What to buy this week: Silent Hunter 5 or BF Bad Company 2?

Started by Tamas, March 03, 2010, 04:40:10 AM

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I am torn: Silent Hunter 5 should be awesome, but I am very much in FPS mood and I played a LOT with the BF series.

BTW I read on wargamer (someone tried) that you do not need to be continously online for SH5, just for launch, and if you have no internet connection, your saved games go to your hard drive, and get uploaded when you launch the game the next time.


Hm that doesnt sound good about SH5:

QuoteIt is, by default, extremely arcadey. Which I guess is a good thing to get new players.

A lot of crew abilities are things like improving your torpedo's speed and damage (really?) and other things people expect as "skill upgrades" in a game.

Some of the arcade things I really like though, is being able to see where your free camera is in the world.  No more flying off into nowhere! The "plotting contact movement" thing is a little weird. Like, if you have a radio contact and start to plot a course it'll move a little ghost icon of the contact so you can see it's estimated course. I still like to use the old Intercept Plot though.

At first glance it seems a fun, but it's frustratingly different than SH3/4 so forget all you know or mod your keys


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Tamas on March 03, 2010, 04:48:02 AM
Hm that doesnt sound good about SH5:

QuoteIt is, by default, extremely arcadey. Which I guess is a good thing to get new players.

A lot of crew abilities are things like improving your torpedo's speed and damage (really?) and other things people expect as "skill upgrades" in a game.

Some of the arcade things I really like though, is being able to see where your free camera is in the world.  No more flying off into nowhere! The "plotting contact movement" thing is a little weird. Like, if you have a radio contact and start to plot a course it'll move a little ghost icon of the contact so you can see it's estimated course. I still like to use the old Intercept Plot though.

At first glance it seems a fun, but it's frustratingly different than SH3/4 so forget all you know or mod your keys

Well that sucks.


Grey Fox

Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


Quote from: Tamas on March 03, 2010, 04:48:02 AM
Hm that doesnt sound good about SH5:

Well then, that most likely solves that.

Looks like more TKing is in my future.


Quote from: Tamas on March 03, 2010, 04:40:10 AM
BTW I read on wargamer (someone tried) that you do not need to be continously online for SH5, just for launch, and if you have no internet connection, your saved games go to your hard drive, and get uploaded when you launch the game the next time.

Storing saved games on the internet?  Fuck that.


Quote from: Grey Fox on March 03, 2010, 06:51:01 AM
So, when you do get BC2. Tell us how it is?

If you give me a good free US proxy IP, I will buy it in a few hours :P Otherwise, Thursday or Friday night.

The Brain

BFBC2 is made right here in Stockholm. Make of this what you will.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: Tamas on March 03, 2010, 04:40:10 AM
I am torn: Silent Hunter 5 should be awesome, but I am very much in FPS mood and I played a LOT with the BF series.

BTW I read on wargamer (someone tried) that you do not need to be continously online for SH5, just for launch, and if you have no internet connection, your saved games go to your hard drive, and get uploaded when you launch the game the next time.

Have you answered Eric's Slium Infernum invite yet?  :rolleyes:
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on March 04, 2010, 12:18:00 AM
Quote from: Tamas on March 03, 2010, 04:40:10 AM
I am torn: Silent Hunter 5 should be awesome, but I am very much in FPS mood and I played a LOT with the BF series.

BTW I read on wargamer (someone tried) that you do not need to be continously online for SH5, just for launch, and if you have no internet connection, your saved games go to your hard drive, and get uploaded when you launch the game the next time.

Have you answered Eric's Slium Infernum invite yet?  :rolleyes:

Will do tonight :P


Aaaand the übersophisticated DRM of SH5 has been broken, there is a pirated version out  :lol:

In other corporate idiocy news, I have bought BFBC2 off Steam, preloaded it, and now sitting on my comp unplayable until Friday.

All the while not only EA has turned on European servers around the launchtime of the American version, but at least in Hungary, everyone who ordered a physical regular edition was playing it already on said servers yesterday. The Limited Edition guys were not playing only because EA made a delay in getting it to the Hungarian distributor.

Fucking retards.


Quote from: Tamas on March 04, 2010, 02:54:02 AM
Aaaand the übersophisticated DRM of SH5 has been broken, there is a pirated version out  :lol:


Obviously the version to get, even if you buy it, since the real one is hopelessly crippled


Ok someone please tell me that I can set heading like in the previous Silent Hunters (directly on the heading indicator thingie) and not only by deploying a waypoint on the minimap.

In general, its funky that I have to run from like the bridge to the periscope to aim, but why the hell must the interface be removed from everything submarinish?

And yellow exclamation marks to tell me about my mission? SERIOUSLY?!