellors... but they tend to fuck off with your gold if you don't do the right thing with them, and the right thing isn't quite clear.

I've had 500 dudes fuck off due to my "effeminate avoidance of battle" or some such, right in the middle of an epic (for the time and place) clash of thousands. Kind of ironic.

Also, it's really hard to go raiding foreigners when nobody in your cultural region has any shipbuilding capacity and the value of your actual neighbours tend to hover around 1.0.

... and I kind of wish there was a way to have some influence on the outcome of gavelkind inheritance.



It's been a while since I played this, but has it always been the case that while Christians are bound to truces with Muslims (and suffer penalties if they break them) Muslims are not bound to truces with Christians or is this a bug of the current beta?

Or at least, this seems to be true of the Caliph I've loaded up as to check. I've got a truce with him but he can launch everything from a Jihad to a simple claim war without suffering a penalty against me. :glare:


And I've got a question about viceroys. Can they change the laws of the kingdom they're a viceroy of?
"Come grow old with me
The Best is yet to be
The last of life for which the first was made."


Quote from: Jacob on October 20, 2014, 01:09:48 PM
Been playing the Charlemagne expansion, tooling around with the Norse.

You have three different options for raising free regiments using your counsellors... but they tend to fuck off with your gold if you don't do the right thing with them, and the right thing isn't quite clear.

I've had 500 dudes fuck off due to my "effeminate avoidance of battle" or some such, right in the middle of an epic (for the time and place) clash of thousands. Kind of ironic.

Also, it's really hard to go raiding foreigners when nobody in your cultural region has any shipbuilding capacity and the value of your actual neighbours tend to hover around 1.0.

... and I kind of wish there was a way to have some influence on the outcome of gavelkind inheritance.

So... I think the answer to the zealous warriors is that you have to declare a holy war. The regular warriors require a war declaration, of any kind I think. As for the raiders, luckily there's an event in the early 800s that give all the Norse shipbuilding, so you can set off raiding. That doesn't help if you're playing the Saxons, but at least they'll tend to be right next to various Francia counties to plunder.


Been playing the Saxon's in the Charlemagne expansion, it's fun. Charlemagne declares war on me every couple of years and I have to run around until attrition gets him and then I can wipe out his armies.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: HVC on October 27, 2014, 08:59:18 PM
Been playing the Saxon's in the Charlemagne expansion, it's fun. Charlemagne declares war on me every couple of years and I have to run around until attrition gets him and then I can wipe out his armies.

Pretty easy to do with the Pagan attrition thing.  Man I hate that.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2014, 09:16:11 PM
Quote from: HVC on October 27, 2014, 08:59:18 PM
Been playing the Saxon's in the Charlemagne expansion, it's fun. Charlemagne declares war on me every couple of years and I have to run around until attrition gets him and then I can wipe out his armies.

Pretty easy to do with the Pagan attrition thing.  Man I hate that.
hey, he killed his brother, he deserves no mercy :P

and if it makes you feel any better I tried to take advantage of a Frankish civil was and got my ass kicked by my neighbour pagans when they ganged up on me
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: HVC on October 27, 2014, 08:59:18 PM
Been playing the Saxon's in the Charlemagne expansion, it's fun.

Am I the only one finding this typo ironic?  :D

Sophie Scholl

Stupid bug has been preventing me from playing.  Apparently the new early Eastern and Western portraits fuck everything up so all kinds of people are unselectable or viewable.  Argh.
"Everything that brought you here -- all the things that made you a prisoner of past sins -- they are gone. Forever and for good. So let the past go... and live."

"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."


Quote from: HVC on October 27, 2014, 09:49:01 PM
hey, he killed his brother, he deserves no mercy :P

and if it makes you feel any better I tried to take advantage of a Frankish civil was and got my ass kicked by my neighbour pagans when they ganged up on me

I am not mad at you I just hate that pagan attrition thing.  Oh it is fun when you are a pagan, you are practically invincible on defense.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on October 28, 2014, 02:22:02 PM
Quote from: HVC on October 27, 2014, 09:49:01 PM
hey, he killed his brother, he deserves no mercy :P

and if it makes you feel any better I tried to take advantage of a Frankish civil was and got my ass kicked by my neighbour pagans when they ganged up on me

I am not mad at you I just hate that pagan attrition thing.  Oh it is fun when you are a pagan, you are practically invincible on defense.

It seems in the Charlemagne thing the defense thing doesn't kick in for a while. I've got the first fifty years of so conquering various defensive pagans as Germanic pagans... but it does kick in eventually.


One thing I don't like, is as Saxony when I die the game auto creates The kingdom of Pomerania and gives it to a son, so my kingdom gets cut in half.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: HVC on October 29, 2014, 12:12:34 PM
One thing I don't like, is as Saxony when I die the game auto creates The kingdom of Pomerania and gives it to a son, so my kingdom gets cut in half.

That's the new gavelkind for you (though you only have yourself to blame for Pomerania). If a new Kingdom can be created for an heir, it does so. It does inspire a fair bit of fratricide immediately after succession, as you're usually your brother's heir.


Quote from: Jacob on October 29, 2014, 03:31:11 PM
Quote from: HVC on October 29, 2014, 12:12:34 PM
One thing I don't like, is as Saxony when I die the game auto creates The kingdom of Pomerania and gives it to a son, so my kingdom gets cut in half.

That's the new gavelkind for you (though you only have yourself to blame for Pomerania). If a new Kingdom can be created for an heir, it does so. It does inspire a fair bit of fratricide immediately after succession, as you're usually your brother's heir.

Yeah, I think that's a good thing. Sounds like it covers up the gamey route of trying to control a lot of territory but only having one major title so you can keep everything in realm.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.