PolitiFact, a watchdog website of American politics

Started by The Larch, March 22, 2010, 09:06:42 AM

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The Larch

I came across this site today via P'dox OT, and found it quite interesting. It's a watchdog website run by a Florida newspaper which won the Pulitzer last year for National Reporting. It was originally created for the 2008 Presidential Campaign, and has expanded after that, with local editions for Florida and Texas. They examine statements by politicians and pundits, and rate them on its truthfulness from "True" to "False", with "Pants on Fire" as a special category for blatant lies.  :lol: They also keep a scorecard of Obama's electoral promises and how they're being kept or not.

In case you're interested, the link is http://www.politifact.com/:)

Martim Silva

Quote from: The Larch on March 22, 2010, 09:06:42 AM
I came across this site today via P'dox OT, and found it quite interesting. It's a watchdog website run by a Florida newspaper which won the Pulitzer last year for National Reporting. It was originally created for the 2008 Presidential Campaign, and has expanded after that, with local editions for Florida and Texas. They examine statements by politicians and pundits, and rate them on its truthfulness from "True" to "False", with "Pants on Fire" as a special category for blatant lies.  :lol: They also keep a scorecard of Obama's electoral promises and how they're being kept or not.

The Truth-O-Meter was already done by CNN, but the site does make some interesting checks.

I'll add it to my bookmarks and refer to it from time to time.

Thanks  :)